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An Act to authorize the circuit court of Orange to decree the sale of the lands of the Connerlys (free persons of color) in said county. 1857-1858 268 (1857)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0737 and id is 1 raw text is: PRIVILEGES, ETC.

CIAP. 452.-An ACT authorizing til county court pf Faiquier to transfer the
jurisdiction of tile estate of Nimrod Mussio, an insane person, to the county
court of Warren.
Passed February 15, 1858.
Jurisdiction of  1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that the county court of Fauquhr
eaNimois hereby ,uthorized and required to direct one of its commissioners to state and
rom  remoueto settle tIle fiduciary accounts'of rhomas B. Masaic, who was appointed and
Warren county. qualified by the said court the committee of Niturod Massie, a  ilsao person,
within ninety days from tile passage of this act. So soon as tih said account
has been returned and confirmed by the said court, the said court sditdi certify a
copy of tile same to the county court of Warren county. Whereupon, juris.
ditimu over the said fiduciary shall be transferred from tile county court or
Fauquier to the county court or Warren; and it shall be the dtty of the said
committee hereafter to settle his fiduciary account before the county court of
Warren county, as is provided by law in regard to all fiduciaries.
Securities to  2. Provided, that nothing it this act coitained shiall be constroed to affect in
bond of conmlit aity way the rights and liabilities of tile securities upoin the official bonid of said
tee not atlected Thomas B. Massie as comittee of Nimtirod Miassie, nor alter or change any pro.
boreby.      vision of the existing laws touching the duties and responsibilities of the said
Cn.tp. 43.3-An ACT allowing til  original will of Mary A. Arutistead to be
removed from tile clerk's oflice of tie liustings court of the city of Petersburg.
Passed February 4, 11338.
Authority      1. De it enacted by the general asseitibly, that tih clerk ofttho lustigs court
gronted wr  , of   city of ]oterstiurg be iund lie is hereby autthorized, tinder the direction
Mary Arlntstiad and with thie perlmission of the iustigs court of die city of Petersburg, to with.
from Petersburg. draw froi the records fi tile Iustings court of tile city of Petersburg tile origital
will of Mary A. Arnmistead, tnd to entrust the siame to th custody of the per.
sonal representalive or representatives of the said Mary A. Armistead, itt order
that ti t smte may be duly admitted to probat in the county of Gadsden iio the
state of Florida: provided, however, that the said personal representative or
representatives saltil, betbore reioving tile said iirigiial will, satisfy tile stid cotrt,
by entering into bond iii a sutlicient penalty, whi satisfactory security, to be alt.
p)roved by said court, coniditioted ti cause the said original will to lie restored
to the files of tile said ltistitigs court of the city of Petersburg, after the saime
sliall have been admitted to probat in tie said county of Gadsden, in the state
of Fhrida.
Commencement   2. This act shall be in force from its passage.
CHAP. 454.-Au ACT relinqiitishing any claim of the commonwealth to tile
estate of Margaret Shayer, bequeathed to the poor children of Staunton.
Passed January 19,1858.
Preamble.      Whereas Margaret Shayer, by ier hat will, admitted to record by tihe coulty
court of Aug ima at its Jtne term otie thousand eight hundred and thirty-one,
beqieatheil, aifter certain other specific legacies, tile suim of two hutdred dollars
for tile support and educatioi of orphans and por children within the corpora-
tion of Staunton, and till the reside of leir estate to be appropriated to such
clharitable objects and institutions belonging exclusively to the corporation of
Staunt  , as her executors should deem  proper: and whereas it is represented
that sitnce tile probet of said will tier executors have applied tlhn atnual proceeds
of said residue to the support and edticaitioi of the orphatui atiul poor cliildron
in Staultil until recently, %hen i a douitt has arriseit s to the legal sificiency of
tle leqtnest-; in which event, and tile fiitlure of legal heirs thereto, the said pro.
perty nimy becounie derelict, and escielut to the Literary fund o)'the stlate : therelore,
Common.         1. Be it enateimd by the general assemtbly, Iltat all right, title or.claiil which
wcalth'i title to ilie comuonwealth has or iay have to the uforesaid estate of Margaret Stayer
Margaret Say' deceased, as derelict property, or otherwise, be and is hereby reliiquinsed, iuid
er's efitato re-
leased.      gratited fully and effelctually to suich trlsteoe and his successors, as .8ua  he ip-
pointed by the circuit court of Augusta, to he by such trustee appropriated
and applied, under tie direction or the saitt court, towards tie educatiot of
orpliins ad other poor children resident within ilia corporation of Stauntou.
Commencement   2. This act shalt be in force from its passiago.
CilAi. 455.-An ACT to authorize the circiit court of Ornngo to decree the
sale of the lands of lte Connerlys (free persons of color) in said county.
Passed March 5, 1858.
Mands devtsed to  1. Be it enacted by the general ssemtbly, that it shell be lawful for the circtit
Connertys to bo court of Orange coutty, if it shall deem it conducive to the interest of ill par-
stt mnd reti.  ties concerned, as well those having a vested as t contingent interest in ilia lunds

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