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An Act reducing into one the several acts prescribing the mode of ascertaining the taxable property within the commonwealth, and of collecting the public revenue. 1840 5 (1840)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0557 and id is 1 raw text is: Taxes.- Collction of Revenue.
ried on in any city, town or borough, where the population is less than
two thousand, or where the operations are carried on out of any city,
town or borough, the sum of twenty-fivc dollars; on every license to ilrokers.
a broker, two hundred dollars; which said licenses to vendue masters I cenws to ven-
and brokers shall not be granted for a less time than one year. On brokers for what
every license to sell foreign lottery tickets, and lottery tickets in lotte- li1grantedl..I.
• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~    ~   ~    ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   V hidh -v  ftlS 31110 .,• I•v~l~rH o)f lotte-
ries authorized by the laws of this commonwealth, in each city, town, ry licketq.
borough or county, one thousand dollars ; on every license to sell lot-
tery tickets in such lotteries only as are authorized by the laws of this
comnonwealth, in each city, town, borough or county, five hundred
dollars; which said licenses to sell lottery tickets in either foreign Licena., how
lotteries, or lotteries authorized by the laws of this commonwealth, ong grantedi.
shall not be granted for a less time than one year. On every license Hawkers aod
to a hawker or pedlar to sell or barter goods, wares, merchandize, and i)(dIar.
other articles of foreign or domestic growth, production or inanufac-
ture, (except the article of clocks,) in each county or corporation
where he or she shall sell or barter any of the aforesaid articles, thirty
dollars: Provided, howcver, That hawkers or pedlars, trading upon Provi,.
the Ohio river, who shall pay a tax of sixty dollars, and obtain a license
as such, in any one of the counties bordering upon tile Ohio river,
shall be authorized to sell or barter goods, wares and merchandize,
and otier articles of foreign or domestic growth, production or inanu-
facture, (except the article of clocks,) on said river, and at the shores
thereof, within the jurisdiction of all the other counties bordering as
aforesaid; on every license to a hawker or pedlar dealing in tin and 'rin pedlars.
pewter only, in each county or corporation where he or she shall trade,
ten dollars; on very license to a hawker or pedlar dealing either Clok pedlars.
wholly or partly in clocks, in every county or corporation where he or
she shall trade, one hundred dollars : Proided, That but one hawker wit one p,utai t,)
or pedlar, trading in any article or articles whatsoever, shall, at any
time, trade under the same license. On every license to an exhibitor Exhi,itor of
of a public show, and every exhibition or performance for reward (ex- ' ilows.
cept lectures on literary and scientific subjects,) shall be so regarded,
forty dollars, in each county or corporation where the same shall be
4. This act shall commence and be in force from and after the ,innnotienr.,
passing thereof.
CIrAr. 2.-An ACT reducing into one the several acts prescribing the mode
of asc(,rtainingi the taxable property within the commonwealth, and of col-
lecting the public revenue.
[Pas.il February QI, 1  11.]
1. Be it enacted byt the gentcred assimbly, That the court of every cmiii,n,r4
county within this commonwealth, and of the corporations here.a- o (f [iv,'iiil hii
an   %% hn up-
after named, shall, atiually, in the mon th of September or October, piilt.
appoint dis'rect and reputable persons to be rommissioners of the
revene. Awd if any conmiissione r so appointed shall ifail to perform i1nllvaile f~r
his duity in the iamier prey' ribed by law, it shall be the ditty of the ;hr,1prfirn
auditor oft puldic accomits firthiwith to vontitutieate tle t'act to the
county or corporation court, and thereafter it shall he the duty of
siclt comrt to apIi, t aituther individual as cotlitmissioner.
'2. If, frout any cauie, the said court- shall fitil to make such '1- App,,,ti,, ,,t,
pruinttuntli at til, S'pttniber or )ctober ternis thereof, such alp-  .  . 111;0 -e
)oillttlllIiti slall and  otay  he  tlde  as  si)n1 thereafter  is (onvenient, proper ,,lilt.
at any siteIi'ced in g t'rin helort, thei' lirst of February ensu ing : P'o- Jt, hs b
vid, , That in all caises of apIint ent liat a termi ot her than the re-
gular tertis, tlhe isti,.,.s of the clttiny or corporation shall ha% e been
previously sumtnoned for that purpose.

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