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Preamble and Resolutions, on the subject of the Missouri Question, pending in the congress of the United States. . 1819 113 (1819)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0321 and id is 1 raw text is: itesolitlions.                                118s
said c'ommissioner's mider the said arit; a list olfl' ihe nais of tlhe vi who pinti-
Silte d ill tltf i'Weditioli, ail ot; such ill Illell a4 Illa ay have Ien pr'ovided fin'
fly tie sa l co Inlit issilll'lrS : that lte'y ill-niih these do'cull'it',, with .ullich tilhc'
iloriii atui'li as t ey   y ihevin propr, relative to the it'sul ict, to the ( neral
Assviiliblv, as sol)i as it c:Iii I)ll procileld : and, it nivCv;, ;,ry Ior hi, pIlulpose,
that h, I  it open ll 'rtwreps!iolehice lthiwitlh, with such if the c:loltissiOVl1i',5 IS
1iNLt' prohiab:Lh flloni 41 ilibrmu:litiii oil this smuiljct.
flt''s.tltVd, ili., lihtt the ix'cutive itit'. hlirelv  further r'leq let'cli to liliiishl
Ille (;vjierl .set lbly 0ith ay ilikoriiatill wli'h they  lav have, or call ol-
laiil, ill relatioin to (lie claim ifi tile state of Vi'iiliia,  ,aiil,t sit e mi', itt
tlit lands, whic'h were by liw allotted to tie ollicers iiid soldier.; ofl' ihe i'-volu-
I.io, iS will oii c'tiiiital t-; state esrttiliihtlt, aid ;Il  olier ili'illiatioll
I.hey illay dee i iecce'arv to atllird ielative to, lle slibject.
NO,), ,11.- l11e,,0h116011  forl  a  sillvoy), ill oll'li   t o .ll ( lil(' v  bv  at v'lla,  Naniltoonllld  andll  Black-
\watul, ri  t r:ls-[-u rr Ofit 1t) by oth I iI( I -ot I, , aImtai 7tI 1, 18 20.}
li'soltld, by lhe (en'l'It  'l q, Thait fill' Iiaid ito Publi  it l'ks be, all
Ill'y alt' lil)vit retquiried tit awtu, tie puiblc vl_'iit' el' tt take it corret srvey
ol h e cttiIutr' lvitl.   hiwt  i the it :ild  IttIer, itt t ill, Na  i v  'ive', Ilack-
mater'l  iver'l and/I  Smov~'lito   c'l',e, , litl ordel r  It) (' olinvvt:  flhl- Iw\o  'l ',i r  llS .I ri'al l
andi that hi' i ept ilit, Itltot elhi'iblc iuitt' 10r .aid cail:t, is %ill Its the di,tailce
N(. .-iroti.hic alne lusolttiolti oil thp ei.ie.t of tile Mie peiii ()e.,tioll, pvtote.K in
the  coligi 'c.. of' tile  lVnituc d ~ tt-.-   r''  to  bN  both  ll,jutts 3:, /c'rlltrv I 't,  18.21..
4he (WtlTral A\,Stilll v if* Vil'iiia have bileld, 1 ith flit- iht'llt'  (iicerl,
thie ltrtceetdinlt   ill ttti togIT-, upon tile pI)titioli ott theIt tlh' tf Mipeopeui h't lie
adillitt~ed  inkto  Ihb e l tl  Thevy  believ l ot til| he  v l;)1.1, 1% hith  is  flow u   i ,.-  1
iTvtlloe ll~ that peopqle, ii-i 0l,11 ('f lilt- Colldlitiowl of, theirit dtlmission, alll uonal-
terIable iillhibiiti Of' .aveiTI'V, ik l'btihlii, Ill- i (tl flith, by the ctilslitutiot of
tl,.! UniiteI States, and by collsiderati,is ifitimattely connectel '\ith the trant-
quility and wellhue it' the taitn.
By tie triatyv with France it* flie ;301 of April, 181t3, (lie faith of' the United
State's is pleit'dgd ti thil' iluat)itallts if' Liolli-ianla, that they  .liall he inro-'po-
rated in the unlliol ol th  Iliteit Statte.s, aId admiiitted, :1 50Oll as piitssitde,
ctcc(rdiii  to th. picripile  of' ilei federal coititutiil, to the eil'joyllielit itt
al t}1 vh riglhts, advalnta_-os arnd immun~itiv..; ol' ciliz'.viis oll 1.1tv United 'State,  ;
ani1 that, 11 ll ilh(- InvanI little, the y shall be Ipr'tetcdit'l, in their' libtr*ty, prloper.ty|,
whlichi was fioiiit'tlo inito .a 'piarate dlktricr, hat iIII. passiti thtitiui-li il(lie1ii1tiul. pro-
hatiot (t,  a territorial .ovviiiitit, now &A k  tiiiipi-'es toii  ad i ii tiiern hto the
u ilion, anl to adlit thil  ) the tjoimen t of til ft' 'i'ls, adtl tt' agi's and irl-
tuninlies oi-',itizt,,s of the Ui,,4u Stites.  hi answetr io this denliall, it has
beei propised in vlli  trs,., iit that tte shall be denied atdmittante into, the
union ; not that tht' adliission shall lie. deferrel, I ecause it is y'et impossible,
act'orditg to thi' didtat es of the fP'lerul toaslitlatio, lit a mt it th m ; bit that tiey
shall li' admiittetd, Upoll conlition that they will alipt a ie'rlmlallet regulation,
Iirovidiiv,, | that the Iortit'ri ittrotucliotli of, slavery, of invo ' lunitarv servitude,
' into the said state, be prohibited, except l'i' tle imonishtnetnt of crim nes, whereo'
the party shall have been duly c ovicted ; and that all chidrnid       ',slaves

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