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An Act allowing David Ward, a free man of colour, to remain in this Commonwealth. 1827 120 (1827)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0383 and id is 1 raw text is: 120                In the jift'i°-second year of the Commonwealth.
than twelve months, he shall forfeit his right to freedom, and may
be proceeded against in the manner directed by the eighth section
of the act passed the twenty-fourth (lay of February, eighteen hun-
dred and twenty seven, entitled, an act to aetu(nd the act, enti-
tied, 'an act reducing into one tie sever'd acts concerning slaves,
free negroes and mulattoles.
I:omenccmnn.   9. This act shall be in force from its passage.
IIAPTER t .-An act allowing Iavid Wnrd, a fiee man of' colour, to remalil
ill (his C'o imolwcnlti.
(Passed Fcbituary l3th, 1,28.1
David Want per.  1. lie it enacted by the Genwral .lsse mblY, That I)avid Ward, i
moitted to remain man of colour, emancipated by the last will and testament o
in county of Pitt. Joha Ward, the elder, alte of Pittsylvania couity, shall be, and
sylvania.     he is hereby permitted to reside as a ifree mai in the said county:
Privisn.     Provided, however, That if the said )avid Ward shall hereafter
be convicted by the verdict of a jury and the Judgnent of a court,
of any ofIence against the laws, of this Comoniweallh, it shall be
lawful for the court of the said county (f' Pittsylvania, or for the
court of that county or corporation within which the conviction
may be had, a majority of' the acting muaistrates being present.
or having been summoned for that purprose, am time said David
flow permission having been duly summoned to shew cause against it, to revoke
my be rvoked, the leave of residence hereby granted. if it seem expedient, and
Effect of order of to order hilm to depart this Commonwealth. And if, after such
,evocation   order of revocation, lhe shall remain in this Comw;.,wealth miore
than twelve months, he shall forfeit hi right to freedom, and may
he aplLrehended and sold, in the inanner provided by the act, enti.
tied, .an act reducing into one the several acts concerning slaves,
free negroes, and mulhattoes.
Oionneticenent.  12. 'his act shall be in force from it, passage.
(II1APTFR1 169.-An act allowing Lydia, a fre u-nioan of cnlour, to remain i4
this  ,nu oluw,althh fi' a linited time.
(Pausqed 1ehuary lNth, 182%.)
Prvamblh        Whereas, it is represented to the. (eneral Assembly, by Lydia.
a free womin if colour of' thme ci tY (i' (r'een  ier. that in consi.
deration of' her unifirm good cnluct, shu was e'vicipated by,
William Morrow, 11 till saie coouItv ; and that afterwards, the
said Williaui Morrow, by hi4 will, directed that the father and
mother of the s idl Lydia shond le Ireu' at the death of his widow.
And time said l.ylia havillg rptitioned that she itmay be allowed to
renain as a fie  per ins'on ill ll! said county intil the event hap-
pens, n wilwich her parents will be eutitled to thi'r f'reed0ll :
I~ytdia permiteud  1. lie it enac,'d, That tile said Lydia shall be, and she is hereby
to remain in tile Perm'itted to 'e main is as :. frett pvrSu ii wilhll this Collnllonwealtl,
Stae rit limited and to reside in the  id contv of ( reenbrier, until tile d ath ol
the widow of the aforesaid William Morrow, and thereafter for
When permimsion the space of oltn year, but no Ilonge   And if' she shall 'enainl ill
ravoked,     the Cunomnnwealth beyond the said term, she shall forfeit her fr'ee-
dor, and be subject to presentmnlt, prosecution and sale, in the
manner provided by the eighth section of tile act passed the twenty-
fourth day of February, eighteen huudred and twenty-seven, en-
titled, an act to anend the act, entitled, 'an act reducing into

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