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An Act imposing taxes for the support of Government. 1829 3 (1829)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0403 and id is 1 raw text is: PART I.
CIIAP'TE. L.-An act imposing taxes for tihe support of Governient.
(Passed IFebruary Ilth, P7O.)
1. Be it enacted by, the General .ilssembly, That the public taxes Taxes for 1830.
I'm the year eighteen hundred and thirty, shall be as follows, viz:
On lands, for every htndred dollars value thereol, (agreeably to On lands.
tile a  t ' Col. arr'nll' ir   the  counties into districts, for the  election
of' Senators, and tar etlraliziorg tile hird tax, passed February the
eighteenth,- one thousand eight hundred and seventeenr ; and the
act  further to amend and explain the act, entitled, 'an act for
arranging the counties intto districts, lt the election of Senators,
and for equalizing the land tax, passed March tire first, one thou.
sand eight Iundred and nineteen,) eight cents; for aill houses lhoses and lots
anl lorts in town, two dllar's and three cents for every hundred in towns.
dollars of' yearly rent, or annual value thereof'; for all houses and
lots improved, and not rented o r occui ed, and all unimproved
lots in any city, town or brogr , ci-it clrts  or evcry hurdred
dollars value thereo agreeably tor the above r'ecited acts, for ar-
ranging tire counties into districts, for tire election  f Senators,
anti for equalizing tire land tax ; fhr every slave above tire age of' Slaves.
twelve years, (ex cept such as have been, or may be exempt, in
consequence of age or' infirmily, by tile respective county and
corporation coorts.) thi-  e    t s ; f'or every stallion (ir jack- Horses, asses,
ass, twice the price at -Tieh sucir stliun r jck.ass covers a &c.
mare by tire season ; for all other horse, mares, asses, mules and
colts, eight cents ; Cur ever'y ordiary licenw, or license to keep Ordinaries and
a house oa public entei'tainent, there shall be paid a tax of no houses of privato
less than eigiteen dollars ; and it' the annual reiit or value of such entertainment.
ordinary. (to be assessed by the zomimissioi,(r of the revenue.)
shall exceed two hundred dollars, ain additional tax shall be ruid,
at the rate of' seven per centill n on sirrih excess of' annual rerrt ir
valrre ; fur every license tr keep a house o l)rivate enterainment,
vhich shall be situated within some city, town or borough, or
within eight hundred yards actual distalce of* some public road
or highway, there almll Ihe paid a tar: at tire rate ot' five per cen-
tunl on tire annual rent or value of such house of' private enter-
tainment, without re'erence to tie value of the buihling; such
annual rent or value to be ascertained by the crnrirrssioner of' the
revenue : Protided hoie te', 'Th1at it aliy house of* pivate enter-
taim ent, as such, shall be of' less llillural Value  thian  fti'ly  dollars,
rnot rurre thall two dollars shall be char.ge filr such license ; i'o Carriages.
every riding or pleasure carriage, stage-wag  , jers'ey wavg ri
and carryall, al(Iru harness belonging thtreto, oe imer cent. on tile
value thereof; the vaile thvr'o' to be ascertained by the cmii-
nissioner of the rcvenue, in the manrier prescribed by law: Pro-

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