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An Act imposing taxes for the support of government for the fiscal year 1852-53. 1852 14 (1852.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0683 and id is 1 raw text is: 14                      SHERIFFS AND SERGEANTS.-TAXES.
CiTA?. 16.-Au ACT providing for the collection of state revenues by the sero
goant of the city of Petersburg.
[ Passed May 31,1852.l
Sergeant of Pa.  1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That hereafter the sergenat of
loral  to oee  Petersburg he and he is hereby authorized and empowered to collect the
ot stato rvonu eroeby
therein,    state revenues of said city, and to perform all the duties and be subject
to all the liabilities and responsibilities of collectors of the revenue of the
Bond required. state generally. The said sergeant shall, before entering on tile dis-
charge of his said dutics, enter into a bond before tile hustings court of
said city, in a penalty of fifty thousand dollars, or such greater sum as
said court may deem proper, for the faithful discharge of his duties.
Commencement. 2. This act shall be in force from its passage.
CuAP. 17.-An ACT imposing taxes for the support of government for the
fiscal year 185,2-'53.
(Passed Juno 5, 1852.1
Taxes for fiscal  1. Be it enacted by th/e general assembly, That for a year there shall bo
year 1583-53.  levied and collocted on the persons and subjects mentioned in the act of
assembly passed oil the twenty-fo-uth day of April eighteen hundred
and fifty-two, and aniy act amendatory thereof, the taxes following, to
Onlandsand    2. On all lands and lots, with the improvements thereon, not exempt
lots.       from taxation, eighteen cents on every hundred dollars value thereof:
and herein shall be included all lands and lots, with the improvements
thereon, not exempt from taxation, of incorporated joint stock com-
On personal pro. panies, savings institutions and insurance companies; on all the per-
pimoteys  sonal property, moneys and credits required by the said act to be listed
and not exempt from taxation, except slaves over twelve years of age,
eighteen cents on every hundred dollars value thereof; and herein shall
he included all the capital invested or used in any manufacturing busi-
Hess, or invested or employed in any trade or business (except agricul-
ture) for which no license is required, and all the personal property and
moneys of incorporated joint stock companies, except the moneys and
On slaves.  personal property that constitute part of the capital of the banks; on
every slave over twelve years of age, fifty-four cents; and heroin shall
be included all slaves over twelve years of ago owned or hired by any
Free negroces.  company, institution or person whatever; on every male free negro be-
Wte males.  tween twenty-one and fifty-five years, one dollar; on every white male
iihabitant who has attained the age of twenty-one years, thirty-six
On Interest.  cents ; on so much of the interest or profit which may have been ro-
ceived by any person, or converted into principal, so us to become nit
interest bearing subject, or otherwise appropriated within the year next
preceding the first day of February eightecr hundred and fifty-two, aris-
ing from bonds and certificates of dbt of this or any other state or
country, or of any public corporation created by this ori any other state,
Incomes and  as exceeds six dollars, three per ceutum ; on so mouh of tile income or
fes.       fees as exceeds one hundred dollars in money, received during the year
ending on the first (lay of February eighteen hundred and fifty-two, it%
consideration of the discharge of any offico or employment in the ser-
vice of the state, (other than that of any officer receiving a salary out
of the treasury,) or in consideration of the discharge of any office or
employment in the service of any corporation created by the state, (other
than fire associations,) or in the service of any company, firm or per-
son, except where the service is one of labor in some mechanic art, trade,
handicraft or manufacture, or that of a minister of the Gospel, one-fourth
of one per centum on such excess, if the same be not more than two
hundred and fifty dollars; one-half of one per contum on such excess, if
the same be more than two hundred and fifty dollars, and not more than
five hundred dollars; throe-fourths of one per centur on such excess, if
the same be more titan five hundred dollars, and not more than one thou-
sand dollars; and one per centum on such excess, if the same be over
Ontolt-bridgesor one thousand dollars; on so much of the yearly rent or annual value of
ferries,   toll bridges and ferries, other than toll bridges and ferries exempt by

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