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An Act providing for the voluntary enslavement of Willis and Andrew, free persons of color of the county of Lunenburg. 1853 131 (1853)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0706 and id is 1 raw text is: CHURCHES.-PRIVILEGES.                                     131
they are hereby nutlirized ald empowored, if in their judgment it
shrill ho deemed expedient, to sell rind convey tie lot of ground helong-
ing to the Said congregation, situated on the estt side of Cineron street
ill tie town of Wiuchestor, adjoining tile property of Johi Burns, and
01ll)0  which their present church now strtldC I  the roceeds (if s110 to Proeeds how
he rlpplied to tile  oil) l(eti  It neow Church no %C IV )i0g erected for npplied.
the use of tire Me)thodlist l! pisco  l  g.rogation ill \iViilicstcr.
2. Bo it further enacteil, that tie sai tiu'Stees OiI tlhir successors ill Authorized to
office he and they nre hereby authliized rod emipowered, if in their mail theirpar.
judgment it shall he deemed expedient, to sell anld convey, the Iiososoiage.
and lot now held ily thein as a residence for their minister, situated onl
tle Cast side of Cinleroll street, ndjniiig the property of Philip
Slel' : tiCe proceeds of sale to )e lih lie t o the erectioh of it U OW Proceeda, how
parsomigo house fri the ose of the Cih i sters of tire said cotlgr gation. applied.
3. TIlls act shall i1be in force from the passilg thereof.           Comnencement
CU Ap. 206.-An ACT auiliorizing tin sale of real eslale ini the croiily of' Brluns-
wick devised to Powlialan II. Sta rke by his father Robert It. Starke.
P'asped A1.rch 1, 1851.
1. lie it enacted by file geiieral assenlhilly, tha(t aluthority is hereby Brunawick court
giVell to 1110 Circilit Coill't Of JlriiiSwick. collunty toi decee it sle (If certain mny decren a
aCnh of owha-
hlands lying ill sai .licmty. antd (1ieviSed to I'iIVwhatlt B. Sill'kC, With (nn Starku'a
cOlitillgClit rCmiilders ever, Ily tlhr fiist vill iiii tol ste nt of Robert II. hlnd.
Starke. late of the Ilronigh of NOrfOlk, amd dated th tenty-first day
of Plchriiary eigltvevi hiuiiholrd  1l thirty-tiii hC: OIvidlld, tint afler lrocedlni in
proceediigs ld in ilie I',,'11u1 I law, ;CiIl sIiCjuct I) lill the iiileC   and -ulty.
restrictions prtrihtCd ihy tle ouI liilldrd ;1111I tweily-eigthli chalter of
the (+o11 of Virginia as to tlir Hae 11' lands Of iinails Or i(san persons,
said  C+Crt  tllall lie  witislivd,  iOfClC ellCe~ily  MI any     111issi)S  iC)  Chi
answers, that such sale will hl.'o.wi th invrCest 1,1 all parties, wlhether
ini beiig or ntt, aid that the rights il o pcrsonC will I violted Ih)lerelly.
The rioceds iol sich sale shall II. illvS101i, ildil tire dircclioii of the Proceeds, how
cIltP,1i1i  ilit  lose  and  helnC lit I   t1   ue sn ili  (li ed  to  tire C State. ;I1111 invested.
silliject  I  thie uses, limilIli ns mi d  ciiu l ili O s or1 tIC  will (it  {obert  It.
Starke deceased1. Awl int ho ,'I;ssoeve; Ihands the said procedIs Omy limul and secu-
he pliced, the court shall take ample secti'ity, mIuil frot Clino to tune rity rpqiulred
reIllire additiolial security, if neessary, said inake  lmy other prope   reoier.
orders fIor ilie faithful apilittion of hdiv fuld, and for tho CIaiagciCllent
atoll preservation of' any lrh Y Or securities i) which the one Iiay
hol invested, and for the protectmi of the rights Of all )ersons iiutorested
therein, IVIetlier si lig g hts 11o Vested or CoCtiCCgent.
2. This act shall be in force from its passage.                      Conhnenccma.a
CIAP.° 207.-Au AC . provi ling foCr the volnI ary enlaveieu(t of Willis iid
Andrew, tree persons Or color oi ClC cOllily Or Jlllitlbirg.
laswic March 2, 18+54.
I. h, it elIctell by tire elceril assembly. that it shall be law fI for whim soul Ai
Willis (lid Alihew, flee pjelsOlCS Of color of the cotilnty of IItliienlhtlrg, row permitted
who wre i ll litte( by the list will aCd test,,ment If D)vid Doswei C I Iho,,I
deceased, t) select t master or masters amlloIg the Cext or kit. of the
said )avid Dosiwell deceased, ClpOC tie terlms anCd conditions hrceinafter
2. Sholh the said free persons of color or either of teICC  desire to 'Their petition,
select aC Caster or masters a(noug, the Cnext or kil of )avid )oswell whrof lud nnd
decensed, it shall he lawfill fil thein to file, each, I petitiont ill the coulnty whatto contain,.
court or Ltntwuhurg, setting forth his desire to select it master. and tire
Claiie of the lersonl so desired to Ie selected Cs CCCI owne'; which saih
pltition shall be signed by the pCti CioCr ill tIle jresen)Ce Of two wiit-
3. The court in which (iIIy sich petition 811,l have ieCen filed shall, Notcaf
upon the filing of saii petitioi, order a notice that such petitioni has potition.
iloen filed, to be forthwith posted by the clerk of said court at the front
dooir of the court-house for one month. Said court shal cttuso to be

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