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An Act appropriating the public revenue. 1830 127 (1830)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0418 and id is 1 raw text is: Taxces.hppropriation of Reventi.                        127
naniiitcttro, to hlpti(d in each county or corporation, wihere ho
Uhall rnl any of tMe Airalit urtichs twenty dollars; on every li-
cense to a 1iedlhr dealing in fin or pewter, in ealch county or corpo-
ration, where he shull t rade, teln dollars: i'rvhhd albiys, 'Tht
Ino lore than one pedlar shall trade minder the sIIeIIIt iitiOs ; on lophbitlwrl'
every       J t very xhilitr of a sMw, thirly tlolhrs, in every '
coty, city, borough or corporation, where lhe sa w -hall be ex-
hitied; on every license to a hkr, sixty d1Ilars ui; on ery likense  ,,l, ,p,,ilvr
to sell silver or plttl warO, or ewel ry not of thmn  Ihc ll  rltllre olt,,l, Waino
lhe vender, twenty dollars: lPriidrd ohr I/S,  hit pirsois whIio lit..
only repair watches, ant veml  such articis us are mwvs.a ry in that
liue of isiness, shall not I 4de-4iiii1d1 and lkei witlhin the iieaning
of' this act, as wnders of silver and plaled war' ain jiewulry, wh,
art- required to pay it lax iuhid ohtain a licnse ; mi u try mvqi'mi   V,.,s,,.
in maser, a tax of' sixty dollars.
3. Ic it ./hfllo'ri'u i ld, That i' ally mutt'lnit, milliner, or i,,,,,,,
other persom taxalde is retail nm'rwhants, iuultr tflu re\v.'' ! i lws, uiitw ,&V.
will make oalt helbre tem ucommissioner 4t lie* revel  ov (;% ho is
hereby empowered to adminier the same,) tIhat his or her aviragf
sales pr nilon1111 ol' gor Is, wart's aid utr'Ian4i e, or olier arlitIts
'tIIC ted with hil or her lira 1 1f tuins, of  1  exIeewt'  t lie
anitwut of sales o' artichs of his or 6tr m iuttc ire, or  ichini-
cal lnloir, smch lip-n shll ily stay a lax of tli dollars; ant if
Ile tir slit, wli.n nuiiit shall refuse t, tae sMlh oali, I or she
shll lie lhvrrttun liof as a rittil iitruhal muvry !-'llk ptaIr Uk p'dlas.
shall pay  twm'Il  '  till4,s  in  1a-, itt ,llt  ili Ivl '  I' .hall trale.
.I. Th6 is  Atl.all niummom.' mrd Q; io h=rc frka  a  h  (,,mmemu.
passi,g ll-rrol'
11 f   it  c   .t  hii   Ii,  . ,'1  ,Ji.d   llt,  ' Ii v' r '  N. Iit' ' gs- I )nly  , ill.4pect,'
head of WIvmc, ilmAle at aun \arvhu.v, v |ahlis-hvd, by Iluw, lml ' ....
ll 'nvlt' Ii  nl   t, I a m  I t'Iii   ruI I, t rafi inll )  it 'll4v i  n t'S nv'ild, thla're
shall lit paid  t, the  iui'liu''rs at  'iim'i waihwltt ,  atlt' tiii, anti
by the pvr.son or pvrsoo- demandinr lh,- sulm,, inlivald 44 z, uSm
How rnpuird 1y la, a May 17 Nhoy cemls, t liv anc.amn   flby
said iItuatrN, arod job! id  16, lhmlic nvreiiry, in thue muelo,.
am!l vl ti OhW lIk p lIhY awlld In,'vT'l' I1  mN I '.:rl,edh law.
2. This  act  shall I.i  in  hIrv'  t'routi t  ir.-  day  ot ()'tlid r ii'xt. C,,'ce,,,.
('HA'. LVI-AN AC]' auirpnliqi tog t' tllit rt'e'i.
(11.4', AMUi Il, I101.)
1. i' i  i ,tlir d  l/  IIe f   i 11tri l  Thlatli, That  lt'' t: Nt'  nutd ir-  hmral imI.
rears ut' taxes, dIne prior o lhe first day ot ( )cihr la';t, autd not
olherwise apnt4ii ld, ant all t her rnmucies i rtvtm, atd ilA
iMC lt ulits lit it Irwist amli ipria hd I xo aw, I'ich .lihll cime
into   the u blic, Iraslry  pritr  ti the  first iv tt' ( )i't,,t 'r i ixt, and
Ane surpls Af alqqM16ritiM Iten'oire mlaw%, S'hall Oinslilo a
genera'il Foold, anld In! AijilUlianI us lhll6ws, h,, wit : idwv  I. exe sw lUih U -~l.
of Whe; gener  aW4hl, ,mw hundrd awl li1, Wlaul d Wr; nih,-
to the sualarits anl dltwaic's or t li' olicr- 14, 'vii  li te'nt,
eighty thoui-antd dollars ; to the commissioners of' the rvecite, and

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