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Respublica versus Negro Betsey, et al. U.S. 469 (1789)

handle is hein.slavery/ussccases0070 and id is 1 raw text is: SUFRFjME COURT Of Pennfyl1ania.           469
BRYAN, Jufice:-As I agree entirely in the ,:pinions 7%:n by  1789-
the Chief 7ufice, Ior the realigns which lie has agried, I fall col-
tent myfeltwith generally declacing, that I thindk the judgment,
orr thefe records ought both to be reverfed.
BY THE COUR T:-Let the judgments of the Court below, on
both records, be fertafide.
RESPUBLICA       verfus Negro BETSEY, et al.
T     HIS was a Habeas Corpus ad fibjic.end,,n, which had been
:illowed by Mr. juf.iceBRYAN,, and, afterwcards, brought by
him before the Court. The cafe was twice argued ; firlt on the
29th of )une 1786, by Bradord, on behalf of Samuel .1oJre, who
claimed the negroesas his fervants, and by Lewis, in behalf of the
negroes ;- and a fecond time, in April term r 7o. by the fame coun-
fel lor the claimant, and by Ingerhil and F7,I/her for the dendants.
The Court havit!g heldthe matterunder atd'ifement till the prefent
tarm, the Judges delivered their opinions feparately, in thefollow-
ing.order; the Chief juflfice flating the circum-(tances of the caf,
and the arguments of the Counfel, in tire couriof his obfervations.
IE    A IN, C'hi1fVjuflice:-The negro Bey'y, for whom the Ha-
heas Csrpus idiied (and upon whofe fate, that of the two other ne-.
groes dtpends) was born before the zii of zA-rc, xTS, tj w:t,
in the year 1779. and her name, age, fe.; &z. were nor re,,iffered
in the office of z.e Clerk of the Peace of the county ofr, in
which the mafter, Samuel eAr'f2re, then inhabited, on, or before,
the irt oft r .Mvetber, 178o, agreeably to the direeions of the acof
Admbly, entitled,  An at for the gradual abolitioti of Slavery,
palled on the it of ;Mrch, 78o. See 2 Sate Laws 282.
The queftion, that is fibmifed to our conlideration upon thefe
faas- is, whetherthe negro can be held as a fervant nntil fheattains
t!e age of twent' e;--ht xcars? or, whether fhe is ':!:dl fr-c ?
On the part of the ma;ter, it hai been argued, that, although
by the fi.-th and tc:'h 1.dftions of the at of Alrembly, the owner,
or mailer, of any negro, or. -ulatto, fl-ve, or fzrvan for life, or
for thirty one yeirs, then within t:, State, ar hhi lawful atorney;
ought to caufe fuchi negro, or mulatto, to be regillered on, or be-
lore, the Ilt day of i't.ve-m-r 78o; yet, by the fmurth fcdion, it
is provided, that every nearo, or mulatto child, born within t1s
State, after the pafling of the a&, who, io caf'e the a,'I had not
paiFed, would have been born a fervant for thirty one years, for^
life, or a flave, thould be deermed a fervant until tire age of t.;%ety
eight years. It was urged all'b, that the Legiflature could not in-
tend a greater favor to negroes and mul:ittoes, born as flaves, or
fervants for life, or until the age of thirtyone years, befre the par:-
ing of that a&, than to thole Dorn at!.r; that the itdtt;ti:tz of the
Legillature is to govern in the confli udtion of this -a&, which, a'

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