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An Act to amend the act, entitled an act for establishing a turnpike from Richmond to the Deep Run Coal Pitts, and from thence to the Three Notched Road. 1820 96 (1820)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0325 and id is 1 raw text is: 96                   It the fort- fll year of the Coniouivealth.
Report tobe made  2. Be it firtller enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid
by thems to the  shall report their proceedings under this act, to the governor of.
governor.     tibs Conmonwealth. as soon as practicable, after they shall have
executed the duties prescribel to them by this act.
Civil eninermay  S. Be it rrther enacled, Ihat, if the said coin nissioners shall
be req,'.,d to  deem it necessary to have the aid of the civil engineer, he shall
attcd them.   attend the said commissioners in the execution of tile duties
prescribed by this act, and shall give to thein his advice and assis-
tance as the civil engineer of the state, and assist them in their
C,*ommnication to  4. Be it further enactel, That the governor of tils Coimon-
be made to the  wealth conliiunicate the passage of this act, as soon as Possible,
governor of M  to tie governor of' Maryland, with a req uest lhat it ulay be laid
ai          before the legislative body of Ihat state as soon as practicable.
Appointznent of  5. Be it 1i'ther nactred, [hat it. shall be tie duty of' the Go-
commissioncrs, vernor, and'he is hereby required, to notify, witi;n convenient
and  duty  ',m lx~   •osned'
oil civt .n....C tinne, to each conmissioner the itlact of his appointment ; and it
]low notified.' shall be the duty of te board of public works to notily to their
civil engineer the duties hereby imlosed on him, to tile intent
that they may he severally and strictly perflormied.
Compensation    6. le it flrther euncted, That each colunmissioner, appointed
allowed comun111'is. under thii .ct on the part of this state, shall receive four dollars
ioners.      rer day for the time lie shall be necessarily eulphoyed in tihe per-
l'ornianct of the duties prescribed by thi. act, to be certified by
Also to chain car. the said cousnissioners.; and that their chain carriers and others
rier a nd others to be emnployed by them, shall be entitled to receive such compen-
employed by   sation as the counissioners shall certil to be just and reason-
To be pad out idf able: and the cost and charges hereby authorisd, shall be paid
fund for internal out of the fund for internal improvement, under the superinteit-
improvement.  dency oh the board of public works. At!,l the said coninis-
eats, it tiecessa-  -
i7 may be ob.  sioners are hereby emipowered to obtain, in such natnner t s they
tUed.        may think best, boats, if necessary, or file purpose of mnore t, llc-
tually carrying this act into operation ; to be'paid for as beflre
UIIAPTER 6.-An act to amend the act, entitled all act fir establishing a turn-
pike fron Iichmond to the )eep Ion Coal Pits, and front thence to tihe rhree
Notched Road.
[Passed March 5th, 1821.]
Penaltyoil per-  1. Be it enacted h. ti GrneraL .Alssemtbtdl, That all and every
Sons e sldn play- pei-soil or persons travellin on tihe Richmniond turnpike road, who
ment (ii toll,  shall, for the purpose of' avoiding payment of tile toll for travel-
ling said road, turn oil the said roatd and go round the gate or
gates, already, or which may hereafter be, erected on said road as
toll-gate or gates, and return upon saii road, after getting round
such gate or gaLes, shall pay as a penalty therefor, double the
amount of the tolls allowed by law for travelling on said road ;
and such person or persons shall moreover be liable to pay a Iin
of ten dollats for each and every such oflfnce, to be recovered by
warrant in the :ame of the Ctnmaonwealth, before any magistrate
having itrisdiction of such case; which fine shall be for tle use of,
Or removing sand and paid to, the literary fund. And any free person who shall
*om the roud.  remove sand from said road, shall be liable to pay a fine of ten

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