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An Act authorising a sale of the real estate of Bat Dandridge, deceased. 1827 108 (1827)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0378 and id is 1 raw text is: 1.08               in the fifly-second year of the Cqmmonwealth.
erlng towns ex- the office of trustees or directors of the several towns within this
tendedto this  Commonwealth, and for supplying vacancies in the siune, as is
2 to         of a public nalure, shall be regarded as the law in relation to said
eh. .,6o, p. si,  towns of Middle Wheeling anti South Wheeling, hereby estab.
3.1.         lished.
Commencement.   5. This act shall be in force front and after the passage thereof.
CHAPTER 1.43.-Ai act aitheriing a sate of the real estate of Bat Dandrildge,
(Passed February 5lth, 1l18.)
Preamble.       Whereas, it appears to the General Assembly, that Bartholo-
mew f)andridge, a free man of colour, late of the county of lHen-
rico, by his will directed that his three children, Harrison, Charity
and Jul a, who were his slaves, should Ibtl emancipated, and de.
vised to thetn his estate real and personal, alter the payinent of
his debts; that the personal estate has been exhausted, leaving a
part of his debts unpaid; and no power being given by tle w'ill,
to sell for this purpose any part of tihe real estate, his children,
for whose benefit this proplerty was designed, are liable to be
taken in execution and sold as slavei to pay their father's d-btis,
unless the adiinistratour with his will ainnexed, be authorised by
aet of Assembly to sell the land instead of their persons : There-
lture, in conflhrinity with tile petition of tile said I[arrigonf4 Charity
and Julia landridge, and to prevent the great injustice wilich
would thlus result fromnt the operation of' the existing liaw:
Court of flenrico  1. lie it enacted, That Richard G. Snaitli, administrator with the
to direct sale of  will ainnexed, of the said Bartholomew landridge, otherwise
lan.         called Nat Dandridge, shall be, aut lie is hereby authorised and
empowered, to sell, in such (naier and upon such te-riis as the
county court if lienri'o shall direct, the real estate whereof tile
said Bartholomew Dandrhlge died seised, and which by his will
is given to his said children, end to convey the saine to) the pur.
chaser or purchasers tliereof,  s fully and effectually, as the cllil.
dren of the teitahor could do, were they lawfully emancipated and
Debts of deeesseh of Roll age. The said administrator, out of the proceeds of said
tol be siatisfiled li'oin a
PreeIs     propert', shall pay and satisfy the debts of the said deceased now
suiphis how dlis- remaining unpid, and the bailance, aflt-,r deducting all lawful costs
posed of'.    and charges, lie shall pay over to the children (f time said deceased,
as SoI1 as their emancipmation shall le efficted according to law
and the will of the te tatur, or to tile guardians of such as may
then be under the age of twenty-one years, dividing the saine
Bond anti security equally ainong thei Provided, however, That tile sait court sll .l,
may he r'qed if it appear to them that tile protection and security of the ri;lits
by ther court.  of cred itor., or of the children (if tite testator require, take bond
.with sufficient surety of the said administrator, in such penalty
as they sit,ill think fit, payable to the justices then sitting, and
coiditionel fur tlhe itilthful perforuiaic.e of the duties hereby as-
When commis-  signed: and if sauci bond be required, antd the adtninistrator fail
sione ia) be ap to g
pointe in tacu   give it, the said court wnay appoint soiie fit and proper perlson
administrator,  as commissioner to carry into execution the pr'ovisitns of this act,
who shall have all the powers hereby intended to be conferred
upon the saitd administrator.
Commencement.   2. This act shall be in force front its passage.

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