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An Act to incorporate the Virginia slave insurance company. 1834 161 (1834)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0475 and id is 1 raw text is: Insurance Companies.                                  161
by their chnrter.to make insurances against the loss of other kinds
of property.
'2. This act shmall comnience and be in force from and after its Comn.oncemont.
CiAr. 1,19.-An ACT to incorporaito the Virginia slave iiuriltice compny.
(Pa,ietl March 10, h d'i.)
Ile it ciltcfcd bJy the gcniual asstcnib/q, That it shall lIt lawfiil Io,,ok, r,,,,,),-
sicop tio)nl w, erol,
to open hooks uinder tie direction or .1,a111(s liile, .hothn Yai s, %', u,, Uu. tly
ir lixtoi )aven port, Willin inho itler, Geiorgc Rcynols, Alatiiew who,.opoini.
RlnsOni, EIdward -Lucas, senior, ind (eorge lell, conunissiolers,
or any two or more of thein, at such thins anid plhaces as they Inay
dcsigiiate, for the porpiose of roce i'illi slihscripl ions to the a nin lit
of one hundrcd thousand dollars, ihi shares of' oile hundred dollars Capital.
each, to constitute it joint Ciipitali stock fur the pillrliosp, o inlstirii ig
against losses by tilea 1hisconldilig t of'i  es. Tiet titllC aid pllce of'Timn ad prna
receiving subscrilit oii its albresaid shall  le advertised i thle iews- i Ullcisoti.
papers publisled in C harlestowii, and at or iica r vhr subscril)iiois
yiiy be p)roposedl to he takeni, and tei books lbr receiving the saime
sliall not he closed in less tiaiiii thirty diays; and if it shall aelieli r xe.,eq of ,iih-
that Inure than one tliousand shares of the capital stock albfresaid l,'i'l,)w
shall have been subscribed for within that lerii, it shall le tie
duty of the said connissioners to reduce the nuiber of shares sub-
scribed for, amlong the subscribers, in fair aid equal proliortions to
the aIotit of stock subscribed for respectively by eacti, until tile
whole aioint of shares have beein reduced to oaie thousand ; but if'Wi,el book$
the whole nimber of shares shall not le subscribed Ibr withi thle ,loid.
said thirty days, then tie books iiay be closed or contiiueld opeli,
as a majority of the above naied conitnissioners nay jlidge to lie
most beneficial, until tie whole niniber of shares shall lie subscribed
for, or ulntil Ilie conipaiiy lie orgaiized.
B. lie it fui-her fl)c ct(I, That whenever one iindred shiares Comlnily incur.
or inore shall have been so slscribedi, and two dollars ipoii each ioil.
share paid, as hereinafter irovideil, then the subscribers, laving so
paid, shall be, and they tire hereby declareil to be, front tinIec to
tiele, a body corporate and pliiic, in fict and ill ina ine, liy tlie naloe
and style of ' The Virginia Slave Insuranece Comnipany ; and by   a.
the said nane, they and their successors shall and may have COil- Cor)pite powers.
ntal1a succession, aiid lie calialile iii law at' siting and being sued,
pleadiing a lid hieiing iililealhld, anlswteriig aid lieihg alswered unto,
defend ing and beiig (lefeinded, in all courts aid pliaces, ii all illan-
ler of' actions, suits, coiplaints, ilitters aid calises whatsoever;
aInmd that they and their successors inny alive and use a coiinoi
seal, aiid may change and alter tie saei lit pleasure, aii(l iiliy), by
tile sane nlallic, le capa lilel' l urichasinig, holding or conveying aily
estalte, real or persoilal, for the use of tile said corporation, subject
to the restrictions hereinafter ientioned.
3. Be it .furtlcr enart ed, That 1o person shall lie regarded as a Wiiatio Ile valid
valid subscriber, unless lie shall, at the first general meeting called ,iHcriiii.
for tile election of directors and for the orglnizatiol ()r Ilo e Colli.
pany, have paid to the said conunissioners, for thli enefit of the
colilpanly, two dollars on eacti share subscribed for by hin ; and ilIe Requisitions upon
additional sumis due upon said shares shall i)e payable by lclti sub- ,ubcboi.
scriber at such thne or tines as they may be called for by the pre-
sident and directors, and in such proportions or instalnents as they

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