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Respublica versus Sparhawk U.S. 357 (1788)

handle is hein.slavery/ussccases0069 and id is 1 raw text is: UXtMEM- Coukr of PennJy'lvania.;             357
YM'KEAN, Ch;f .7uftite.-J'ood is a writei of great authority,
Xnd frequently' cited with refpe&t in Jf'omi nfer- Hall.  In the cafe
before us, the execution has regularly itii ed, upon a judgment regu-
Iakly obtained; and although we thould certainly prote& fuitors,
witneffes, and jurors, from an arreft on mrjne prccefs, during their.
attendance upon the Court, and for a reafonabletime in coming and
going, yet no cafe has been fhewn, -Abich will jufifjy our interfer-
enoe to difcharge a ran taken in execution on the ground offuich a
lToteion. It is, indeed, the privilege of the Court that is infrin-
ad ;'and, it is difcretionary, to grant it on fome occafions, and to
refufe it up.on others.
S        BY. THE'COURT :-The prifoner muff be remandcd..
RiP UpUBLICA     verfus 'SPARHAWX.
T HIS was an appeal from the CsntptrjLler General's decifioN'
on the trial of which, by confent of the .dlorney Geuieial, 8par-
hawk was confidered -as Plaintiff.
I There was a verdict and judgment nifi for the Commonwealth,
when Ingerfol obtained a rule to fhew caufe why a n~w trial lhould
.iot be granted.
The cafe was this :-congress, perceiving that it was the intention
of the Briti/h army to pol&l I themfelves or Philadelphia, aud being
informed that contiderable depofits of pro'ifiuns &c. weret made in
that city, entered into'a refolution on the i ith.of April, 1777, that
 a Committee fhould'be appointed to examine into the truth, of
their information;. and, if it was found true, to take effectnal mena-
flires, in.conjun&ion v'ith the. Pennvflvania Board of War, to pre-
Vent fuch provilions.from falling into the hants of the enemry,
On the r3th 6f the fame month, the J'ennfyhlania Board of War,
in aid-of this refolution, addreffed a circular letter to a number of
citiieris in each ward of the city, requeIfing the'ti  to obtain from
wery family a return of the provifions &c. theil iii polreffion, and
the number of perfons that compofed the families refpc&ively, in or-
der that proper meanures night -be purfued for renovi g any innecef-
fary quantity of fipplies to a place of fecurity. At the fame time, it
was mentioned, that - this proceedingwas not intendedt to alter or
diveft the property in tae articles removed. but, on tile contrary,-
that the fame thould be -t all times liable t', the brder of the refpcc-
tive bwners, providedthey Were not expolid to be taken by the enie-
my-. .
That no precaution might -be omitted upon this (occafron, the
Pennfy[vani2 Board of War, on the fuccecding day, deirt'd General
&fuyler to preVent the introdution.of further hipplics, and to a'dopt
the moft eft&ual means for preventing the departure of the wtggn
which were then in the city, and for p ocuring as mz;:y moie as
Determined at S-utnury. N. P. on tfix:th of  r 7S*'S- beforg tkh
'Caizr Jus-rce, and Mr.  yf,'.j  Rusu.

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