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An Act providing for the voluntary enslavement of Thomas Grayson, a free person of color of the county of Culpeper. 1855 278 (1855)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0721 and id is 1 raw text is: 278                              VOLUNTARY ENSLAVEMENT.
ChAt'. 43.-An ACT providing for tile voluntary enslavement or Thomas
Grayson, a free person of color of the county of Culpeper.
Pased January 31, 186.
ThomasOrayson  1. Be it enacted by the general asillnbly, that it srall Ie lawful for Thomas
authorized to  Grayson, a free person ot color of IN,. county of Culpeper, to select a muster
enslave himself, or mistress, upon tle terns and conditions herein after mentioned.
To flao apetition  2. Should the said free person of color desire to select a  ainster, it shall lie
to court.    lawful for him to file a petition in the county court of Culpeper, setting forh
Ilis desire to select at master, and tie eame ofr the person so dslired to he selected
as his owner; which said petition shall be acknowledged in the presence of two
Proceedings    3. The court in which any such petition shall have been iled shall, upon the
under petition, filing of said petition, order a notice that such petition lies been filed, to he forth.
with posted by tile clerk of said court at thi frott door of the court-]louse for
one month. Said court shell cetse to lie sunmloned to appear at its succeeding
monthly term, both tile petitioner and the person so designated in said petition.
Parties to be  4. Upon the appearance of both tie petitioner and the person so designated
separately   i the petition, the court shall proceed to examine each party separately, as well
ezamtnted,   as such other persons as the coturt may see fit. At such examination tlie attorney
for the commnonwenhth shell tie present, and see that such examination is pro-
perly conducted and that no injustice is done to the petitioner. •
If nofraid, the  5. If upon such examination the court shall be satisfied that there is no fraud
court shall enter nor collusion between the parties, aud tht tin petitioner (should tIle prayer of
te acts oe  the petitioner he granted) will ie the boiil ide slave of' ie persn designated
record.                                                             per. soti.
in the petition, tile said court shall Cie to be etered upon Its records that the
said petitioner, by sonic, has selected as Itis master the person so designated itn
said petition. Whereupon, the absolute property in eaid lnegro, as a slave, shall
vest, ftom  the time of such entry, in the person so chosen as master, to all
MaTaster bound to intents and purposes as if such petitiouer lbud been born a slave: provided,
pay debts (if  however, that tile person so selected as tmaster shall enter into bond with security,
avo nt    approved by the court, in a penalty equal to the value of said petitloner, con-
grvn ith     dtioned to pay all of time just debts or said petitioner, and shall not become
chirgeable,  chargenhlo to any county or corporation ini the couunonwealth.
Commencement   6. This act shall be in force from its passage.
ChAr. 433.-An ACT providing for the voluntary enslavement of Simon and
Martha his wife, and Jtidy and Margaret, daughters of the same, free persons
of color of tile county of Southampton.
Passed February 26, 185 6.
Simon, Alartha,  1. be it enacted by the general assembly, that it shall be lawful for Simon and
Judy and blarga. Marthn his wife, said Judy and Margaret, daughters of tile sao, free persous of
rot iay enslave color of the county of Southampton, wvio were mannmitted fly the last will and
themselves,  testament of John willianison deceased, to select Willis Bradshaw of the county
aforesaid is their master, uponi tile terms and conditios herein tlter inentioned.
Ttito Ia ne~tition 2. Should the said free persois of color, or either of them, desire to select the
To ..... a petiti.on  2. Shul ili sadfe.
to the court of said Villis  lradsiaw as their master, it slall lie lawful for them ti file each it pa.
Southampton.  titioll ill the county cotrt of Sothamipton, setting firtl hisa or her desire to select
tile said Willis Bradshaw as his or her master;  which said petition shall be signed
by the )petitioner, in the presence of two witnesses.
Notice of such  3. T he court i ti which any such petition shall have been tiled shell, inpon the
etltln to be  filiiig of said pettits, order a notice thiut such a Detition has been filed, to be
iled.        forthwith posted by the clerk of said court at tile tront door of the court-halso
Parties to be  for one ionth. Said court shall erase to be sumoied to appear at its dtuceed.
suunued.    Ing tninthly term, both the pietitioner and tile said Willis Bralshaw.
'o be separately  4. Upon tlio appearance of beth tli petitioner and the said Willis Bradshaw,
examined.    tile court shall proceed to examine each party separately, as well its stch other
persons as said court may see fit. At sich examination te attorney for the coin.
inonweaih shall be present, end see that sich exautination is properly conducted,
and that amo injsico is done to the petitiuler.
When court may  r If upon such examination the court shall be satisfied that there is no fraud
grant petitoan. -nor collnusion between time parties, and that tie petitioner, should tie prayer of
the petitioner he granted, will be the bona fide slave of tli said Willis Bramishaw,
the said cort shall cause to be entered upon ius records that tile said petitioner,
by name, has selected as Ilis master the said Willis Bradshaw. Whereipon the
absolute property in said negro, its a slave, shall vest froin the time of sutch entry,
in the said Willis Bradshaw, l tll intteits tnd purposes its if such petitioner had
Proviso as to  been born a slave: provided, however, that the said Willis lradshaw shall enter
d'tutsand    into bonid vith ecurity, tpproved by the court, in a penalty equal to the viate
psrun of tile of ihe said petitioner, cod itiaiied to pay tll of the just debts of said petitioner.
ommecement   0. This net shall be ii force from its passage.

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