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An Act extending the power of the corporate authorities of the town of Charlottesville. 1852 270 (1852.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0690 and id is 1 raw text is: TOWNS-CHARLOTTESVILLE.

When election  3. The sheriff of the county of Upshur is hereby authorized and re-
for counciland  quired to hold an election at the courthouse of said county on the second
sergeant to take
erate.      Saturday in June next for the offices aforesaid : said election shall ho
flow conducted, conducted agreeably to the provisions of the Code aforetsaid.
Whe rotoboheld. 4. Al election for the offices aforesaid shall be hel at the courthouse
of said county o the second Saturday in June annually.
CommencemenL  5. This act shall le in force front and after its passage.
CHAP. 37.-An ACT extending the power of the corporate authorities of the
town of Charlottesville.
[ Passed June 5, 18N.]
Taxes on free ne.  1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the council
trosin riidie' of the towna of Charlottesville be and they are hereby authorized and
tontofnlhar  nempowered, in addition to the subjects of taxation, as well as in addition
to the aniount of taxes 1ow authorized hy law, to levy and impose an-
nually a tax on all free negroes, both male anti fem1ale, over sixteen years
of agd, whose residcnce or place of business shall 1)e withi th limits
of the jurisdiction of said council, as defined by an act, entitled  an act
ainending and enlarging the corporate authorities of the town of Char-
lottesville in the county of Albeinarle, and for other purposes, and
passed the thirty-first day of March eighteen hundred and fifty-one, al-
though such residence or place of business may neither be within the
Tax limited,  legal eorporato limits of said town : Provided, That such tal on any in-
dividual ease shall not il any ycar exceed the amount of tax which
iy for said year be levied and imposed by said council on each free
white male resilent of said town.
rower over free  2. lie it furher etafcted, That all the powers which are now vested hy
negroes within the Code of Virginia of eighteen hundred and forty-nite, in the courts
adiction of
towon       of each ollnty of tile state, in relation to tie regulation and rIohibition
of tihe removal or immigration of free negroes into their respective coun-
ties, he allt hereby are vested in the council of the town of Charlottes-
ville, in relationt to the regulation and prohibitiit of the ret oval or im-
iigrattioni of free n egroes into the limits of the jtn'isdiction of tile coUll-
cil of said town, as well as into tile legal corporate litilits of said' town.
Functions and  3. Be it further enacted, That tile fifth section of the act, entitled  in
powers ofmayor act anetiditg and enlarging the corporate authorities of the town of
all aldermen.  C harlottesville in the county of Albemarle, and for other p oSeS, 7 In
the following words, to wit : All the powers, privileges, rights atnld caipa-
cities vested in justices of the peace for the county of Albemarlo, are
hereby vested in the mayor atnd each one of the aldermen of the tovii
of Clarlottesville, so construed as to vest the said tnlayor anid each one0
of the aldermen of said town with all the functions and powers, and to
charge tile said mayor and ahlermenn with like duties within tile jtrisdic-
tion of tile council of said town as now defined by law, whether the
same lie critinali, civil or otherwise, as are now vested in or required
Mayor and alder- hy law of justices of the pence for the county of Albemarle : Provided,
men not to be  That notliing herein contained shall be so construed as to constitute the
coniitute ort stid mayor or either of said aldermen members of the county court of
of countycor.1;1
said counity of AIbemarle.
Sceeait o x' 4. Be it enactedl, That the sergeant, ndo all the assistatit sergeants
cretie tuctio lected by the coniil of thle town of Chiarlottesville, itnd dtly qualified
of onetibcs. acorid ing to law', shui II, duirinig their coni tinutn e in office, exercise and1(
Control of coun- enjoy all the duties, functions ftil powers of constables : 1rovided, That
cil over sergeant. the council of said town shall at all times have the power, by fitt ordi-
ance duly en acted, to linit and restrain the said sergeant or assistant
sergeauts in tie exercise and discharge of any functions or powers by
this act conferred or enjoined.
Procecs, exee  5. lie it further enacted, That all exectutions, recognizances nd all
lon, &e. tsnet other legal woeedi  iv hether criiinal,  or othetwise, which, if
derin ,  ero issued by, ta ken or had before any jastiee of the peace for the county of
returned and  Altemnarle,'woul be properly returnable to the clerk's office of tIme county
how acted on.  cotrt of Albemarle county, shall, if issued by the mayor or aily one of
the aldermen of the town of Charlottesville, be returnable in like man-

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