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An Act concerning the Overseers of the Poor. 1828 22 (1828)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0388 and id is 1 raw text is: sS                 It thide ft/.third year of the Oomrnonwealth.
clerks of the county courts, and the said sherilrd, to be correct,
and transmit the samc to the Governor anti Council.
(eneral Assem-  21. Jnai be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
bly, when to be  said Executive, as soon as all tie returns of the polls aibresaid
convened.     shall be received by them, carefully to examine the same, and if
it shall appear that a majority or all the votes given, is fer ratify-
ing said amended Constitution, it shall further-be the dty of said
ixecutive, forthwith to convene the GeneralAssembly, in order
that the Constitution, thus ratified, shall be carried into effect.
Penalty on oflieers  22. .nd be it further enacted, That if any sheriff or other
for falling to per- officer, shall fail, faithfully, and within the time prescribed by this
fbrm thefr duties. act, to discharge any of the duties hereby required, such sheriff
or other officer, so faiiling as aforesaid, shall lorfait and pay the
sui of five hundred dollars, to be recovered by action of debi, in
any of the courts of record in this Commonwealth, fur the use and
in the name of the President and Directors of the Literary Fund.
Commencement.   23. This act shall cotmence and be in force from the passing
UiIATEIR 16-An act to amend the law In relation to the pay or witnesses in
certain caes.
(Passed February t2th, 1829.)
Witnesses for    1. Be it enacted by the General Slsseinbly. That no person sum-
Commonwealth, noned as a witness for the Commonwealth, in any prosecutiom for
we to be paid a misdemeanors where there shall have been a prosecutor, shall
eutof Treasury. be pai& (rut of the teasury for his or her attendance, whether the
prosecutor or defendant be insolvent or not, unless tle court, at
the term in which the same may be tried, shall certify that such
prosecution was required by a due regard to the laws or interests
of the Conunonweal th.
Witnesses for free  2. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for
t crons, to be pald witnesses summoned on behalf ofa free person tried or examined
y them.      for any offience whatever, to receive payment from  the Common-
wealth for their attendance, but all charges for the sunmnoning and
attendance of witnesses on behalf of free persons, shall be charged
-to and paid by such free persons, as in other cases.
Clerks of court. to 3. And be it further enacted, hat if any clerk shall fail to
comply with re- comply with the requisitions of the act concerning the expenses
Fe. lo fth 1825, of crituinal prosecutions, pased the twelfth of Fehruary, eigh-
before receiviug  teen hundred and twenty five, lie shall not be entitled to receive
compemato1.  any allowance .or his public services, until the provisions of the
See acts 1824  sa'I act shall have beea complied with.
ch. 11, p. 16, 17.
Commenccement.  4. 1his act shall be in force trom its passage.
CHAPTER    .-An act concerning the Overseers of the Poor.
(Passed Febrbary 20th, 1829.)
8lerk, agent, or  1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, 'rlsat it shall be the
president or over- duty of the clerk or agent, where there is an agent who has the
seers of th ieer
to examine tieir care of the records of the overseers of the poor of the several
records, and re- counties antd corporations of this Commonwealth ; if there be no
port to Auditor  clerk or agent, then the duties required by this act shall be dis-
all Information  charged by the
relative to the  a           president of the board of overseers of the poor in
por.         any county in which thtere may be uo such clerk or agent, at their

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