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An Act to authorize the county court of Richmond to hire out the free negroes for certain purposes. 1855 147 (1855)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0715 and id is 1 raw text is: COUNTIES.

Ci. r. '.I ;.--A i ACT auiihrizit, the school conmmi,,ioners of [tlizabetlh City
county to sell it pemrion of tie acntnd.,y lot ill |[amptOll.
l'nseed lltrelh Ia, IKI- d.
1. Il0 it enacted by the general assembihily, that the school commis- Sdoole rommt*-
sioners (if I'lizteill 6ity v'...ty ho and tihey are hIerely authorized to Fion.rs of Eliza.
sell ,nod convcy, by iroler deedi it portio n. of the lot of' the Ilu Iiton 8. ,..1t1,C.ity, .
ne le fny in tile towlI of ibi illptoll ill Said coun ty : irovide(I, th lat netti'ieiy.
Inore of said lot shall he soll or conveyed tIhlan shall le suillicicit for It
latte or passway frolin the lot of Joht It. (,ary to tile iulie street : ftid
provied, thit sauid latte or pass way shiall lot exceed twenty feet ill wi dth
from the linle of \Villhim  IL. Vauilghan's lot towirds the Haid Il;iiltoit
neadeiny lot, ittil one lii ( drel anid twenty-one atid It hafr feet in length
froiii east toI west : aid proI'ided ilfurther, that tlie said litil oir passiway
sliall h  free lor the use. of mlis attending ile said I[ llil lltoiil iiemidlliy.
. [lhti itet siall i he ill force ts                                  Cfotaer.prsacnt
CiAP. LI7.-Ai ACT In tllhorizle ihe  l enity cort lf lichtod to hire out
tie I'ree uegrmiie Ior crtii uroii se.
lhissud lg~irmry ;,I3.
Whereras it has apiil;red to the genier;tl asseindy tlat a lar-go iIlne r rrhahI.
of ca ies of siall-plx have r(,eelitly ocurred iii thlie cotIliity of Iilh.
ruod, alind that tile omity Ihs lievie at very great exle is  ii providiog
hslitals, nurs'.es lind iiiedical aid fir the sill.rers   nod whereas it Itis
further appeared to ilie geiral assiioihily that I Iarge niiiumbier hf tie
persons who havo thuts lecolno clitrgehle to lfe .aid colty, (lurilig tile
prevhenieu of the small-poX, have heen free negroes :
I. Ito it therefore entacted by tine genterial .sseilly, that tlie cout,y County riot
colrt (f i  ii(ihoiid is lerehny autlliioried to hire (l111, tecordiig to Ilhe ir io...,
irovisions (if the law ill cilapter oo hitldi'oe  ;fll oiie if the ( od ol iI hh. fr.,
Virginia ;atioriiiiht tile eolitiy (orts to hire out the free liegroes Itr Iwgruei.
Iltipiuyllelit (if jail re  nod taxes, al th flree tlegroes i i the 8al
Colllty who IVero eliehnrgeathi to the said coiiinty iiriiig tie late vi.itation
of 81itihl-iix, fill so hlbg at tio Its lay he le'esary to pay each nlles
just roliortfiiii of Iix expeiises of tile said ellnlly, itiirreil as afore-
said, fill no ire : provided, however, that io tax siall he imupoS il
over aild lhove tile lires for the ipriose ih rasiiig the r-sidtm a  f tilt)
moniey icesary to defray the ex iluis(i     f the said (-Builty il this
Collielioii, 1lptonll those persons who shall he hired out nier the itluho-
I-ity of this aclt.
2. 'liis act shall le iii forece frotoi it.  .                         ca..44cc.,.it
Cuip. O12S.-An ACT reltealiii ifu,, Iiw aiiiirizing ilte tax )o dogg ill tl)
co nllily  ot' FiitUil.r.
1vsia  I,hr..ry  I16.I,,I
I. el. it (ientelf by tile geitral ;iSeIIh~lv, lhat the act eltlitle ll aii ltnt A'.1: KI-, 1'. Iwu.
,auth'orizilg the cotiy courl  f 1 a11 uiiir (hiiieeste', ()hi, \Valrreut
ari lrookeiis  to levy a tax oil dog-., iad My;iy ttiiilty-lie, 'iglItoei hlllil-
dred alll filty-two, lie ;iii tie same is  hereby aieiiled and lre-eiiactel
so ias to riil us fllohws :
 § I. h'liit li.e several collity .otirts of the ointies (if GlIllm'iter, Corl.;1l r.,.Wi
Oli., \\leaV'rreii and lro,,ke iiv 'vy a t;Ix (11 (I0-4 a wtid or kil)t il ,,41',,,i 
their  re lll elive  citlties;   1 0  e iahi telli ll ti to  exe'eise  this  p i1v ! r, i..v iit dI   1,x.
tl'y my reqire th eiiistahlrs oIf Ilheir oiolies tl ise'lail niitally
aill tt,, dogs i, tleir districts il    utke rt'tiri  i lir' to Itliei respiective
collits, ilVi tle iianes of Ihi  i  alml- ield ii ;lil ahlletival ol'deir.'
12. All the lr'violts of ilt( said act aliave recitei I, so far ats the Sanillc t'-iwintd a  to
refers to tbe emilfly itof tFnniiiier, are hiereby rehupeled.             iwlqoldih'r.
3. This tct s litll lie ii fi'ree front its i' assage.                 Curimiiiciient
CIIAi'. 219.-Aii ACT ntlihori.inlg tle conmiity coniri, of Ohio, Jelrrsoii nied
B|riioke to levy  ia 1  li fill clog.
'ii'scd March1iii I  f.
1. Ito it ellacted iy the general assembly, that the severnl cijlilty  tile, .hfi,rsn
courts of tho coutities of Ohio, Jell'erson atid l'ouke are hereby iti, i- ,I rm.,k,, wa,
VtVY i, tfx Ui

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