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1 Geo. W. Weston, Who Are and Who May Be Slaves in the U. States 1 (1856)

handle is hein.slavery/wawmbslv0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


               By G010. It. WrE1TON.
   It balped once to 11tv wi&*r, in a rnilr~:td
 car, for tile hwk of other readime. io he (Iriv,.I to
 the study of the advertisements in the -i' .k--
 Iv Richmond (Va.) Enquirera. of February 21. 15..
 tht: adetsci        of rtmAwiv slaves wYere foitnd
 to bea numerous, and tbey de-,errv attention, as
 showrin~t of' what race the slaves at the South are
 made u p.
   0A. R. (IiI,',u~ns ad'vrist:3  Lucretia, as of a

   Hen rr Bowers advertises -31;ry Ann, as of

   Jon, ': chtlter advertise two runn.nvs', Bob
and Joe.' Of' Bo1, it is s:i id that be -a .s  a 'hlrk
      ora,,~~~~;O #,,,jlq6h' o it is Sa'id. ll~t 'he is
ab.out the som'e mlor, perh~aps. a liffo  h/. r.
       Ha:.~I& C.). advrrtie~~ti'a   do.'cril-ing
him as~ Irtying a     ~ c'c,,b;    ryd  id,-~A.
   WVm. rit v adverzims - W~iIhaiju, tl stcri4.d as
a ''di~r. /hr'nudo.
   T. H. .iiiOtb, jailor of (IarI.I-c ri1,i:3tY, adrer-
tis the committed rtma~~:1v       A ''d'~;Ailig tbukt

   E. 11. Siokuliv dvrti z., two r',iinwoIv., Lemu-
el Johnson and *$tn. lkintiuI Johinson is de-
licribtA' its a [(,!I blo~c.;clvic. The color of Sam
is not fIC.
  J. I '~ItLus i)avis a-Ircrtief's 11 (.to-:e, colot,

  A runavva iv from the II *iId plantalhiti, ': hInjor,
is dvicri bed 8of ;*yeo/(r-cd.1. color.
  E. F.,,ihtuite a~vrcrtisw Reuben  -as ofC black

  John J. Wartli advertises three runaways, ex-
hibiuiw,, it rt: tilar crad&tioii of' colors, as~ 170fjuuWB:
     1. lIv D~rtw,'a  a ,,.i alto.
  2.   Ai N.I.  rea t Macu k  Pngro.
  A rtiaav, -Phil. is advertised ais belonging
to the eitaiv of Win. (uicli. 11111 is spoken or as
   11''?., .d iump*ro is nearI, while, With c'yes blife,
   1-i Wtife car/ut q,j illi alo 5 foul 10 inr-hrs i ih,
)7'td ,flore 1111116 .u veate o/Id. It is tIc~I.-co h*e will cn-

deac,,or to mnake his way to 'a free Sidte, as he, coni
w.pier. ,,a.ifiur a tvAite Platt.
   Tlwv tire all the runaviatrs advertised in that
 paper.   The , v are sixteen ini numlwr, and in all
 tile v'i?1q v% lii a sin-It ec.'lption, the color is g~iv-
 en. This is common in all :-k(uthcru adv~rd,-
 meats or that cbil racdvr. It diles not soin to bL
 aisumed that a. iilve is black. buit if stuch is ibe
 iict, it is so stated. In the ad' *ikineals (jw-i
 above, the black color is rather the i.m-tI.Iioa than
 the rule.  Of tbe siximn riwa'w.ay,,         - -;I' Ior
 ;is the test of rare. not exceeding four vanhar
 been of pure AfriLtIaI stock. ati- one appeoiis no-,
 to have been distinguishable from iie puic Ciiax-
   The writer has I-ei~re him 0... Pa-i   Baluimore
 Sun, of July 31, 1856, which has six        ,Iri-
 mewis of ibis description.
   T. 13. Roberi~on adyerlizvs six r~funai givinag
 descriptions or IteigAit, &c., aud addiv,-, all tsr-
 dijflr.'i shades/C .y W.arA.
   %%')i. (oulijourn advertises  JaILIQ iUc.try,' as
 or ,Iurk 1rIICAaal roclor.
   Susan Goor advertises Robert, a cil'). cd 4t/i.
   Win. B. Hill advertises OCharles Sp.,. il-
 scribed its lI'A.
   Lawrenice Posey' Adverti~es ''Madisozz as of
   P. R. Edelen advertit-s Joe, ,is -a Jedt 7,pil-

   These $oiitliern advertisements, or which the
 writer bas niany belir.* in . a're Yerv aictite in
 their distinctions of col-c.   - ',lcw biad not aPil
 /.rcr,1coo;*' about the color c,!' ay, r  tbeI.; ze)~
 are Fnfinples.
   Itis not true, In Iniw, or in fact. that the con-lition
 of slaverY at the ,-utb, is confine~d to tile _1i hi'-i
 race.   Thuv principle of Aiii(riv.:z1 slaver  whieh
 distinguishes it from the s~i,%vr ofu patriarebial
Itimes, and from oriental Shi~ely a~t This datY, IS.
that where the mother is ceoslavcd, the c4iprii::-
follow tlhe conditivu of the mother. Tbj., Lei.j.
slaves, expuol of necessit 'y, to the unbridled I t~iz
of the uwhites, are maide the* instrumnents luIn ~
whom the (%t Lciiia nice is i u.i r red uce-I ;.t
condition of servitude.     The latra (.1 all /h.
Southern States, says the Richmond Enquirv.

Reproduced with permission from the University of Ilinois at Chicago

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