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An Act concerning oysters and terrapins and the penalties in regard to them. 1846 71 (1846)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0611 and id is 1 raw text is: Preservatiom of Pish.-Preservatioit of      Oysters.                  71
the stockholders thereof, and their successors, shall be a body politic
and corporate in law, with all the rights, powers and privileges, as far Itsrights powers
as they are applicable, which are granted to the aforesaid Bank ofand privileges.
the Valley in Virginia'
3. And be it furthr cnactred, That the said bank at Martinsburg Subject to act re-
shall be and is hereby invested with all the rights, powers and privi- galatng banks.
leges conferred, and made subject to all the rules, regulations, restric-
tions and limitations imposed by the act, entitled ' an act prescribing
general regulations for the incorporation of banks, passed March the
twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and all acts amen-
datory thereof, up to the time of the passage of this act.
4. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.         Coinmencenci t.
Cu%. 85.-An ACT regulating the fishing by Foreigners in the vaters of the
lRapjahannuck river and its branches.
[Passed march 141, 1817.]
1. Be it enactel by the general assembly, That it shall be and is No,, lint titizens
hereby declared unlawful for any other persons than the citizens oftolfih I nlipa-
a llnilck friver
this commonwealth to fish in the waters of the Rappahannock river ,,I IN branches.
and its branches with seines of a greater length than seventy-five fa- How to fish,.
thom, or with floating or stationary lines fixed upon any part of tile
bed of the said river, with hooks attached thereto by other lines ex-
tending from such floating or stationary lines, or ill any other way
except in the usual way of fishing by holding the line iir the htlid, or
having it attached to a pole or roi  el  by him ; and whosoever shall I',iilty r,,r ,m.
offend against the provisions of this act, shall Ib, f:it and pay the S1nlll hii.fil lishing.
of one hundred dollars for each ollInce, one half to the inforiner and
the other half to the conmmnonwealth for the use of the Literary fund,
to be recovered by action of debt or inlformaticir in any of the courts now recoverable.
of the comity having jurisdiction of the said offlence.
2. Be it further enacted, That in any proceeding under this act irll ,(in'i,laulu
bail may of right be demanded ; and that in any proceedings nder  f right.
M   3  Proof of citizen-
this act wherein the question of citizenship shall be raised, the bur-hi), to restonde-
ther of proof to shew that lie is a citizen of tis coin inonweth shall nt.
devolve on the defendant.
3. This act shall be in force from its passage.                  Commencement.
CiiA . 86-An ACT concerning oysters and terrapins and the penalties in
regard to them.
[Passed March 2, 1817.]
1. It shall be tnlawful for any one not an arctual inhabitant and Wh allowed ti
t ake op.telr,' anld
resident of tIne corunorwealth of Virginia, and who shall not inae t rilis ]n Vir-
resided therein two years at the least prior to the time of committing ginta.
the supposed offence, and shall not have made air oath according to
law in some court of record, a declaration of his intention to be-
come a citizen of the commonwealth, to catch or take oysters or
terrapins at any time in the waters of Virginia, except in such rivers
and the portions as are comuon property to this and some other
state: Provided however, That the exception aforesaid shall not ap-
ply to any others than those who are resident citizens of tire state
having such common property with this state in suclr rivers; arid in Proof (if citizen.
all questiors whicli may arise under this section as to residence, the'r llO'Oefen-
defendant shall be prestriried not to be a resident of this state until
lie shall have proved the contrary.
2. If any one shall offiend against the provisions of the preceding Penalty for ilia-
section, lie or she so offending shall be fined two hundred daollar. to lily talilg e y.
be recovered in any court of record within whose jurisdiction such

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