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An Act making the town of Lynchburg a city, and revising and reducing into one act the provisions of its charter. 1852 243 (1852.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0688 and id is 1 raw text is: CiTIES.-LYNCHBURG.                                        243
dcred to be paid, to be recovered by nction or motion in nay court of ro-
cordl ; and in case it tender of ptyl-ent bo so inaI w1(1 refused, the lOll Onteoulerofpny.
Cre ated by virtue of this act shall, upon such refusal, become nill anlld of Mint iid refaeal,
III) eireet,                                                            lien to bo hull.
5. If the debtor he not in the county of Alexandria at the lime tny .ummonstoab.
such suit is instituted, the s11111111uns slal I he deemed (lilly served after Bentilefnillints.
publication of notice as prescribed in the Cod  of Virginia, in some
neowsp aJer pri nted in tile city of Alexandria ; and if suel debtor appear, Appenranco nnd
Io may plead and make defenco as in other proceedings for the recovery Plelding.
of deits.
I. In lilly suchi iproceeding the judgment or decree (if tile court, if : juidgent or the
bo satisfied 1)), proper evitienco 0r tile justice of the clains sue( folt  'ourt.
filed ias aforesaid by tile verdict of a jury, or if the parties consnct
thereto by the Iiulding of tihe court itself, and that thl heneIft of the lln
has been clai i1ed withiin tile ltle0 hercinbefo re prescribed, shall bo for
the silo of tle ionsi' or building ; anti for this pirpose tile court render- llowlmilding to
itg such decree ir jidgent, sliull direct the sheritl' or other oficer, or a besold.
COInliSSIOner specially appoinled, to sell such house or building, up1on(
such terms of credit ald after such notice as stich court shall deetil right,
inless withii nillety days fCr31  tho date of su(h decree (V jidgilltnit, the Ilow sile may bo
delitor shall pay to sIeli onfleer or cotlllli4 ioluier, ri to suctlh receiver as prevented.
iht( court only allilit for the pu'pse, the, aggregate amoont of the
claims fIor which Ilt Ile Idcreo o'julgiiint is, ld all tosts aId the pro- llow proeeids of
ce(ills of slich sale shrill Ie applied, I)' irdgr of Stich court, rattlhly to sile to leaplled.
lit   payment of such  claills  iul~l  rl)*iOll to  thci, rVcsl clivc  11111111111S.
No sich decreen or joldgincuiit shall wrlrrriit ftip ilev, ill the ianlner Vittt''- Whet property
ituhefore p'esrihlld, (Of any prioperty Ihelollgilg to stchl dht', c 'xKelAi , ittiuhl.
the Iiumse ir biiihilie so 'lhlt4Itrlitl i irc'hl, a  1ll 0 st lllileihof the lot
out which it is treiteil as tnay, il the judglient of the Courtil, he essential
to its oecu tatioli lid use, aiiil no IIIre ; hut 1l111 stouch jidgtnent or ile- Ith,' itt.r pro-
rece, tile parties fitr whose hulit it %vas i'lti |leruil illay seve'ally tAlo oilt tIrly made
executiolls against tile plrolp rty of the dhloI' or any *unttis'iei lultic litiable.
of their resllective claims, as iU lli hel' dectries oii jud elnt.
7. This act shall fie ill forcc from its iasste.                       Coil],,,.nce)nent.
Cii %p. 30.-Aii ACT iii kitig the towni of' tyI~I;hllurt:r 0 ,ity, tnlt revising wliid
retivi g  inlt oe  act Ihtl h r vis', 1s   is charier.
f l'iuguit May r 0, I r52.i
\1hicreas under all act of the geuterral assembly (if Virginia, passed Pl r,,hle.
Mr'l tenlli, cighleel ihindtllred ;1tl4 iliIetceln, lhV h1s iiiid stretls A Iulid
4ill adljoiitig lh town of lynyhiliurg, and exteiling solhlv'st ns far is
twell'tl street, sotltheast to sixth alley, lind Ilmtihwest to elevutilh alley,
wIere adei ti and made a parttC tfill .;mil tw w  of   1tolychhrg; and
under auolilcr act of the genteral n ssetubly, lassel .hla'y tlhirtitlh,
cightecin hundireid and tweulty-six, fte liitits of sail towil were oxttdi'id
so is to inclide witit thin   riiti U!h Il om uchtild as ies ichili ti, follow-
ing  b(ttulihtry  lintes, to  wit:  Ieginilg  It  Ill(! (;I.-  lil at  lhe  jtlleioll (If
f'ttl' street anld sixth alley; thence aling th lbranch t, the sith   lurlin
of the river at the iorse ford ; thu'ice aloing the Ianks of the river to
]Blackwatct' creek, a1ndI along the creek to the limits of said town oil tile
north: Now,
.He it    i (ctuld hIi the grnerid  ssemb l . I hat thi territory ilcled1 Liwi, undt
witin sauid lound'ris, to wit  Hegitlmil  it tin' IiothI ilf thil It'atli,  ,,tdlndilf' vity or
on the sutth liargi l (it tIle rive' at Ill htolms fird; thelce auigt lI
bik of lh    river tit the milth of Ilaeklwater creek; thice aoii tihe
creek to eleventh alley ; tlhence alung srid ;lliy to twelfthi street; thence
ithellg said street to sixth alley ; thllu('e lloll stil alley to the cast lille
at the jiluctiill of ftilth street and sixth alley ; thence along the branchl to
the south mtargin of the river at the horse ford, ati bcgiulinng, shall in
future lie known and dcsiglattCl HS tile  City of ILynchhu'g ; iiiili tile corpotlod.
freeholders, housekeepiers aind inhalitttts witlhin said limits, and their
successors, shall contilue to ho t cotn'ratie  Ily tite lIalic will style of
the  (itP, of Lnchbttr ; mtil te fifty-fCouirth a til fity-Sixtlh Clk;ilnte's of (G','rmt i'trji.
the Coile of Vit'ginia shall be applicable to tile Said cot'poration and the to ioI •.

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