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An Act farther to amend the penal laws of this commonwealth. 1822 35 (1822)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0337 and id is 1 raw text is: In theforty sevinth year of the Oommonwealth.

CIIAP'Et St.-An act to amend the net, entitlel an act, to amend the net, to
r'educe into one net, the several aets and parts of-ots for establishing a peuuitcuti
ity house, and for the punishment of criucs.
S[Pas:sed Febrnry 5th, 182-3.1
1. Be it enacted by Mhe General .Issentbly, That if the person Where person oil-
fixed on by thes court of any county in this commonwealth, to act inted as trlstee
o a convict's us-
as trustee of the estate or any coInvict condemned to confiue- tateshal refitseto
meat in the penitentiary, shall refuse to undertake the care and act,the sheriff
management of such estate, or shall fail to give bonti according slu1h perform such
to law, for the fiaithfttl discharge of his duties, then the Sherili off-utes.
the county for the time being, and Isis successors in office, shall
wrforin the same, and be responsible for his said perforutnce in
like manner, as in other offlicial duties required of him.
2. This act shall take eflect Front the passage thereof     Commencement.
CIIAPTER .Q.-A aci lirther toamend the ietal lwis of this commonwealth.
(Passed February 21st, 18123.]
1. lie it enaeled by1 the General .'1ssemblyj, That henceforth, Persons crnvich:d
when any person shall be convicted of any crime or ofi'nce now  i..... .now.
.  t ,   ,  . .    .  '  - ,.J . ., ,  . .   |unismb le hy  ini-
i)unishalle by iiprisOnneit in te pulic jail anti penitentiary prisonrlenlthil petl.
house, for any period not exceeding two years, such person shall, iteutiary for not
instead of the punisl..ent now prescribed by law, undergo im[ri- Slore thai, two
.      ...n ill the  IJ                                yeLars, how  to lib
sotnent ili the aJail ot the county or corporation, where such coti- tpihuied Ihe  af-
Viction shall take place, for a period not more than- six months lets
nor less than one munth at the discretion of the court, and be
there kept on low anti coarse diet as prescribed by law for otni-
victs in the penitentiary; an( shall moreover be punished with
stripes, at the discretion of the court, to he inflicted ztsone time,
or at dlifferent titmes during such confinement, as such court may
direct: Provided, the same do not exceed thirty-nine at any
one time: Provided, nevertheless, that the crime of bigamy and Eception as to
the ofltces punishable by the second, fourth, fifth, and sixth sec-bigamy, lild er'-
tions of an act, entitled - an act, reducing into one the several til, 0  itr  •11ences.
acts for punishing, persons guilty of certain thefts and fbrgeiies,
and the destructisn or concealent of wills, passed the twenty
thirdl day of February, eighteen huttdred anti twelve, shall be
punished as heretofbre.
2. lnd be it furlher enacted, That all tials f0r offences )u-T'ri:3'4 t, In ill sit
ishable by imprisonment in the common jail and with  st ri p  Iy t  ,,iM r C01ui'S.
the provisions of this act, shall be in the superior courts, any law
to the contrary nutwithstanding: And ill cases of conviction juilIglelit oifre-
under this act, of persons to be puished with stripes, or by ins. tituton, &e.
prisonient in atmy county or corporation jail, such .udgmnelit for
restitution, or for' the payment of the value of property stolen,
and such other proceedings shall be rendered aInd had, as have
heretofore been usual in similar cases.
1. Be it further enacted, That hetceforth, when any fi'ee ne- Pnlshiment of
gro or mulatto shall be convicted of an offbnce, now by law pull- frie neigroes or
ishable by imprisonment in the jail -Ind penitentiary house for IiiuttitS, iw of.
more than two years, such person, inisteal of the Conlinement now ishille with more
prescribed by law, shall be punished by stripes at the discretion thiill two years
of the jury, siall moreover be adjudged to he sold as a slave,   ..finunent ii life
ant transported and banished beyond the limits of the United pelliteitiy.

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