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An Act to explain and amend the act, entitled, an act concerning patrols 1832 20 (1832)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0438 and id is 1 raw text is: 20                        Public Guard.-Patrols.-M.ilitia.
CHAP. 2'.-An ACT to increase the pay of tho public gunrd, and for other
[Passed ,',arch (Ith, 1813.]
Piyofplihtleguard  . Be it nacted by terc     asscbll, That tile pay of tile
increased.   non-conimissioned otllcers, musicians and privates of the public
guard stationed at tile city of Richmond, and at Lexington, shall
herealter be as follows, to wit: that of each sergeant, shall 1)e ten
dollars per inonth; that of each intusician and corporal, shall be
nine dollars per month ; and that of each private, shall be eight
dollars per iionth.
G ratnlty nlowne  . JhB it .lilwlltrr nmartd, That every noin-commissioned officer,
upOn1 hoorabl uinsician and private of' the said guard, who, at the expiration of
dl~inrgo.    hiis e,'mi of eliistilient, shall Obtain  in honorabl discharge from
the ollicer in conmnand thereof, shall be entitled to a gratuity of
fifteen dollars, to be drawn out of tile samne riuds, and accounted
for in the same manner, as the pay of said guard is drawn and ac-
coinited fbr.
Commencement.  :1. This act shall be in force from the passage thereof.
Cni,,. 25.-An ACT to explain and amiend tlo nct, entitled, an act concern-
ig patrols.
11l11'sed March fith, IS,33..]
Preamble.      Whereas, doubts have arisen as to the true construction of tie
act passed tile twenty-first day of March eigliteen hundredi and thirty-
two, entitled,  an act concernii tint rols, lbr reniedy whereol,
L.aw ronrerning  1. lIe it cnacrtdl and Irhhred b! 1/c .rgnCeral mssrmql/, 'lat the
pat1rol, rnot it,-
iw., Ii   above recited act dil not, and shall not in futore he construed to
Actf, i'2, mfly repeal Ihe. laws theretolbre in existence providiing fr patrols, but
cuithitive,  that the said laws are still in tree, and the said recited act is only
cumulative ili its provisions.
When orI of 1510   2. Bv it  eli
tobe on hlrbr.ed.   .1 /rthcr enarh'd, That hereafter the said recited act shall
not be efitbrced in ainy comnty within this ct iiio,,wealilh, except
in cases of insirrectioi, thiless the court of such comity, a imajority
of the just ices thereof beiti present, shall make an order approv-
ing tie enf; rcetent of the said act, fur some particular period of
time sttiplated int the said order.
Commencemeont.  3. This act shall be in force front its passage.
Citin. 2G.-An ACT to organiz the militia and establish a new reginient in
the county of '1y  h.
Pa.ed V,-!,m:,ry 1;th, L-:r,.)
l,131 regiment cr,-  1. le it rnehd by t/u 1,cniri-W rlssribl/, That the militia within
ated.        the county of Silyth, shall compose a new and distinct regiment of
militia, to Ibe kmiwn and listitngiuished by the sty-le and nunihir of
Cromnigjoned ,f- tie otW hi uilril ell lbriv-lhird rei61nilt of V irgiiiia iiilitia, antI
ie rk,,,.,tti that the commisiisioned oilicers of said regielqt, almtorized and
into ,attaliot.  qualified by liaw, to sit on a court tiartial, or a majority of' then,
shall meet at such place and tiie as shall le appointed by the lieu-
tenant colonel now, in commission 1 r the seventiet regtiment of
Virginia militia, (now residing in said comtity,) shall aplpoint and
notil and divide the said reg ilunt ireby created as eq1ually as
may be by theii deeited collveiliett, into two battalions, to be
Companydiamrirts. called the first a it( second battalions of said regiment ; and shall
also at such meeting lay off the said battalions into convenient dis-

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