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An Act appropriating the public revenue for the fiscal years 1855-6 and 1856-7. 1855 23 (1855)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0708 and id is 1 raw text is: LITERARY FUND.-APPROPRIATIONS.

branches shall be appointed on the part o the state; and so soon as directors to be
one-half thereof is sold, only two directors in the said mother hank and hee.aftr s.
one in each of the branches shall be appointed on the part of the state; tobisho.
and so soon as three-fourths of the said stock is sold, only one director
in the itother bank and none in the branches shall be appointed on the
part of the state ; and after all of the said stocks in any bank have been
sold, neither proxies nor directors therein shall be appointed on the part
of the state. But the governor may at any time nppoint commissiuners,
with power to examine the papers and ollicers of the said batiks or any
of them, and to enquire whether the laws apilicable to the said banks
have been strictly observed.
6. All laws or parts of laws inconsistent herewith are hereby ro- Conflicting laws
pealed.                                                          repealed.
7. This act shall be in force from its passage.                 Commencement
Cu&P. 16.-An ACT to provide for rnnding a part or the arrears of interest
and capitation tax do the Literary fund.
Passed Mlarch 18, 1856.
1. Be it encted by the general assembly, that the Board of the Board or lite.
literary Fund shall be required to pay into the treasury, to the credit ofrary fund to pay
the commonwealth, tle sum of fifty thousand ive hundred atd sixty- vatefnt into
two dollars aud fifty-five cents, the amount reported by the second treasury.
auditor for investment, nnd that the auditor of public accounts, tpot
tile treasurer's receipt for that amount being presented, shall execute ond to be ex.
and deliver to the Board of tie literary fund a botd signed by that 'ecIItherefor
b y the frat
officer, couditioned to pay the interest at tit rate of six per at )or audits).
811t1tin sonialnually, ou the first days of July and Jauary, for that
amount, and to redeem the pricilptl at the ileasure of the general
2. This act shall be in force from its passage.                 Commen(oment
CHAP. 17.-An ACT appropriating the public revenue for the fiscal years
1855.0 and IH56i-7.
Passed bMarch 18, 1850.
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that the public taxes and Whatappro.
arrotrages of taxes due prior to the first day of October cighten hun- printed.
dred and fifty-live, and not othervise appropriated, and all other branches
of revenue, and all public moneys not otherwise appropriated by law,
which shall come into the treasury prior to tile first (lay of October
eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, and the surplus of ill appropriations
made prior to the said fit-at day of October eighteen hundred and fifty-
seven, shall constitute a general fund, and le appropriuted for the fiscal
years to close respectively ott the thirtieth day of September eighteen
hundred and fifty-six, nud the thirtieth day of Septcmbor eighteen hue-
dred and fifty-sevet, as follows, to wit:
First-F or the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of September cigh- For 1855-1850.
teeu hundred find fifty-six: To the expenses of the general assenibly eneralauaca.
for the session commencing on the third day of Dccember eighteen bly.
hundred iud fifty-five, one hundred and twenty-five thousatnd dollars.
To exp~etses of representation in congress, five hundred dollars. To Congress.
the salaries and allowances of the officers of civil government, otto hun- oficers or
dred  find  ton  thousand  dollars.  To defray criminal charges, including  e_'.t. •
• •               r •             Criminal
expeuses of guardiag jails, seventy thousand dollars. To pay for slaved charses.
executed and transported, twenty-two thotsand dollars. Allowiances dSav convicts.
by the governor for bringing trausports from the counties where son-
teuced, to he kept in the penitentiary until sold, ono thousand dol-
lars. For support of convicts, seven thousand five htundred dollars. support and
For transporting convicts to the penitentiary, ten thotsand dollars. tr.naportatleu 01
•utr'    t• a                                                  convicts.
For slaries to stperintendetit, assistatt keepers, &e. at penitentiary, Sataries or pent.
seven thousand eight hundred dollars. To pay for tobacco de-.tentlaryoffcers.
stroyed by fire at Shockoe ware-house, fifteeit hundred and eightysix traycd.
dollars and seventy-six cents. To cuntingent expenses of courts, Expens sof
a                  courts,

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