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An Act concerning the Richmond and Manchester colonization society. 1824 82 (1824)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0355 and id is 1 raw text is: the ,other; and that the; acts of, each of the aforesaid' bourds of
trustees, shall be conflrmed'to' the'management ol'f the concernso'0f
their respective parish charity schols,
Xapealingelause.  5. All acts and parts of acts, coming Within the purview of
this act, shall, be and the'sameare hereby:repealed.
Gemmencencnt.  6. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.
CHAPTER 74.-An act concerning the Richmond and Manchcstercoloniatlow
(Passed Febrary 10th, 1825.]
Articles to be de-  1. Be it enacted by the General AIssembly 'lhat the rrincipat
livered by store- agent and store-keeper of the penitentiary, be, and lie is hiereby
keeper of pcni-
tenary ,fr use  authorised and required, to deliver for the use of the colonists
or colonists at Li. at Liberia on the western coast of Africa, to any ag.nt who may
beria. be properly authorised to receive the same, by the bo,%rd of mana-
gers of the Richmond and Manchester colonization society,
(whose receipt for the same shall be considered a su'ficieut vou
cher in the settlement of the accounts of said agent or store-
keeper,) such implements of husbandry, clothing, and other ie-
cessary articlest manufactured at the penitentiary of this Corn-
monwealth, as shall be specified by the said board of managers,
lmitation as to  not exceeding in value the sum of five hundred dollars, to be es-
Iulue.        timnated at the lowest cash price at which such articles aie sold
in the penitentiary store.
Commencement.   2. This act shall be in, force from, the passirig thereof.
CHAPTER 7.-Au act concerning the county court of Alonongalia.
[Passed February 17th, 1825.]
How court shall  1. Be it enacted by the General A.ssembly, That it shall be law-
be constitute-'.- ful for four or more of the justices of the peace for the, county of
for recommend-ing Monongalia, to assemble at their court-house at any regular court
pnons to offices
f sheriff and co- day, and appoint a crier to open court, for the purpose of recom-
roner;    I   mending suitable persons to the Executive for the offices, of sheriff
And for taklng  and coroner, and shall in the same manner form a court to take
bonds from per- bonds from, and qualify according to law, such person or per-,
sons appointed to
tsose oiees,  sons as may have been, or shall hereafter be commissioned, either
as sherif or coroner of said county.
Person recomr-  2. Be it fitrther enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Execu-.
mended as coro-. tive to commission to the office of'coroner, the person recommend-
ner at last Janua-
ry term, may be ed by the court of the county of Monongalia at its last January
commissioned,  term.
This act, how long  3; This act shall continue to be in force until a sherif or coro-
to be in force,  ner be commissioned and qualified for said county, and no longer.
Commencement.   4. This act shall be in force from and after the passing thereof.

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