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An Act concerning William Bosher. 1819 103 (1819)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0319 and id is 1 raw text is: fn the forty-fourth year of the Commiionwealth.                   105
his representaive, to be paid out of any mtonies therein not
otherwise appropriated :
2. This aet shall conlmence and be in force fr'oui the passini Commencement.
CIIAPTEII  CXMA.-An act conccrnin.TJames Dupcy.
(Passed .lanu'uy 5tit, lJ20.1
Whereas it is represented to th v   ,tietal Assembl y, That Jor- Preaable.
dan Jackson was appointed by the com iiandait of th f lfrty-ninth
reninlielt, to Sumonoi1 a court-tuartial dot'in, the late wIar, and to
attend upon the sane at the court house, ini the colinty of Notto-
way on or about the first of' October, eighteen hunure'd aild foir-
teeli, and was allowed by the said court twenty-five duollars and
Iirty-cight cents, which fol. vahltable coltsidl-raiiolis lh 11rallsfer-
red to Jaeis )opey, of the county alforesaid, who lald tile cllin
befilre the executive council, wilt rlttbtcd to acknowledge the
silie, statinlg thteie was no law authorisiiig the executive to order
1. Be it themt'fore enatded, That the auditfor of p)tilic riccountk, James )iipcy al-
is hereby authoriscd andt required, to issie a warranit otl thelowed :t claill
treasury  for the aforesaid  si i f i t eity- tive  dlars  ad ite t riy-pirchanco by  16111
eight ctnts, with the interest tereuo  e.11 paid, to the ;noresa.id of JordauJakson.
James I)ope or his represen taive, to be paid out of' any mioics
therein not i(thcrwi-w applroptriated.
12. Tis act shall commence and be in lurce froim the passing Coinnicncement.
CIIAP1TEH CXI.I-An act concerning Samucl Craddock.
[ Passed ,litluta'r' 8th, 1820.]
'Whereas it is represented to the present Getneral Assembly, Preamble.
by Samutel (raddock, late of' the county of I'ittsylvaiiia, That
oil the twllv-first day if Jailltry, in the year eighiteei hiitihdre
and ittinetenl, lie iiteritarrietl with Susan Fotue, the sistcr of his
late wife, withtut any previouIs kiiotwledlge that sich imarrmiage
was ContriarV to the laWs of this state: 'ltat, tm avoid a prose.
culition, lie has been Comiiielled to reitnove without tle liinits if the
(iimnlwealth, leavinr tuiisotl a sitall but fertile tract of lanld,
without tle iieatis of' ortliiary Support, alltl redutet, Froii the
want of the proceetds of said lanld, to poverty and distr'ss : And
the said Samiuel V 'adilick having petitioietl the legilatiire to ex-
lOllpt himt front all pemialties inticutited by reasoi of lii s marriage
aforesaid ;
1. le it enacted, That the said Saiiuel Cratidock shall be, Swmuel Craido-Ck
and lie is hereby discharged and exoneratei from all fies, pei - 'xinerated firma
altie, or ate iceiieais, whic f- li av have in nrred o bay lie .- iwiuialtis fi)r a,
after  iltcur by  I'(asol if his aoresait;l  InalTi-ii.'e.    illegal iairriage,
2. This act shall be inl lol-ce rloiii the pasilg thereofn Comencemcnt.
CIIAPTER CXIII.-An act concerining Williai Ioshier.
(Passed January 10th, 1820.)
Whe teas it app, ar Ito tlie (,teieltl  Ai etiilly, Thiat a nefrti PI-e:h1'jnble,
' Mal t  e h atl-ille of, Dtilli, who wis ihe slave andiih property tif
Willi in Boshi', of' the coUity of' Cuiaberlandl, valued it cig.t

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