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An Act to amend the charter of Alexandria. 1852 234 (1852.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0687 and id is 1 raw text is: 234                              CITIES.-ALEXANbDIA.
Commencement.  3. This act shall be in force from its passage, and shall be subject to
Control over  any amendment, alteration or modification, at the pleasure of the general
charter.    asembly,
CHIAP. 357.-An ACT to incorporate tlhe Wytheville nianufacturing company.
[ Passed 5tay 14, I52.]
Commissioners  1. lie it enacted by the general etssembtll, That it shall e lawful for
forsuburiptions. William  It. Spiller, Robert Kent, Josel)h F. Kent, Robert Gibbony,
William (A ibbony, Andrew S. Falton, George Stuart, sr., John ii. Stu-
art, George Stuart, jr., Edward Walker, Ephraim McGavoc, Isaac J.
Leftwich, Fleming K. Rich, Thomas J. Morrison, David Grahm and
Thomiasi  . loyd, and such other peii oiins as iy One of tihe abov-lnanied
persions shall appoint, each to open hooks, at such timies and places as
Capitr.i.   110 ma y app~oin t, for the purpose of receiving subscri ptions to a joint
capital stock not exceeding in the whole thle sum of five hundred thou-
sand tollars, to he divided into shares of twenty dollars each, for the
manufacture of woolen and cotton yarns and fabrics, and of iron and
any other articles, at or near the town of Wytheville in Wythe county.
vythieville mR.  2. When one hundred shares of the said capital stock shall have been
nul'acturingcaui. subscribed, the subscribers, their executors, administrators and assigns,
rated.  p   shall be and are hereby incorporated into a company by the name and
style of  The Wytheville lanufitcturing Company, subject to tile pro-
visions of chapters fifty-six and fifty-seven of tlho Code of Virginia, so
far Is applicable to such companies, and not meldifed or changed by this
When ompe   act. Said company may le organized at any tinie within five years
to be orgaiuzcd after- this act shall take effect.
Commencement.  3. This act shall lIe in force from its passage, and shall lie subject to
Control over  any auentlmient, alteration or modification, at the 1lelasure of the gone-
charter.    ral assembly.
CHAP. 358.-An ACT to amend the charter of Alexandria.
[Paused May 7, M52.]
Certain acts cn.  1. Be it enacted bl/ the general assembly of Virginia, That the act of
Rtittiaig clartcr cow Iress of tile United States, aplproved ol t le twenty-fifth lay of Feh-
repcalcd.   Frary, in the year one thousand eight hundred and foutir, entitled , an act
to ailend tile charter of Alexantria; the act of tile congress of the
United States, approved on the thirteenth day of May, il tile year one
thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, entitled ,,an act further to
amend the charter of the town of Alexandria; and the -act of tile coil-
gress of the United State4, approved on the seventh day of February,
iii the year one thousnd eight huIdred and fort) -three, entitled ', an act
to amend the charter of tile town of Alexandria; and lIII other acts or
parts of aets inconsistent with the provisions of this act, be and tile
Proviso as to acts same are hereby repealed: Proridcd howerer, That the mayor slid coin-
of mayor and  Mn C( lllcil of Alexatn1h ia shall an1d may remin a id continueo as Slch
council.    for and during the terms for which they have been respectively elected,
subject to the terms and conditions in such cases legally made and pro-
vidled; and all acts or things (one or which may be doiio by them in
pursuance of the pt'ovisions or by virtue of the authority of the said
acts, or either of them, anid not inconsistent with the provisions of this
act, shall be valid and of as fttll force [n effect as if the said aets had
not ])coil repealed.
Towntobecualcd  2. The town of Alexandria shall hereafter be known and called by
city of Alexan- the namno of tile -, City of Alexandria, and shall be and is hereby divided
drar of c!.y, into tlo distiicts  ev   unnimg east atld west, at an equal distance
and places of  between King anil Prince streets, beginning at the river' Potolac and
See ante, p.50,§ xtlending to the western boundary of said city; and all that part of tile
4, and p. 51',  city which is situate north of tile said dividing line shall 11e called the
10, it.     northern district; and all that part of tile city which is situate south of
the dividfing line shall be called tile southern district of the city of Alex-
andrit ; and when any.house or lot shall he situate partly in each dis-
triet, it shall be considered as lying in that district where the greater part

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