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An Act to amend the act entitled, an act, to reduce into one act, the several acts, declaring the punishment in case of rape 1824 22 (1824)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0352 and id is 1 raw text is: 2                    fit the forty-ninth yew- of the Contmonwealth..            I
 der shall inoreov'er he imprisoned, at the discretion of the court,'
for a period not less than ont titnth, nor more than six months.
This act to be   S. ..jnd be it further enacted, That the judges of' the superior
gilell !it ch:,ge to courts of law, and tf e.jiistiees of the county and corporation
gran~d juries.        shall c;oant torpratly
Cmltts, shall constantly (rive this act in charge to the grand juries
itlpanielletl and swornt iII the said couris respectively.
Conmencelmefit.  4. This act shall be in force froin and alter the first day of
May next.
CIIAT'I'ER '23.-An aet to nneiil the act entitled, an act, to reduce into one not,
tle seveti'l acts, dechiting t lie  itnishtient in case of rape.'
[Passed lJ lt t)n is   ith  IS25.
Poliishmei oif   1. Ie it eiat'ed by the Gieneral isse'ibfl, That, if' any free tie-
rape or i %%lite  por, or llatto h o ravish a white wolan, imarried, naid (It- other,
,o'i:,it)   ;i'c where site did not conseint befbre nor after; or shall ravish a
negrrtithilattu. witei' wian, married, iaid or o¢tjr, with foiee, allittugh sie
Coisent 'after ; the person sto ofl ,eiding shall be ad jud ged a -lehln,
and shall suffr, deafh, as ii case of felony, witilout benelit of
cFergy ; any law, cusitn, or usage, to the contrary ntwithstand-
Cotntcrlenciiieiit.  2. 'This act shall he in force i'om the passage theleof.
t;I APTER 2,.-An act, providing thil clenaning and packing the arims :It the Lex-
iigtwo  m:irs t, , a l t ur otlitv  purposes.
[Passed Febr-va,'y N2th, 18'25.1
['reanibc.      Whereas, by thi twellth section of the act, entitled I. an act to
amend thiact. entitled, In act, to reduce into one, all acts and
parits of acts, for 'rtt hlting the imilitia of this Coin monwealt 1h,
ptmsed FeL'ro try Ih(- seventeentt, eigiteeii hundred and t we,Ity-
three, so nituch lof the li uith section of the ;at, passed February
till tweutty-ei-lh1lh, eightiecn huittl'ed adi twenty two, entitled
Ia   act, priovidi,, fir the repairs of' the arirv,  and the lieser-
vatitit ofthe lilt, iublic arins,' as directs the Executive to dispose
or tLI muskets deitiinated in the report ir tie joint comtiittee
of he tie eeral Asse tiblv,  unlit for lield service, is repealed;
itii it now itllltelits, iroiti tile reasotins of the joint co,,mmnittee of
this svssi,,i, that tine sale of all such aits is expedient:
tCurtaii plic  1. Be it Mlreft',e eiacted by. tie Gene,'al Jissembly, That the
r     dlii uit' ser- Executive el this Ciinwititivealth, be atid they are hereby direct-
vice, dir, -,d to  edl aid required, ai soon  s ia way be, to sell, fir the best price that
be sold b) Ex¢cuu-
ive.           call he obtained, tither by ptriva'tte contract or at public atction,
all such muskets now in tie public armory, and all such as may
heea rter lie brought I here, ndersolinated in the report of tle jint
comiluiittee for tie year eigitteeu hundred ani twen tv-oite, and
eighteen hunlredl ait i  twenty.two, its  unfit For field ser-vice,
alit ildi sti gushed inl thle report of' this session, as  i fi, fIhosa nd
ni II It'li  iili isketsbeilig oir suillei'(calibre thin those furnished
Limitlionti  s to  by the Uniteild StQtes, or tatint fcturetl by this State: Provided,
price.        neei'theless, That tle said r our tthoisand andI fifteen nuskets,
shall in no instance be sold at a less price thian five dollars per

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