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An Act to amend the 4th section of chapter 103 of the Code, to prevent free negroes from acquiring slaves, except by descent. 1857-1858 46 (1857)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0728 and id is 1 raw text is: 4U                   EVIDENCE.-CONTINGENT ESTATES.-FREE NEGROES.
llights of credl. nil ihe force nod eflrct or copiesl of deeds recorded within two years, ihe period
tor slid pir. -  prescrihed its roreslid: provided, that ilnthilig in thl.s net shall lie eouiltriaed so
aerted,        as to tfl.let iahe riphis or credlitors filid sunsequettt purchasers without notice.
Commencement      2. This act hitall he in force frot its passage.
CHAP. 45 -Al ACT to dispense wihh proof ofr lhe        et or porlianenot to utho.
rize Deotny  lartii to take lhe tintoo of Fairfax lit ell suits t which title to aly
laid is derived frot Lord Firrx.
Pieteed April 7, 1858.
Preamble.         Whereas it 1.i represented ithia  geteral nssetihly, that great icllvellence is
expieriencel froti requliriiig inarlies ill sutit,;i il which title lie Iind is derivetl froin
Lord Fairflix, iii prove thl ea cof purliuiiiett oltlnirizittg  ttny Martii, it de.
visbe of L[rl Fiairlax, to take the itto if Fuirl'ix: tIhorifore,
Not neceiaary to  1. lie it eliied by tile genteral asseolhly, that ill fill suiti, either nt law or in
prove act ot'   equity, it which ti t Io illy hlatld it derived or so ught to be derived fri lii Lord
parlihment      Fairlx, thriiglt  the siiid Detity ?Arliai Fuirfitx, it shtl  not he neies ary, In
ehlft~gng Denny
fitart ua-nen a order It itike out it chailt l title, to irove tin act iif iirlihitnit ilures:id, bit
tile inte shall bit [remititell Itutu tiukm tO lie trait t tIoe inal  extiat its il' it pro.
pany r uttle~ltirieholy ioi said ict hald hea adduced ill evilelnce.
Commencement     '2. This act shlf be it force rron its passge.
Cur t'r. 46.-An ACT    to ntth(rize ila sle or estaie, sihject to aIi iuholion cron.
timigent upon th  lyillg ifr ally pursuit thoiut heir or heirs ti the body, or
childmeti or olspring or desceiidant or oter relative.
Pased March 15, 1858.
Contingent        1. Be it ennctled by the geeril asemaly, lht when any estiuto, real or per-
estate iay be   tnllI, is given Iby deed or will liti ity rir.ioo, sabject to n ithiIuaiumt liatlitigetit
sold by circuit  Iiii the dyillg fof ally lieroon withut heir or heirs fir tlie hiy, iir i,.iu il ilie
court.          body, a euii'dri., r olr.priig. or dl-cmiiuhint. fr nthtir relative, it shull lie Itwful
Who to be par. fur lima circuit ctttlts. f 1Ii f n till ftled hy the persout hilltug ti  etate s lujen:t i)
ties.           such hiinitaligittl il  lhca illl fil lmrsoli tlmeu livinig lioo cttoliigeti1ly ilitrnstled
shall ti Illaie detl'euulpluuts, to tlneree it stlo lit ch twist., real fir liureitimal, itld
t) iivesl lite araeted or if ale otder tim. decree of tIe tcourt, for tite lose fill(
hueneilit (or the liersit 41o hliilin  ilte etlite., suhlject il the lilifiiuuii it f tltel dedul
or will cretliug the etate: lorividitil., however, thut te ttil of tie pahiitil shall
set lthrilt lie 'cts whirh ill i4 oiitiliIt would justify the sitle eof the said estate;
to lie veritiel ty the i (davit aif thae iry.
interests or par.  2. Nei decree sluil lie earode iloriziitg silh sale. uniless it shaIll he shown, by
tfI to be beu.  tite  xilillullliulll of witlesse.., Iut tll, inlieret it' all Ipersis. directly tar ctoitilt.
filed.         gendy iiiteresled ill snch ehtte, %Vill Ile priuintted therehy; for saltl fifty siclh
decree lif tuaile, it' ihe deed oir will creitiug ulch eiutte foubids it.
Gutnrdlan nit     3. If tiere shall lt! fo illifut or illatil ifettllaint, li evevry s11ch; a giarilian
item to Iniials. al lieim sliull h tltoluitid. who, its will us the ilnfleut (if' uver fruurtell years nf
e.e). shtll itaiswer the till ni oath it itlIer persil.
Delpositloas      4. Nil dil Ititintl shall lie reaill ill he soit agiillst aty ifaltt or iimsitlo part),
take n inl presence uilims; it lie laieu in Itia pre.euco of the gimardiani ad litiit, or upimi ititerrogit.
of such guardhi lories iigreedl t ty hitt.
Decree binding    5. The itecree reludred ill such si sliill lie its Iiuuiulg ttpon ill persutut  who
o i perous boir maly lie birtn Ihitralfer tld becime iliritsltel il the  iid eslitte, ill like iitnnter
alter retitio.  aulli to the like exleuit .  i iit utt lit- pIties ito lui said suit.
Comtuecement     ti. Titis tct shill be itt force fri ut its patisge.
C    r. 47.-An ACT     to nleud tlie 4th1 sacion nir rlipter I03 t Ilia Code, to
prevent fre ulegroes froiit uclaquiriug sl:uves, except by descetit.
Pasised March .11, 1858.
Code, p. 458.     1. Be it ennrted hiy ihe genlierl ias inthly, tllat the fiio rth soctiott fir cht ler
oin hIliuiidred iind tiree e f tle Cede be re etiettd ind uieilded suo is to readits s
Free negrn not     1 § 4. No free tiegro sluill be caphlie or itcquiirillg, except hiy desceit, ally
to titii it sitavu  sllvel
but by desceiit.  2. This act shall be in rorce froI its piusstige.
CittP. 48.-An ACT to aiited liid ro enact ilate lst and 2d sectinsi o    nit aet
piissed 22d Mlay 1852, entitleliuft act disablitig aiy persuit coiicertted itl it duel
rot |iiilliittg oilica.
Passed Mlarch 15, 1858.
Acts 1852.        1. Be it etnried by tli g nnral tass mobly tif Virgini. that thn firl nni second
sectiotns of ti at passed oli the twenly-second day of May in ilte year eighteen

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