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An Act allowing Randal Evans, a man of colour, to remain in the commonwealth for a limited time. 1833 316 (1833)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0462 and id is 1 raw text is: 316                   Narneu Clhange.-Free Pcrsons of Colour.
from the said Rebecca; and that all right, interest or claim of the said
Rebecca, in or to the estate, real or personal, of the said William, or
any part thereof, shall cease and determine henceforth and forever.
Commencement.  2. This act shall be in tbrce from the passing thereof.
ChAr. 268.-An ACT changing the names of Jacquelin P., Martha C., Mary
C. and Matilda A. I Iowle, to that of Jncqueline Lewis 'oindexter, Martha C.
Poindexter, Mary C. Poindexter and Matilda A. Poindexter.
(Passed Decembnelr 1, 1833l.)
Names of Jacque-  1. Be it enarted by the general assembly, That henceforth Jacque-
line I'., ,Morh ,   l p
l.inerP ......ai   -  line  .lowle, Martha C. llowle, Mary C. llowlo and Matilda A.
, a   I,  lowle of the county of New Kent, shall have and bear the names
hangd.   of' Jacqueline Lewis Poindexter, Martha C. Poindexter, Mary C.
Poindexter and Matilda A. Poindexter, respectively, by which latter
names alone, they shall be called and known, as well in courts of
justice as wvithoii, and also shall, by the said latter names, he capa-
ble of inheritiu,.r any estate, real or personal, in the same manner
as if their names had not been changed.
Comm.ennint.  2. This act shall cotlience and be in force from the passing
CHur. 269.-An ACT allowinur Randal Evans, a man of colour, to remain in the
cum,nmmw ealth fir a liinited timo.
[P'as,ed Mnrch 1, V18.)
Rindi t:valq atl.  1. le it enarctd by the gcneral assenbhy, That with the view of
tL.-mt~l Ill rwlli lli it|
Vit li,r i.  ehlam i ig 1 Ilandal l,vans a mian of colour, residing in the town of Win-
tlie.        chester, vlol has been lately vinancilved, to obtain tile means of
purchasi:ig his vil ind children, who are slaves, in order to their
removal with him out of this connimiwealth, the said Randal Evans
be allowed to reside in the said town of Winchester, unmolested,
fbr the term of ive years, but no longer ; in(d if at any time within
that period, the county court of Frederick shall see cause to order
the sa ,i It andal Ivans to depart tle conmimoniwealth, they shall have
ftll power so to order, and thenceforth the leave of' residence hereby
granted shall cease.
Commencement.  12. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.
CHAP. 270.-An ACT allowingr Archy I li(i, inbothain, otherwise called Arehy
(ary, a free Loan of eitotr, to retmain in the comnionwealth.
[P assei i ,ruary IP, Il3 I.]
Archy lligginl -  1. Be it enacted bkl the ,eneral eisscmiblq, That Archy Iligginbo-
i ...... o.e. itn th am, otherwise called Archy Gary, a man of colour, lately emanci-
tate  pated by Thiom as lligini hotlham  of the county of Amherst, shall
he, and lie is hereby permitted to remain as a free mnai within this
comuonwealth, and to reside in the said county of Amherst : Pro-
vidcd, That if the said Archy I ligginbotliam, otherwise called Archy
Cary, shall hereafter be convicted by the verdict of a jury, or the
jtiIgmnent'of a court of record, of any ollbnce against the laws of
this commonwealth, the privilege hereby granted shall cease: And
peoidel, also, That the court of the said county of Amherst shall
have power at any time, when they shall think fit, a majority of the
acting magistrates being present, to revoke the leave of residence
hereby granted, and order the said Archy Iligginbotham, otherwise
called Archy Cary, to depart this coinmonwealth.
Commencement&  2. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.

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