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An Act allowing Ben Hord, a free man of colour, to remain in the Commonwealth. 1827 119 (1827)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0382 and id is 1 raw text is: In the lifty-second !ear qf the Commonwealth.                      119
2. lie itfurther enacteid, 'rhat tile kudit.r of Itlblie Accotnnt.,  euritis:s authn-
the S perintend lit 1 I the  iiei tel iarv, anld the selling and gedene- .. IIIOF..
.y                   sh l Ill ....  .- . •   r,  ?,  ho(oks iii Andltalp
ral ige nt ol the Pe itetitltry, shall , h d tiey are herelby autiho- olttu,, Nr.
risetl ati required., Ii1).m the application ol' the svCviti es o Ih
said Matt hew I I. lice, or anly one o1 them, their agent or age lits,
to be alhowerl to examine thl hooks and 'mlrs in their respective
offices, relatin ii to the tran.sactions upon whid  a jiuIlu lt was
recove red in thw ia in . ol the Co11oonweal th avai i thesaild Mat-
thew It. Rice, as selling and geier aI agent of the Penitentiary,
anti his securities, to allow the said Seurities, 01' an',' if thei,
th,;r argent or aglenits, freely a.1111 fly t.o examine all sut'h hooks
aill palers a1s they tma.y th ink proper.
5. This act shall commetnce   Ii''oiii thre paWsing iollin efril
1I1iAPI'F;I{ 16t G--Au  it allowing  Alte  E. Fuev io  :m wv.  . Irtsi tiii St:ate cr.j.
taill sla',wrs h1041 by  her Ito' lit'.
( 1' .Nsed i F0t1huvy Jit, I
Whereas, it is represenited to Ihe  eneral .As,-nihly, by Alice Pre:,mbli,
E. Farley, widow of Phlilip Farley, d£lv4a,ed, that her brother,
John  V. Calvin, tl. gu:Ir:iaI f ii twhihlr'n, has lived fi. several
years ill Ill. S tate li' % latiama, w-here ino ofit thit relations of, tile
said Alice and tier childrc  now rusiue, and to which State the
said John intends shirtlr to reuov, his said wartds: These cir-
cutista;cte  ttrlit!t it extiremtely dct.,irahil to tilt' said Al ice to be
enabled tit accolpany her children I'mnll V*rgitiia; but all her
property consists of a lil estate il a li.w slaves, which, by th
law of ihis State, will ht lor-fiitel if shi. .t,'l've lI.'ll out (h' tire
Coil) mon weat th withotut the conl se nit of th I. reV'nsi :-Iiis, Io heil g
inll1 ti, howiever much thcy nomaik desire it, art. in capallt of giviII.g
that consent •
I. Be it therefore enactld, That it shall Ill. lawfuil o or the 1Said IN'uwi to It IlaV
Alice to rem ove ience iti tihe  tIate Ill .\lati:nma, the slaves Inow  Ildsum  1
held by her oir lif', antl in which lrtr itil'itit children have the'
re ersionary interest, without. iltrr li thereby 1111V Urfeitu'e nil
penal ty whati-ver, ii h'r tl'  , Cxistill- laws ofI this Con iii  wealtti
Provi'ed, i'hat the ruandiiail tr tilt.'  ill hlillhr-,'r shall, by deed Ptoviso
ill writing, to be entered ol rectord in th, court' of ('hcsterlichil
cOlnty, Cinsent to such remnoval.
2. This act sliall LIe  in   jit'ce  fro i its lia.s:a:I.,
(CliAPiI'iP t   I7.-An  ut :liowing  Ilt~ f- ord, a It'4,,44   mmiO ,.i w wl, ti rettil( l it,
tht: (,omnmult-lt t h.
(Mm, ed Ft'1bt'1ar) '2t40 lM2,;.)
1.  Bi  it  euiei'td  by  the  Genera I .' fihlq. 'l'  h n  l lh iid, a B1- m  Hord .tItIil-
inall oh' colour,  i (t Ie  comity',( 1, M id hlllet.,  ct-a:04 ',.t814411   h   t  l':I:lin ilk
the will of Jaunt'S IRNs., th,,v a-,id, shall he, auld ic i',h act'  per- t.:4'1ata4111W1:'11t1
mitted to remain as a I''r.e tiain %%ilil thi (l iioniu nve:drl, anl tlo
reside in the  alid comnty lut M iddlIe:.l'e\ :Prou'ialcd. l/irn-c', *, Tht I'sl0Ii.oia (44:4.
the court of' the said c:tltllt v shill hliae mower A atliy tite M  Nih n  :,V Ie Vci~kCd.
shall think lit, a Iliajorify of the a'ting  agi.r'flcs hinig ii,.',iI,
to revuke thi- Ileave ot l'e identce her'hy -':aitedlnl   dlr the said
Bell lord to depart this C onuIowea'lth : And it alter such olier icl.vt o0orlder V I
rtf' revocation, lie shall renoatii withint tile (.limmtwealth mo O ' ',:.itiill

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