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An Act concerning commissioners of the revenue. 1852 3 (1852.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0682 and id is 1 raw text is: GENERAL ACTS,
Ca.HA. 1.-An ACT concerning owitii    irs of ihe revenc.
( Passed April 21, 1852.
1. Be it enacted by the ge  otscmbly. T'hat all property within this Wiat propertyti
state, ald the UllOll cys aild Credits of Ilersols resi(1 g thereln, except ,  ito tax.
such as is hereillaft6l expressly exemnpted, shall Ii) silbject to taxation ;
and such proPrty, moneys and Credits, or tile value thereof, shall he en-
tered on the lists of taxable property fori that purpose, iu the mannier
prescribed lhy this net.
2. All property described ill this sectiol, to tie extent herein limited, Property exempt
-  -  5 ....                                   f'r ool taxtion.
shall be exempt h'om taxation, that iS to say: All property belonging to     •    •
aly Couity, city or town. used fil' puli  c pin rposes ; all churches or County, corpora.
houses aadl(1 grounds used for divine worship ; all publlic lurying groulnds ; Li.1 u church
till groiiiids, builinigs, hooks, tippriratuis and fifititrc 11telgiiig to propierty.( cl
colleges, free schlools toid inc orporate ci tctd cuiks,tiily the in nsedI for t lpig, m-inies~~
college  ind s hool purposes ; til grounds, b uilding, ooks, appa rats     u
and fu'niture of the University of Virginia, of the V irginia, nilitary in- militury iktitute.
stitlite, and tle institiitioii fr tile education of lie deaf and dinil and 0i utdaf?, dumb,
of the bhlind, aind of the E astern aild Western lIn atic asylumts, and all i ,i n orlthm
prolerty ow,'nied hy orphiall asylnllns ; all prop)erty, whether real or per- -1Y1l1n.
sonl, hel ongiting exclusively to this eolninioaowealth; all firo engiics or Stat property.
other iinplemenls Lsed for toe extinguishment of Lircs, with tihe lots a iiil Proplerty of tire
uid in gs uscil cxehsively foi' tie safe keeping thereof and for the co0IjL.lice.
Ineetings of lire compallies, whether belongig to tiny towni or city, or
to any lire coinpian y organized therein. E',ach licenused keeper of' ali Furniture of or-
ordiliary or ho use of. rivato Cliterta illlnc it shall Ito e litllell to hol, illouric, ijiul
. l' oses ii enter.
exc lnpt froil tixationi, all Ins household and ki teliea furniture, l sed ill tLniuent.
his ordinary or hoisO of eutertaitiinent ; all hooks, pietures alld statuary, Ioois, pictures,
and the wearing appirel of every person taid fanily, exeept watelies ; tatury and op.
,  pnrel.
all agrieltuuial productious and P]rovisill s, aand wool of the last year s Ar!cuurni tnit
clip ; a ni ll muineral proilictions ill the ha nds of the produeer or in hier ; imoneral produc.-
re                                          I  -   lions and pruvi,
all felled wood and timber ; all plantations of oysters, tnld all fishe'ies tN ;  go'. 
all fowl and ainimials of every description, exeul)t horses, itmiles, asses Nvoo, oyicro,
slid.oj nets, neat cattle, lio gs atd sheep ;  all property, the subiect of i 1m4 t rls n.
lily trade or business for the proseelitiolli or whic li a licellso is re(Inirel. Iloln.
She hend of etcli family shall ibe entitled to hold, exenpt fromll taxa tioll Property ubject
lnati cattle, hogs aiiidI sheep of the aggregate Vtllue of 0110 hilltidietltWht -e uOi of
dollars; or in liei thiereof, aii equal  aount of any perso nal property cattile, hogs (nl
l1Ot o thersvise exempted froll taxiatlion ; till farinig implemiits acii allyet la heep or proon
•  t  .                                .'  ropvrly,.
tseld for firming purposcs, which shall uot Ihe ield to iicludo road wagons .'arunin' imple.
or wagons used prici pally for other than farning purposes ; all me-ic.   '   ii
elainies' tools used on ay far it or iiy any personi actually engaged In tIlly mot products of
trade, occipatioii or profession ; and the produicts of tiny iieehlaiic's hmmimr.
lhor kept by him for sile.
3. Each person of fill age and sound indim, not a married woinan, shall Who to list pro-
list the pcrsonii property Suihject to taxtation of' whlich suchi persom is; tile Prly.
owuir, situato inl the county, City ilr tOwnl ill Whlich810 sn ehi   S~e peroosi et .  2, Q1.
4. The property of ta wttrd shall ieo listei lhy file giitriatn ; of a P'roperty of
ilior, hitviiig tt0 other gtlli.tritn, Ily tilie fai ier, if Ii vi iig ; if ilot, iiy the, wur&, iuinor.
,                lP  ;v  ivo,,, by
motlie r, if living; if neit Ier fither nor iother lie living, by tho person whoi to ho
having tie property ill charge ; of a wife, by the husband, if of sound •,lcd.

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