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An Act to amend an act incorporating the town of Harrisonburg in the county of Rockingham, and to extend the corporate limits of the same. 1857-1858 191 (1857)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0735 and id is 1 raw text is: TOWNS.

Tiscavora creek and the Baltimore anil Ohio rail road, and known upon
tile general plian of the said town iis lots numhers one hundred ind live,
olla Indred nid six and one Iundred and eighty-bix, belonging to Jo-
seph C. Rawlis, shall hereaifter te excluded fron tile corporate linmits
of iihe3 sail town : provided, that notlthing il this act contained shall be
construed to aflct the iowe rs of the Cexxilixixn coincil to extend tile
liits (if the said town iii the nnaenr now prescribed by law.
2. This act shall be i force fxont its passage.                  Comnienccment
CuiA. 286.-An ACT to amend anid ro .nxct lxlt ,dt incorporating the town of
Iledgosvilxi in the counly of ierltey.
Passed Felmrutry V2., 1858.
1. 11 it enacted by the geneiral asseilhly. tiut tixe second section ofActs It53-4.
til act entitlxd aui act incorporahtig the town of Iledgesville il tile
counlxxx ty xf Berkeicy, iassed Mar irst, cighix  hunidred aid fity-fouir,
is Iorey amended and re-enacted so as to read is fillows
2 2. The officers of said town shall consist of it mayor titd seven Othears of town.
trustees, who siall compose the couxcil, fitr of whom call act, and it
sigellix , who shall hold their oil Cii fox' one year, xnd until their site-
cessers shall be elected.
2. This act shall le in force from its passage.                   Commencement
CIxAx'. Q87.-A ACT to xlinxird an act incorporiting fil town of Tarrisonburg
ill xIli  conlity  of fl.ocltixgi ln, anxd to extend  ti  corlrate limits of ti lt saie.
Pxitaied February 21, 1@;8.
1. Be it enacted iy tile geicral assembly, that the first, third, fourth, Act IIe-9.
fifth axid sixth sections of tle act passed Maxrch sixteenth, eighteen hul-
dred ad forty.ilie, entitled xxil act to incorporato t ie town of Hlarrison-
ill-,,g it) the county of Rlooiciliamxi, he ameded  xid re-coxacted so its
to read as follows :
§ 1. That so xnuch land, together i wih the implovemelts thoreon, Boinidires of
as is ixiciuded within the foill ving deserilbed boxxhary lines, to wit:  ii 
Bi eginning oil the west side of the lHarrisoniurg and \xx iinn  xiings tuin
pike, south fifty degre'es, west eight poles I'rol tile southwest coixier xxf
tile toll-gate-houiso ; thence south sevexty-three degreex  east oe lunx-
ired axilix lcty poles, including A. lioierger's alloy, to a stake in
leury Otts' ixd Doctor Newman's liue, ner ile top of the Red I ll;
thence north c leve and it half degrees, oil st u ndred x ii d sixteen
plxixs, crossing tile ]oekihghian torpike to A. C. Bri xxx's fence0, north
sOvOety-two aid a half degrees, west twelve poles to the cornier of Fer-
diiail Way's lot; tlence with Way's aid ].riani's linxe north elove l atiid
it ixaif degrees, cast twenty-one poes; theiec xorti sevety-nixe and1([ it
lialf degrees, west forty poles to Elizaleth street; thene  xo'rth xixle-
teen degrees, cast thirty-three poles to A. C. Brian's gate; thence north
thirty-two degrecs, east one hatxlred in1d twexity-lxiii  poles, ex'Ossi xx
said Bril's field, iid. with Robert G rly's liine to Philip Liggett's fenice
thence nxolrth sixty-soven degrees, west xlne liltxxdred axxxm two poles, cioss-
ing tile Crat'er road ; thence south tweotay-thiree degrees, west fifty-two
poleil to tile eist enxd of David Jones' barnx ; thenec solith thirty degrees,
west twelve ir'lics to tihe cast cud of said Joxes' sprixig-ixous, ivith iis
Yard fenxco to the fiold frxice, antxd with tile fich fenxxe sottixl xoe 'eln xxi it
ix xf degrees, west tweity-oc i  x a lxxf ixoilies ; thce ritrh seventy-
nia xd a ilxixlf degrcs, west sixty-lin  poles to the tuxri of the road ;
theoc south tell aid three-q lrter degr'Cs, west Ole hitl'dried find sC-
renlxy-eight poles to the begixini    tie boundary lines of the town of
l, § 2. That en the last Saturday in March, axxd axiinally thereifter, Council, how
the free white itle iniiiabitaits of said tow, twellty-oxe yo1rs of  e c.o.d  d
wil have hxeen residenft twelve mouths, and who shall have actually
paid tilx tiaxes which may have Ixeen assessed agailst them, siall asseln-
IWe at the court-housc of tile cointy of R xekinghan, it[d shall the l Sid
there elect seven persons, who shall be dcixoninated a ceuxcil, and oue

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