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An Act to provide for the disposition of Sarah Ann and her infant children, persons of color in the county of Culpeper. 1857-1858 269 (1857)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0738 and id is 1 raw text is: PRIVILEGES, ETM.

devised by the lto Willinm Sonith of Ornnge county to Ella Newman, Mary
Comierly, Lucinda Connerly, Sarah Counerly end Emily Connerly, or either
of them  frec persons of' color), upon a proper bill to be filed for tile pnrpose
by the sad devisees, or either of them, to decree a sale of the lands, and to invest
the let proceeds of the sale thereof in other land witliout file limits of Virginia,
for tie use aud benefit of the suid devisees respectively, subject to the limitations
over ns specified by the will of the said Smith.
2. In the said stit till persons then living and interested in the said land under Who partes to
the said will, contitgently or otherwise, shall be made parties; nnd the decree the suit.
rendered therein shell lie binding in like tanner upon all persons therettrier born
end becoming interested, by virtne of the will of said Smith, in the said devises,
as it will ie upon the parties to the said solt.
3, No decree shall he made authorizing such sale, nnless it shall be shown by Interest of all
the exitiniuation of' witnesses, that the interest of' ill persons directly or continl, parties to be
gently ititerested in such estate, or \who itay become so under tile lillitatiols proted.
contaited in the said will, will he promoted thereby.
4. This act sttll bIe i force froit its passage.                    Commencement
CHAt. 456.--An ACT to provide for the disposition of Strah Ann and her in.
fati childret, persons ofcolor in the conty of Culpeper.
Passed Mlarch % 1858.
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that the commonwealth's interest in Common
Sarah Ann antd her hifant cildhren, persons of color it tle county of Culpeper, wcnlth's right In
be ind tle satmte is hereby released to tile Colonization society of Virginia, tpon eleas e s
cOndiltn, however, that said persos be removed teyoId the litits o'r the ctit-e d
monweallh within twelve months from tile passage of this act, and shall be f'ee
when removed.
2. That Perry J. Egghorn, atd Albert Thomas, or either of them, Ie end are To be sold If not
hereby appoited commissioners, who shall sell [lte said persons, and payi tie removed.
prtceeds ie uch sale ito the state treasory, if saitd persons be tit removed be-
yond tlie Iillis of the co iiollowealti withi twelve t hoths frot the passage of
this act: provided, that said persons shll be sold to the same party, and shall be
sold to sotte resident in the comity f Culpeper.
3. The personal representative of Cyrts Fickhlin shall not ptiy to the said per. Net to reeive
sois, or either of them, or to the Colonization stciety, or to tny owners of said any portion of
personts, tny prt of ili estate of'sid Cyrus Ficlit deceased.        Cyrus F'icklh.'s
4, This tct shall he itt force frott its passage.                      Commencement
CUit'. ,157.-An ACT to extend the titite fir Mlary Nicholson atind Willliatu N.
lhtsted to apliy to the conty court of Norfolk conty for the correcion of
the assessment of' their lands untder tie act of 1856, for the reasscssment of
the ainds of tie commonwealth.
Passed March 4,1858.
1. Be it etacted ty tile general astsembly, that it shall ie lawttl for Mary enssesiment of
Nicholson ant] Willitti N. Holstead of the parish of' St. Bride's, in tle cointy Nicho1Fon's end
of Norfolk, within twelve ntondlis from the passage of this tict, ftid not after, to I,-Ateadz.l
apply to (lie county court of Norfolk to have the assestimet of their lands or authorized.
lots corrected.
2. Tilis net shall be in force from its passage.                       Commencement
Cntxe. 458,-An ACT releasing the coimnonwealth's right to certain money in
the ands of tie administrator of Jane Boughton deceased.
Passed March 15, 1858.
. Be it etacted hty tile geteral assettbly, titi, all the right, title atd claim Common.
whatsoever. which has accrted or niay accrtte to the cotnittonwetailth of Virgiiia, weatti's rilobt to
or to the presilent and directors of the Literary f'od, it or to any money in the  , rgeeas'
•  J  •.       ¢      landt released.
hatnds of Mntscoe Garnett of the couity of Essex, as adtuinisrahtr of Jan
Boughton deceased, he ajd tite same is hereby released to the heirs of 'Thoms
Boughton decoased; stvitg, however, to all persons other than tile comtint.
wealth and the president and directors of the Lilerary ftnid, any right, title or
iterest which they or any of thent ttight or would have lit and to the mttionuey
af'iresaid, or tiny part ,ilereof, as if' this act Ittd ntever passed.
2. This act shall be it force from its passage.                        Commencement
CtApt,. 49.-At ACT to nithrize the isstte of a grant to Jol  J. Allet or a
tract of' laud ii [arrison county, upon his making the aflidavit thereby pro.
Passed March 31,1858.
1. Be it enacted by Ilt general assembly, that tie register of the lantd office Register to Issue
be anl he is hereby required to issue a grant to John J. Allen for a tract of land a girnt for land
contaiing six hundred and itinety-six acr-s, surveyed for said Allen by the sttr. to J. Alto

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