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An Act to amend the charter of the city of Alexandria. 1857-1858 176 (1857)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0734 and id is 1 raw text is: TOWNS.

tion  and provided further, that the suhecription herehy authorized
shall Ihe paid by tile city o' town aforesaid, as the case inny he, in the
speCio arising from the sale of he eods issued under the provisions of
this act; and in no event shall the same ho paid ill the honids of the
town or city aforesaid. But nothing heroin contained slhall ptroveit the
said coit ilci fromt receiving, for the use of the said town or city, the
dividends that iiiay he declared hy said bank oin said shares, while thus
hypothecated, so long as no default be niade in the payimuent of interest
oil said bods.
Commencement   2. This act shall be in force from its passage.
CbHAP. 268.-An ACT exempting tle firinien or the town of Portiaouth from
service 101 jurie.q.
'assoed March :1, 1858.
Firemen of     1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that the firomen of the
Portsmouth  firo departineut of' te towu Of Portsnuth, reglilarly ontol'led ti a diS-
eximpt froin
jury service.  charging their duties its sch, shall, during such service, be exOnipt
from serving on juries in ainy of the courts of this state.
Commencement   2. This act shall Ite iu foree froni its passage.
CitAli. 2639.-An ACT authoririlg tile town of Portsmoutl to issall coupon
Passed February 26, 1858.
Preamble.      Whereas it is represented to the general assembly, that the outstnd-
ing debts tf tile town of l'ortsmouti, for which silo issuedl her serip,
are past ite, and said scrip is ti1w payitlO oil denand : And whereas
tle atilthI Iitics Of said tow ii ar desi rous to issueo CO tIl)OI bods, so is to
rutire aid pay said scrip : therefore,
City of Ports.  1. lie it enacted ly tile general assembly, that it shall le lawful for
mouth autho.  the Coniutil contitcil of lie town of Prltsilouth, or ill the event of saidi
rizced to issue
coupon bonds. tOUvii becomn g illcorltltteI as It city I)teroit tite priOvisiilus of this let
tire complied with 0 then the city of Portsmllo1tth, to isstle her Coluolll
btiiits f'tr it soo nit exceedilig two lllded thousadt dollars, iu stuns
of not less ilian  oe hundred dlla's each, and hearillg interest at the
rate ofl' six per centom~l per a;lloollth payable seimi-altntnlly, and the(. lril.-
cipul payable at such tilt nd place1ias tle said commo  council shall
common council  2. ne common conlcil or said town, ori if incorporated, said city of
to levy taxes for  Portsumouth, alre aulhorized  to  levy, isA5ses allti collect stich  taxes its will
the pnyrnoelt of
said bonds.  he iecessary i'lor payilg the ilnturest andl releini ig tile principtal f tiny
Coupon. hoids issued aitd negutiated tlider tile provisions of this [et.
Commencement   3. This tet shall I)0 in force 'riii its passage.
CiAi. 270.-An ACT to illmod the charter oif lte city of Alextndria.
Pased April 2, 18E.
Acts 1852.     1. Be it enacted hy tile general asseiibiy, that the seconid section or
the act to aliend tile chartur of Alexandria, passeol t tile seventh ltday
of 11ay cighteen lih l1d red aid fi fry-tw 1u,o amended ind ro-cuacted so
Rs to r-eald is foullows:
Wards of Alecx.  § 2. '.'lie towni of Alexantidiriat shall hereafter lie kiotlol nd called
ndri.      by tile name of Tile City uf Alexanidria; atd siall Ito divided intt fir
wards: Tilei irst ward  liull conm prise all that part of said Cily lyitg
east or the iniddle of Pitt street, llnd soitht of a line drawi frotll tie
river Potonac it) the middle o Pilt street, parallel to il equidistant
front Kig  land Priice streets. 'The seetlwl, Ivard shall Comprise ill that
part of said city l iig east of the mtiddle tf' Pitt street, and ntrth of the
said line between King and Prince stels. The tlhird Iward shall coiii-
prise all tit part of said city I)ing ivest of the middle (if Pitt street,
and north of it line drawi frin tile idhllo of Pitt street to tile weslern
limit of the city, parallel to and equtidistant firot  Kitg atld Prieo
streets. Alil tihe hittrth ward shall etil'ptiso all thut ipart of said city
lyilng sotiti and west of tile two list mentioted, lines, resiectively.
Wihe tiny house or it shall   te sitated partly iii two wards, it shall Ile
cousidered as lying ill that ward in whicll the greater part thereof shall

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