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An Act releasing to Jacob Sampson and Frankey, his wife, the commonwealth's right to the personal estate of Moses Cross, deceased. 1830 303 (1830)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0422 and id is 1 raw text is: Private Claims.


in ftvour of the said James Rose, to be paid to him or to his reprc-
sentatives out of any money therein not otherwise appropriated.
2. This act slall he in force from and after its passage.   Commencement.
CIIAP. CCXXX.-AN ACT releasing to Frances Maria Tracey the common.
wealth's right to a tract of laud.
filuJs.,d 3latcli 1.5, le,31.)
1. lBc it umecld it /hc general mss..rniib/, That all right, title and Ci,.,,wm,,s
interest, vhich lutth accrited r may accrle to the comntonwe , ,lta ,.ljl .ritlj i'ei
or to the president in(d directors o' ti literary Fund, in or to a , 'l,:mc1,s )Iurin
certain tract of' laud, 1yig in the cotuty of 1'airfhx, and contain-'nl(Y
iog abouat three limndred and sixty acres, whereof .iucs Frantais
Tracey, ]lte of the said county (liel seized, shall be and tile same
is hereby released to iaid vestcd in Frances Maria I'racey, the
widow of the said dece'ased, the said .laties Francis hallviln+< died
withot heirs capable of ioiherit in g the same : A nd the said Fran- ci.wm,
ces Maria beitr oiiw a residut of the said county, aid having de-
clared on oath according to law, her intention of bcoiniog a cit-
zea, of the Uaitad Statns, is lIarehy declared ad made capalde of
takilg ald holhliag fhe s:,iii rea:l estate, and of taiening and daeising
the same, as let-l'a'cally as if she evere now\ a cilizell : )'rhlcd,
'That sh( shall, within the ter,, of' tiv' yers afilr the passage of
this act, nawonpli1 her nwtralization, and he rvgularly ahoittd
.a citize of the UIlitcd StIlat's, accordil' to the ;lw in that c:se
nawle aild p'orl'.d ; sulviw_.!, hi,,ver, io all parsoas, hodies politic Saving.
and caarpaaratc, aalahr limi tiie conaaoa'ltl, and lt prvsidet and
directors of the literary fInad, nv right, title or interest, whiich tlivy,
or aily of them, iniiht or would have hil , in or to thte said lanil,
or any part thercol, it' this act had never passed.
2. This act shall be in Ibree from its passage.               C,,,nicuc,,met
(flAP. (XXXI.-AN ACT reaih-a-ing to Jacob Sampson and Franka'y his
wife. lho coionwealthi's right to t0 personal .stuat of Muses Cross de-
1. lie it +an n/d bl th g-lc'riI.al assclllb, ThaIt all right, title C,,,,IOni,lml's
and interest which hath accrued or inaly aci t, ti the cotonon-  l~,, Il',
wcali or to tie! president aaid directors of tita literary fithd, in or  , rai,1,iih-
to tlie personal estate of Aloses Cross, a fiee iian of colotir, late oft'Iu
(aotchlatd counlty, deceasel, by reas n of the t1lure ol' relatives
of the said MAises, capalble of taking ti same ly distribution, shall
be, alld the s;tnac is }ierelay relensed alal grautld ta ,lueo SatilIsoII
a fire man of colour, anl Franky his %vifi,, late Frahey Cross,
tile natural child of tle said Mloses  say ing, however, to all persons, saving.
bodies politic and corpa rnte, olher thIm th' commnweahlt, and tie
president and directors a ' ti a literary fnid, any right, title or in-
terest whiiah they, or any of thet iiight, or voaid have liud iil or
to,the perssod estate atbres;id, or aty  art thareof, if' this act had
never passed : P'ravidetc, 'hlat the administrator of the said IMoses p15wito.
Cross, is hereby aitla rized and required to i make sale of' anay slave
or slaves el; aaagin, to said c,tute, and account fi)r ;taaid pay tle pro-
ceeds thereof to the said Jacob Sampson ai dl Fraikey his wi ti
Awl proviuded a/sa, 'That 1eiare the said Jcoh Kanipsou aad aFrai- IFurdthe 1govil.
key his wife, slhall be entitled to receive atiy part of tile estate of

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