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An Act providing for the voluntary enslavement of the free negroes of the commonwealth. 1855 37 (1855)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0709 and id is 1 raw text is: WARRANTS.-MILITIA FINESo-FREE NEOROES.

2. At the execution there shall be presoent, besides the officers of said vbo shal be
court, such other officers and such guard and assistants as the officer present.
executing the sentence shall see fit. lie shall request the presence of Who may be
the attorney for the commonwealth in said court, the clerk thereof, and Present
twelve respectable citizens, iucludiug a physician or surgeon; and he
shall permit the presence of the counsel of the convict, aund such minis-
tors of the gospel as he shall desire, und such of the convict's relatious
as the officer shall deem prudot.
3. This act shall lie in force front its passage.                 Commencement
Ca,%P. 44.-At ACT to amend the 10th section of the 150th chapter of the
Code, concerning wvarrants for mall claios,
Passed February 28, NI.
1. Be it enacted by the general assombly, that the touth section of Code, p. 1,97.
chapter one hundred and fifty of the Code of Virginia be and te saen
is hereby nmeuded and re-enacted so as to read as follows.
§ 10. The clerk shall file, alphabetically, il a bundlo, all executions )low uxeoutions
roturned by a constable within any year, w hich shall, nid, in it separate to be tiled.
bundle, such ats aiit not, appear to tie satisfied. Such further execu-
tions mity ho issuie(l for the recovery of the amount dtle (il any execu-
tiou so returned, its if the judgment (lt which it issued had bcen rendered
in court. The samno and any executions which tmay lie awardod oul And how
fortheonting honds taken nd returned by ait coustailo, nay lic dirccted executed.
to and executed either ly a constable or by it sheriff or sergennt; and
the same proceedings shall lie had upon executions issued under this
section as upoi execution issued upon judgiets of courts.
2. This act shall tie in force froii its passage.                 Coimmencement
CuAP. ,15.-An ACT ilhorizin4 couity uid corlporation coIrtI to net ipoi
,nilitiu flled in the lituds if collectors or the same, ad on clains agailist ilie
1. Be it enacted ly the genet al assenilly, that the respective cotiunty County and cn-
and corpioration courts of tittile  itionweldti shall have and exercise, iortiton courts
nud~~h copoato  ( ItoI
for one year front the passag  of this act, ill tho powers and duties, nilitnuP
sulijct to the samie restrictions, which might have beei enjoyed  tidt clahiu.
exercised by the reginitetal courts of enquiry it their counties or corpo-
rations, haud they beeni still cotntinued, touching the allowance or autheu-
ticatiou of claiis oi the militia file fund, including the allowanco to
collectors of nilitia flues, of insolvent tickets thereof, and the remission
of suspended fines.
. lie it further onacted, that the said courts are hereby authorized ins venttickets
to allow insolvent tickets and to remit suspended ones for militia fines, t  alloed
which might have been hut were not allowed by regimental courts of nesrcmltted.
enquiry for tlte your eighteen hundred nit fifty-throe, ly roason of a
failure to hold such regimental courts.
3. The clerks of county aid corporation courts shall perform all tlO Duties of clerks.
duties heretofore required of the clerks of regimucutal courts of enquiry
in the promises.
,i. This act shall apply only to such fines ts were itcurred prior to To wlat lines
the first day of July eiglhttee  hundred aitd fifty-two.            Applicale.
5. This act shall be in force from its passage.                   Commencement
Cu.%r. 4.-Au ACT providing for the voluntiary enslavement of the free
hiegroes of the cotnonweultb.
Pissed February is, 1p,.
1. lie it eiacted by the general assemhly, that it shall lie lawful for Witfrr.
any free person of color, resident within this couiionwealth, of the age negrocs lloy
if                                               Deotuo slaves.
of eighteen years if a fonalo, and of the ago of twetty-one years if a  o
male, to choose his or her uaster, upon the terns aiud conditions horein
after uoutioned.

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