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An Act changing the punishment of free negroes and mulattoes for certain offences. 1845 66 (1845)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0599 and id is 1 raw text is: 66            Misdemeanors.-Free Negroes-Larceny-Assault, 4-c.
clarod to be els- not feloniously, take and carry away, or destroy or injure the growing
demeanors,  crop, or the fruit of any tree or vine, belonging to another, shall be
Proceedings and duemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall he subject to the pro-
e Acts iI ceedings, penalties and provisions prescribed by the act to provide
.l, l,p.am.l. for the more effectual punishment of certain offences, passed Feb-
ruary fourteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty-three, for the offences
therein mentioned.
Commencema,,.  2. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.
CH AP. 9.-An ACT for the more speedy trial of certain offences.
[C'aPsed January 8, 18.10.]
aItglntlne,   1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That where any pre-
]nproocutho, sentment or indictment shall he made by a graln(l jury for any offence
d erdng .il- against tile act of assembly, entitled  an act regullating and restraining
See Acts InM, c. tile terms upon  which credits shall be allowed by merchants, trades-
Is, p  J-30.  len and others, to the students of the universities and colleges of
the state, passed March the tenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight,
it shall and may be lawful for the court wherein such presentment or
indictment shall be made, to take such proceedings for the speedy
trial of tile same, as are provided imi cases of gaming, by the twenty-
SIe lIt. C. r. 1.17, first section of tile act, entitled  an ant to reduce into one the se-
o, p. 5718.  veral acts and parts of acts to prevent unlawful gaming, passed Ja-
nuary eighleenth, eighteen hundred and nineteen.
C,,nmencenrt.  2. This act shall be in force from tile passing thereof.
CHAP. 93.-An ACT concerning tile punishment of free negroes and mu-
lattoes in certain cases.
[Passed January 0-1, 15.l0.]
1'rial und pit-  I. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That if any free ne-
.n..,,at or free
legrwi% ti,r ehn-gro or mulatto shall hereafter comnit simple larceny, of any money,
isle ,arce.lq.  bank note, goods, chattels, or other thing of the value of twenty dol.
lars or less, lie or she for every such olence, shall and may be tried
by any justice of the peace of tile county or corporation in which
the same was committed ; and upon conviction thereof, instead of
tile punishment now prescribed by law, shall '.*. punished by order of
the justice, by stripes, not exceeding thirty-ni.ie; and if acquitted,
the acquittal shall he final.
Couiuenceneet.  2. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.
C..,P. 94.-An ACT changing tile punishment of free negroes and mulat.
toes Ibr certain offences.
['assed Jaiiilnry I1, d46.l
Pun,,ishiuent al  1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That for all offences here-
P-41a.elthipe mgr after committed by a free negro or mulatto against the sixth section
eatilng while - Of the net, entitled  an act to amend an act, entitled ' all act redut-
Personl With Iu-
tout to kill.  clg into one the several acts conce rning slaves, free negroes and
Seu Acts IK8I-e, mulattoes, and for other purposes,' passed March fifteenth eicihteen
C. 221 U;Iip .  p                           ,
hundred and thirty-two, every such 11ree negro or mulatto, Upon coat-
viction, shall be sentenced to confiuement in the public jail and ste-
Ilitentiary, for a term not less than five nor more than eighteen years,
instead of the punishment now prescribed by that section.
C,,n,,,ecemeot.  2. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof

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