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An Act appropriating the public revenue. 1825 5 (1825)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0361 and id is 1 raw text is: In the Jiftieth year of the Oornmonwealth.


plated ware or jewelry, who are required to pay a tax and obtain
a license.; on every vendue-master, a tax of sixty dollars.  Onvenduc.mm.
S. Ite it farther enacted, That all persons trading on the rivers Trdrs.
and other waters in this Commonwealth, and vending goods, wares Ike. denoed ied-
and mercliandize, shall be deemed to be hawkers and pedlars lar, anti toiay ti-
within Ilie meaning of this act, and required to pay a tax and ob.-cnsassul'i
tait a license as such, and shall -be subject to all the penalties and
other regulations in relation to hawkerrn and pedlars who fail to
obtain.a license.
4. And be it 'zirther etacted, That all lists of licenses granted Commiasioners for
to merchants aid vendue-masters, shall be returned to the Auditor tawns to re'tur, to
the  ommssioers the cveue h  th  orAuditor lists of It-
by the..commn   ers of the revenue hw tite city or chmond, ceases to ter-
borough of Norfolk, and towns of Petersburg, L.ynchburg and chants, &o.
Fredericksburg,    o r r belore the twentieth day of May, annually; Time wAhen.
ani the sherills or collectors for the said city, borough and towns,
shall, on or befiore the first day of' June, annually, pay into the
public Treasury all monies so received in the city ol lichmond,
borounh of Norf'6lk, and towns of Petersburg, ,y nchburg and
Fredevicksburg. It' any of the coommissioners atoresaid shall filil Penalty for altil-
to return a list of the licenses so granted, at the time specified, tre-
witlmut reasonable excuse, it shall be the duty of the Auditor to
disallow such commissioner his fees for granting such licenses.
5. This act shall be in force frmn and after the passing thereof. Commencement.
C [APTER 2.-An act appropriating the puhlic revenue.
tPassel March Sth, 1826.)
1. lie it enacted by the General Assembly, That the taxes and  cer fund.
arrears of taxes doe prior to the first (.ay of October last, not
otherwise appropriated, and all other braniches of revenue, anti
all public monies not otherwise appropriated by law, which shall
come into the public treasury prior to the first day of October
next, and the surplus of all appropriations heretofore made, shai
constitute a general fund, and be appropriated as follows, to wit:
to the expenses of the General Assembly, one hundred and fifteen Specificappo.
thousand dollars; to the salaries and allowances of the officers of priations.
civil government, seventy-six thousand dollars; the contingent
expenss of courts, twenty.five thousand dollars ; to tile commis-
sioners of the revenue and the clerks for examining commission-
ers' books, twenty-eight thousand dollars; to defray criminal char-
ges, including services of jailors anti jail guards, forty thousand
dollars ; as a civil contingent fund, fifteen thousand dollars ; as a
military contingent fund, one thousand dollars; to militia estab-
lishment, including services of clerks of courts of enquiry, adju-
tants, provost martials and expresses, and for the purchase of
drums, fifes, and the pay of musicians, where the flues in the re-
giments are insufficient, twenty-five thousand dollars; to the ofli-
cers of militia, including the adjutant general and britrade inspec-
tors, four thousand fivehundred dollars ; to the internal chares
of the penitentiary house, four thousand dollars; to transportation
of criminals to the penitentiary house, five thousand eight hun-
dred and fifty dollars ; to officers' salaries of the penitenttary, six
thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; to tie public guard at
Ricimiond, sixteen thousand dollars; to expenses of representa-

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