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An Act authorizing the county court of Culpeper to levy a tax on dogs. 1853 110 (1853)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0705 and id is 1 raw text is: COUNTY ROADS.-DOGS.

be filed in tile offico of tile clerk of tle comnty court of said county, and
it shall he the dity of the clerk to make out a statement, anil have tie
same pulshe ig i n one of tile neWSpl ers ill said coity, so its to show
nil tho expensCs iicurred oil  accoll lt of thie public roads; by 10hbom1 ex-
pOnded ; to whom pnid, and for what p lurpose. And ilhe said court shall
mako such allowance as shall see i just, to said clerk and tbe publisher
of said nowspaper, forn making out and pubilishing tie same, to be paid
by tile sheriff' not of tile road fund if suffleicnt, othcrwiso out of any
ioney in his blinds belonging in to the county.
How damages   6. All stoio ud timber tltat infy Ii c required ini making aiid repair-
nscertained andl ijj tile l pthlie roads afi)rcsaid shall be obtained and tile valte0 thereof
1iid.       ascertained as now  'ovided by law, and tile owners thereof shall be
paid hy tile sheriff out of the road funrd.
rand Juries to  7. It shall lie the duty of the attorney for the commonwealth, at tile
be charged whlli quarterly terms of the county court for said county, aid the judge of tihe
thisact.    circuit court for said county, to give ill chargo to the grand jui'ies spe-
cially touching the duties and resposibilities of tile surveyors of public
roads of said county unde1r tile provisions of this ,net, iu o'der that said
surveyors may he prosecuted and fined for the niuperforinance of tile
Manullity of  duties required by this act ; and tile sheriff of the said county hall lie
6herill.    liable to tie sa11 e or like proceedings for failing to account for and pay
over the ordinary levy.
Towns exempt  8. The inhabitants of any incorporated town ill said county, who are
from tax in  iow exempt bly Iaw from labo ing on tle public ronds, shall he exempt
roads,      from the provlsion,,s of this 1(t as to the levy oil titibles or other sub-
Act sumiltted  jects of taxation that are withi the limits of said corporation : provided
to the voters.  however, that before tile court shall proceed to levy tie tax hicrcy an-
thorized, tle question of ado ption or rejection (if this act shIiall be iy
tile saii comity court reifercl to the voters of sid county; i 1111(i should
three-fifibhs of all ile votes polled oil tile question submitted ti ill favor
of tile act, then tile county court shall proceid to execute the provisions
of this act.
Commencement  9. This act shall lie in force fi'oin its passage.
Cit.r. 175.-An act aithoriging the county court of Culpeper to levy it tax
()ii  dogs.
Passed Fehratry 17, 1851.
Tax o dogs In  1. lie it enacted by tile general assembly, that tile coulty court of
Culpeper.   Cul)per illy levy a tax oil dogs iowiod or kept in that co1nty ; and to
enahle tti  to exercise this poVCr, they may require ile tteconstales of
said County to asertain annually till tie (logs in their districts, and make
rcturt thereof to the said court, with tile names of the owners.
int doga     2. It levying such tax tile said cou't may discriinuate so as to
'exempt     exempt altogether one (log iii favor of each housekeeper, aund lay a
greater tax upon every adlitional (log, as to such court may see I
proper: provided, that houuds keplt for killng foxes or other noxious
fu111Is shill lie exempt fro taxation.
Who to PRy tax.  3. ']'he taxes ao lovied shall i paid hy the persons respectively in
whose tillils tile dogs tilall be listed, ad tile ouer or occupier of fifty
house, lot of plautation, atout or- upon which any (log may te kept or
permitted to rc -n a ii, sha l be dc ed, for tile iii'poses of this ict, tile
Owuer of thr, dg.
Fine for eonemil. .4. If any person shall conceal his dog, or send hint front house to
lng a dog.  house, o' to alny place for the liUrl1(so of avoiding the tix, he shall pay
a fine of live dollars.
Owner to stnto  5. lvery ifersou, when called bi iy the constable of Ills dist'ict, Shall
number of l ii disclose tile i1iii1lii(or Of (logs 0   ocd by hii, r kept r' llermittcd to
doga.                                D,                      .  .
t'elllt ab~out fify house or. uponl [ily lot or idauttion ill tits occup~ancy;
and ;lily i)orei frailing or refusiig to inako such disclosure, shall pay a
fine of live dollars.
Tax, how      6. The taxes imposed upon the (logs of said county shall be collected
collected.  a   accountcd for by tile sheriff of said county its county levies fre by
law directed to be levied, collected and accounted for ; and to that end

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