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An Act to amend the act, entitled an act to incorporate the Petersburg rail-road company 1832 75 (1832)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0441 and id is 1 raw text is: Rail-Roads.

such lateral rail-road, of the same width and mode of construction
with the said Chesterfield rail-road. And for the construction and Powr,prilooes.
completion of such lateral rail-roads, the said owner or owners, oc- annd hliities.
cupier or occupiers of such coal mine slall exercise and enjoy all
tile powers and privileges, and be subject to and observe all the re-
strictions and penalties given and prescribed by law to tile said
Chesterfield rail-road company.
5. This act shall comnmnco and be in force from its passage.  Commoncemont.
CuAP. 111.-An ACT to amend the act, entitled, an act to incorporate the
Petersburg rail-road company, passed February 10th, 1830.
'{assed January 3d, 18:0.)
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That the president and l'ower to establish
directors of the Petersburg rail-road company be, and they are hierby I I,,,,. arnd to
authorized, at those points in tile line of their rail.road where it  litd.
may appear to them important, for the accommodation of the trade
and business of the road, to establish depots and warehouses, to pur-
chase land not exceeding tell acres at any one point, to be used by
them for all necessary purposes of said road, or to be disposed of
by them when it shall be deemed proper.
2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said presi- storago allowed.
dent and directors to charge for the storage of produce, merchaldize
and other articles, at such warehouses as they may find it necessary
to construct, rates not exceeding the ordinary warehouse dues paid in
the borough of Petersburg.
3. Be itfitrther enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said pro- 'ower to iorroiw
sident acid directors, for the purpose of procuring a sunlicient num- . to ii.w...... ca
ber of locomotive engines, carrimges, cars and other vehicles for the inntal  tock.
transportation of merchandize and produce, and for other necessaty
expenditures of the company, to borrow on the credit of tile saute,
such sun as they may find to be requisite, or to increase the capital
stock of the company, by opening new hooks of subscription to such
extent as may appear to be necessary, not exceeding one hutmdred
thousand dollars: Proided, however, That no extenlsion of tile ca- l1rovio.
pital stock of the company shall be macde, unless two-thirds of the
stockholders of' the company, in general beeting asseiibled, after
fifteen clays notice, shall concur in the expediency of such extension
4. Be itfiurther enacted, 'fhat ii ally person or persons shall wil- r wly ,r injtrr-
fully, by any means whatsoever, injure, impair or destroy any part 1'u;r dotru)
of the rail-road, or any of the necessary works, buildings, m:chines,  k,,
wagons, vehicles or carriages belonging to the said company, lie or
they shall forfeit andI pay to tile company, three times the actual
danotges so sustained, to ie sued for and recovered with full costs,
before any tibunal having cognizance of the same, by action of
debt, in tOp nanie antI for the use of tile said Company.
5. Be it farther enacted, ''hat if any person or persons shall wil- Penlty ror ob.
fully and maliciously remove or distwrb any of the comptiny's coil- structin6 rail-road.
structions, or place designedly and with evil intent, aly obstruction
on the line of the rail-road, so as to jeopardize the safety and endan-
ger the lives of persons travelling the sane, suech person or persons -o
offending, shall be deemed to be guilty of a high crime midI ilisle-
meanor, and if such person or personis be free, ie, she or they shall
be adjudged, on conviction, to be imprisolnd in tile common jail
and penitetiary house, for a tern not less than two nor more than.

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