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An Act to establish the town of Moundsville, in the county of Ohio. 1831 290 (1831)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0432 and id is 1 raw text is: Towns.

CHAP. CCXVI.-An nct to authorize the meyor and commonalty otho town
of Wheeling to borrow money, and to pledge their property and revenues
tbr its pryinent.
(PasIsed January  Ell, 18:12.)
Corp0rotion of  1. Be it enacted by the gencral assemblyg, That it shall and may
eiid,'Iig , ,iiilOW. he lawftI for the mayor n(d commonalty of the town of' Wheeling,
onty,      in the county of Ohio, and their suec essors, at any time hereafter,
: wheu they shall deem it to be for the interest of the in it ahitants of
said corporation, to borrow money for the uses of said corporation,
ant to pledge the funds, property and revenues of tite said corpo-
ration as security, for the paymnent of the principal I and interest o%
the lioley so borrowed.
Comoloncet orIt.l  . This act shall commence and e iii fbrce from the passing
CHAP. CCXVI L-Anct ,to establish the town o Moundsville, in the county
of Ohio.
(l'agmed Jautary QStlh, 18312.)
T'ow, of htlou,-  1. Be it rnatted b, the general assembly, That not exceeding
yile oetablihwt.d, seventy-three acres of land, the property of Simon Purdy, lying
near the mouth of Big Grave creek on tite Ohio river, in the county
of Ohio, shall he, and tih satie is hereby established a town, by
the niame of Moundsville, so soon as the same shall be laid off into
'I'rumtees.  lots with convenient streets and alleys ; and that JIohn Riggs, ILewis
I). Purdy, John B. Itoberts, Iliair Mhoran, Samuel o)nrsey, Samnuel
Tomi ilIstll, Davit I ockwood, Christohl ier Parriott atnd .James Ram-
sey, gentlemen, be, aid they are hereby appointed trustees thereol,
who shall, lelbre they oni er on the duties of their appointment,
take an oath before somle justice of the peace for the county of
Ohio, to execute tile same aithfitlly and impartially, according to
the best of their skill id judgment, any three of whoin may fbrmi
a quorum and proceed to business under the authority of this act.
P'oworto makehy- b ). Be it.further enacted, That the trustees of said town, or any
law, &C.   three of them, shall be, and they are herehy empowered to make
such by-laws and ordinances for regulating the police thereof, and
fbr the regular building of houses therein, as to then shall seem
best, and the same to amend, enforce, alter or repeal: Provided,
however, That such by-laws and ordinances siall not le repugnant
to, or inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the United
States, or of this cominonwealth.
Gonoral powero.  3. lie it further titrtled, That the said trustees, or any three or
more of them, shall have power to remove or abate nuisances, or
cause the same to le done, and to improve and repair the public
streets and alleys, and to do or cause to be done, all other things
necessary or proper for the general good of the said town, within
the limits of the powers conflerred by this act; and to enable the
said trustees, to carry into effect the said powers, they are hereby
atithorized, annually to levy a tax, if deetned necessary, on the
houses, lots, slaves and horses within the litits of said town ; and
to appoint a clerk and collector, (taking from tle latter, bond and
security, for the due aid faitthfitl discharge of his duties, as they
shall be prescribed by the trustees:) Provided, however, That the
said tax shall not exceed, in any one year, one dollar on each one
hundred dollars value of such property.

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