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An Act appropriating the public revenue. 1829 5 (1829)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0404 and id is 1 raw text is: In the fifty-fourth year of the Commonwealth.
shall be exhibited ; on every license to a broker, sixty dollars; on Venders ofsilver
every license to sell silver or plated ware, or jewelry, not of the or plated wareor
mantuficture of the venler, twenty dllars: PI'ovided elays,wetry.
']'hat persons weho only repair watches, and veind such articles as
are necessary in that line of busiiess, shall not le deemed and
taken witlin the mneitning of this act; as venders of silver and
plated ware, anti jewelry, who are req uired to pay I tax and ob-
tain a license; on every vendue-na.4ter, a tax of sixty dollars.  On vendue-mas-
3. Be it furtheir enacted, That if any iichanic, milliner, or ters.
other person, taxable as retail Umerchants under the revenue laws, On mechanics,
will iake oath before the cimtissi ioler of' the revenl., (who ilI
hereby empowered to adhninister the same.) that his or her ave-
rage sales per anitii, of goiods, wares andI iierchatidize, or other
articles connected with his lOr her line if businiss, do not exceed the
amoinlit (if sales of articles of his oil her ilailfacture, or mechanical
labor, such persin shall only pay a tax if tell iollars ; and if lie
or she, when required, shall refuise to take such oath, lie or she
shall be thereulpmn listed as a retail ierchaint ; every clock pedlar Onelock-pedfnrs.
shall payv tweltty  hllar. in vach coulity ill which he shall trade.
4. This act shall be in force from and after the passing thereol: Commencement.
CIIAPTER, 2.-A, act appropriating the public revenue.
(Passed February Q22d, 18,0.)
1. Be it enacted by the Gem,rat .1Jssembl/ , That the taxes and General fund.
arrears of' taxes, (file prior to Ie lirst day (it' October last, anti not
otherwise apprllpriatteil, ant ill othvr Ibatiehes tf rveuue, and all
public loonies not apri.e approriatei b', law. which shall come
into the public Treisury prior to the lirst IlI -Y of Oclob  e Iext, and
the surplus of all aplropriation,l heretoljrei made, shall ciustitute
a general funl, and be appropriated as folllows, to wit: To the Specific appro-
expenses of the General Assembl Y, one hundredl tlhiusand diollars; priations.
to the salaries ind allowances of the iflicers (if civil governmteit,
seventy-seven thowuall duhlhi0's; to the colmuissiners of' tile re-
venue, and clerks for exainininl colmiiissioners' books, twenty-
eight thlusand dollars ; to dfray crimicial charges, including the
expense of guarding jails, forty thousand dollars ; to pay the in-
terest on thrve hundred and nitueteen thuusanrd iollars of tIe seven
per cent. dhebt, anlld in two ctrfilicates lif six per cent. debt, held
by the Literary F'und, twenty-three thuousand eiht hundred dol-
lars; to the sinkiig fund, flr the redemoption ot the oll   six per
cent. military debt, one thousand dollars; to coitingett expenses
of courts, inclliig allowances to clerks, attornies, sherill!; and
jailors, twenty six thousand dollars; to the payient ill pe nsions
allowed by law, fiur thousaud dollars; as a civil contingent fund,
ten thousand dollars; to militia establishuenut, incluling setvices
of clerks of courts of' enquiry, adjiutants, priovosts martial, and
expresses, and for the purchase of druius, tifes, and lhe pity of
nusicians, where tlhe lines of tle regimnut are insullicient, and
alsom including the pay tit' adjulant-getlral anti brigade inspectors,
seventeen thtousanid t Iollars; ti the internal char-ges of the peni-
tentiary-.liuse, flour tliulsand dollars ; to fltle pi'nitcntiary oflirers'
salaries, six tilusan(l six hiundred anild lifts dollars; to the trans-
purtatiun of crituinals to the ilenitetitiary,live thousand live hun-
dred dollars ; to the public guard in the city of' Richmond, fifteen

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