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An Act incorporating the town of Portsmouth as a city. 1857-1858 163 (1857)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0733 and id is 1 raw text is: TOWNS.

tie comticil may prescribe. And all vagratt, and idle, dititeult persoim, w'ithoutt Vagrants, &c. to
lleittli ei support, fIitd ini isid city, may, fly order or tile court or Itstigs ol'bticonfined.
the city, or itr tile ityor Ir othler justlice ftereort lie comlhtted to tile work-
lulisle fir a term  tlet exceedilug twelve Ioutltlts at a (litte, to he suppirted at tile
exietise ol' tie city int such mttannlter its the coitcil mully prescribe, aind to be etu-
pIlyed 1ii i1 e itatnner for tile tlertt if their colitielitetit.
1. Nithioig itt this act cotllaitted shll be taken to restrain or impair tie riglhts At notto impair
aid to wers coillt'erred oil tie concil  ly the charter of tile city.              powers of cole-
4. Tils act shall ie in rurce fron its pass  .                                   Cuitenc     ent
CtAr. 2 G5.-An ACT       ittcorpoitlig tile towit or Portsmouth as a city.
Passedt March 1, je,58.
1. Be it crtneted by the genteral asseotbly, tlat tile territory colttained within City of Ports.
tite litilits of tile towlt of ortsmuitlth, pieseribed by sutntdry tits of tie nisseitIly tiouttih ebtib-
herelo'iire passed, shall he deeied t   uld ailiketn as tile city ot Portsmolh ; amd iat8ed.
tie freeloldders, housekeepers llid ililittittt witltitt tite s aid litlt, itd their
Sllccesgrs, shall Ite atd they ttre Itereby made   Litidy politic itid eorltilerat, by
tile ltle attd style at' The City or l'ortst nuth ; uid is sitch, aid ty til t ulatoce, Corporaie Pow.
May coutiract itid bIe cottracted witht, site anld ie sued, plend tild be hipleiided, ero.
atstver atid lie atswered itieto ; nu: !itiy piircltase, take, receive, ioli itnd ise
goods attd chattels, leatds tid telm lIets, ind choaes it tctiu, or tity interest,
right or estate the rein, either kir tlte proper  se or tile said city, or ill trlst fir
the hotelit of' iuy Ipersots otr   ssockiaititts therin; aitd the sloni tttay grtilt,
sell, convey, trtlsiir iitid assigit, lit, pledge, ilorl ilge, clitrgtl d eittmer. inl
ittly case tilti iii iilty innitler iii whicih it would he htwliv l I'tor a privite individiual
sti t i do  iitid tuily ItcVC Itd use Ii Cii111llo  seal, itl tlter ittid rentew  ie samte
lit pleasutre, titit  geterallty sis(ll iave all the rightsq, franchises, capiiitie tittd
llwers ipperiitiig  to  illoici)itl ctrporatioillnsitt this cio lliti'itllh.  Siaid
city   itttl itI itiabitlaiIt sitiill heucelbrit tie exetlllll rt fiill tt assit iets or levies Exempt from
it the wity of taxes imposed by tie couitty court oh' Norfolk for itty ptrposC cuunty tax,.
wihiaie ver.
). Thiere Flhill lie or tile said corpiratio t cotirt, which shall he called 1' the Coit or tust.
iirt ir hstig  for the city of Pirtsitioth ; nid the sam    lliill lie i ld ly lngs,biow organ.
the aldermtient if' fid city,  itortt  dir  i tioirore o' thci, exeelt werlter it k Ned.
tl rwise provided. 'lhe     ild c(lurt shall lie ield tilt the tirst 'ltesdiy if every Viirn court to
Itittlih, ort    l tch oilier daiyq ils Iully tie hiereiiter ptresaciied hy law. The tn ot,
Sit'ttaerly courts i tt said city hItill lie held ct the first '['itesrtny iil Jantiary, Aplril,
July itid Oitober ; tiiid the sergeulilt ot' Faid city shall itetld said cours with liis
de ililius, iitld siiimm   griitid jitniis ; Ittid saiid sergeclit  itd griiid jiiri  shall
picred itl like tiiilcr ill the sheritf. aid gratud juries of the cluity iviiirls.
3. Th-e said court shall have juirisdhciiu. ad the Iliyor itiid tlderlueti shltl ,lurisdiction of
eiich Iave tle 1 nir (if ti juistice (f' the Itie  withiit the said corliiirlil limtlt, the court.
auild every purl tiiereo', for iillters risilig wilhill the sueiit, accorditig It thit liaw
to Ie coinotitltweali, il the saule ililinier atd tii tite samttte e'ielt, ind iller
the saute ltws. rules iilid ru giutiott l it the ciilttv coitris if this cotileonwellh
iiw lave, i  tiit  flrotIliw s tiject to, or itt they mtliay herearter tiu or lilt suiject d
to Iiy law; iiiid nity liresetltiielnt imlie il mit court liy i lriuIlo jiury I'or ait
(illilte aglillst said laws commulitted witlthi Ilta jurislicilu thlereitl, tiy he pro.
spcitited int sait court ili like iiutuler, lid thei r like pricouiigs le iad thereoii iiti
iii the ciuiliiy coirts (i' ll!r ceiliiuoutweltio The iieitihiers ot' itfe said coirt if'
Ii tstitugsla ll c 4lisi  o' twelve itlr  tit diin t yor, tft vhoit, unttil the coutticil
shltl tulierwisit liricrihe, there shuill It , ix flor each ward.
4. h'lh(re sliill lie ii tiiiard tailld  itle ciuicil of the city of Por.trint itth ;' Council, how
which sliall ie couitipoiisedi of' twelve iitiibers, of whomu, until the countcil shall g1i iLizcd.
otherwise lrescribe, six shl[l tie for encI wird.                                             I
5. 'rlie coliiicil liiy grilit ctilitiisilion iiu it the fund.i of the city tio the colnpenlitton of
tit(r i ithe city aind the tieiiors of the ciilrt of tiitstii ,I 'liyor, &c.
6. All biids and writigs tibuligitiry, iir etitriicts wili, niiid  ll rights, clitits City tif Ports.
tull] deitiiiuidi hutr or igaiuiht the sIid city  t Piortsloiltlh, slt111  he good h i  ilw the litih tli ll fur
saille its tIy wutltl hive beet tir ir agiluist the siti tliWl ifi' llrisiittllh i' thid t t ' flt--
lit had nit Ieite iasseu i; iiid all persiual niid real estaute tiertctlire ciiliveyed It i tIjii.
the tuitli riiies of tile tiiwt of l'orlllilltl  il trust, (Jror thet isie, Ile ielit or ad.
viintlge of' atV persni or lasiiailiis. shall lie i  fiiilhe saiitun is hi'rtiy trails.
fitrretl itlil isd tvitul it lie city ef lortsmuthiill, to Ite held sitject to till th  tru.I t,
coildiits liiiilulil lations to whih it wuhi have beetn Stibject iii Ille piiisessioei
oat said itllftritiuts pirhir to the pilt seg iof thii act.
7. At all elcetionuis which shall tie hIeld ly itle voters of soid lcity, for tle e or. Qulitlcation of
pirato uii rhies thtereii, fite 'olliwiig  uersotlii shill he entitled It vote, viz: ut.rs,
All tree while male iiiltitits, beiig citizens ot the United Slt:l's, ilnd  tiilifted
by law Io vote tor tietttbers of tile geiteral assembly fr Virgliaim, who lire t'ree.
hlolders ut' lots or reul estato int sid city, whether improved or riot, atnd such

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