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An Act appropriating the public revenue. 1821 5 (1821)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0329 and id is 1 raw text is: 1it the forty-sixth year of the Commoinveallh.

CIIAIr'mR e.-An act npproprLitbig the ptthlic vventu.
(Pautid Felhnury 23, 1822.1
I. lie it enacted by the (eneral ,Issembly/, T'hatthe taxes an1 1   1 I'tt ttm1d Cul-
ar'rcrs oi taX.s, tilte |tii to tlhe first day of' October lIat, not Mlittlvd.
ollhelwi,,a j Ulirliriated, andill oilier bra ncies of' rtveniile, adti
all othr lipublic monies n ot otherwise approprialed by law, which
shall conli  into the public treasurty prior to lhe first ilay of (clo-
bel, next, and tile Surplus of, all appropriations 4let'etirc Ititad,
slull  roistiutote a general IFiiud, atd be appropiriated as lidllow :
To the .x   ll.sesi of'i lhe General i Assemllbly, tiltle hulred thousand S, ecitic  1ttlropri.
tollars ; to the salaries aid allowlalces (i tihe olfiers of the civil lil,i.
gUVil' tile lit, hidhilg i llowailCes to sAietiilf alil attlrn: ,s fio ,a+l-
lenttie t il circuit  iits, ii ani to iai'shals for at.telidiig spille'ior
cou i't( of chancery, nillety-ItIlree tihousaitdi dotioll's ; to coltUil.ssi-
tites of' ti  revent, ;illd clerks fior exaiiiill. it otnimessioe r
)otiks, twinitv-tI ive I tl oitid ioltars ; to deh'f ray rnill  ch'll-.,
including se vices if jailors and111 jail gIarik, thir'ty-five tl ow;;11111
dollars ; to SCr'Vices o;f clerks of circiit courls, 'three thioiusamil
dollars ; as a civil coiln.ent fund, lifielli thousanl doltars ; a, a
muilitaty Coltitili eitt runnd, otte t iousitil dotllars ; to illitia estil -
lishinetit, ili  n silei  srvices of clerks of coitts (it, elillirv, il-
uttallts, pi'lvost llarshal. and exprexseS,; tll nti' the llti  p iorc : of
trutits, filles, colori's, and tile Iv oft' ton iall wvhewit  te itc liii,  in
,tilt. regiment are ilnsuilicient. Itir tv tht 'iimitd dollar ; to tihe offi-
'ers of militia, includintg atditmlls -.11d hrilgade inspeltors, live
thiouisand doltlars; to pilii tentia ry aiit ici  raId rh' i, .5,,vtCil
thousant dotllars ; to tiirtiisportat in  o ( ' o iilii ti   li,,'iitiiry,
six thusaild doil's ; to ofhcers' stlI i, (itI'  eilitenliailv, Six hl  i -
said iollars ; to tie lilllic gualri at l|icliiiod, Iil'u thiosiilt
doltars; to ex peises  of' ieplsenitttinli to          and lgl''5 aillt statt
Senate, thte hlut'dred dollrs ; to Slaves trattnjilirt-'d utd ec-
cuted, tell thousand dito hlla's ; to public i areoull 5 i Citi tioil pay
o superinteidents, (ile. thousand five hldirell dollar  ; to clei'ks',
slhe-riifi: anti marshltals' CI'es, tivye  idndred it dollars ; to tite  Ust pp  t
it' the lullatic  Ilspital lit VWillinshitr!g, tell ilousatn dollar,  t k
the cxpLeClie ii' ruril ls at tilie ai'senal ila I t, iitilt, live Itlltstitl
(ollari ; to I]eitiilr% statutes at lrge, fil. th)US;ttikl dollar. ; to
.,Uli carrips itsin trn'isportati on l'ais  m t, elve hullret dfll atr
to sittkimlACn'td, tile huulred thousand dollars ; to pilsionet's six
thousadI  n inte hiiitteil thit ars.
ti. .IJud b., ,*+t further encted, Thiit sI inlci tif' the pulic rmihimn it ,..
reveilie, and all otither pulit ic mnileisid, Iott itle'Wis aIitllurinleil dly tilt! eXp,utw;
. ...                 +        •  ,q' lite  rutic i  w wt+
by law as ittye received ito the public treasitry alt:i r the thir- vi  ill COM
tietli  lay of Stlteibet next, ini tile siplus itt all oI' Iifi-t'  p  lth I.i .
proprtttito sii e h treotitt at made, s hall consifitite a  iit   il  oll, Io lt,,,r 1.,
tefi'ay tite exienses of tIle governtel t in tilt fiscal l'ear whit-,
shall *comiillelci' (ti thie first day of Oictiobetr ntext, atid tt'tiitl;tl
tlit the tlhirttieth dby itt Septeit'l eightet n hundt redalil n   wet i v -
three ; and the ul ittl itt' p1ublic accounts is het'iy autttois'd
and requiredt to isstie his Warrants iii the Sttei   u l ellrlar it titll
f'utds had bee'n specially ientionel, subject to suich (-t:ceptiols.,
cotnditionls5 and liniitations, as tile Cieteral Asseibly may hereal'-
ter prescribe by law.
S. This act sliall comtmince and lie in fircc 't'Ioin andt Ui'teri th' (nmriC'rntI.
paging thereol',

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