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An Act to amend an act, entitled, an act establishing a Toll Bridge across the Occoquan river, in the county of Prince William 1819 65 (1819)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0315 and id is 1 raw text is: In the fortyfourth year f the Cmnmouweallh.                 65
3. And be it further enacted, That the said road shall be made Vhltl of road,
thirty feet wide ; sixteen feet of which shall be well covered with and style of com-
gravel, wood or stone, with t sufficient ditch on each side, and leIoI.
aqueducts where the same may be necessary.
And whereas doubts are entertained whether a'suflicient capi-
tal can be obtained to complete the whole of the said road ; aund
it being represented that it is particularly n cessary to turnpike
that part of the said road, which commences at the branch, near
Myer's ol store, and extending down said road so as to include
what are commonly called Perkins's Hills:
4. lie it enacted, That if the whole stock shall not be taken, it If whole stock be
shall and may be lawful, if a majority shall agree therein, for tot molscribul,
those who may have subscribed, to'form themserves into a com-  inpaln. may be
pany, and become a body corporate, for the purpose .of mak, i Jrt oif te'o 105,
the said specified part of the road, including Perkins's I1ls ;  1,duuig Per-
and that, when the same shall be completed acrcordinn, to the pro. ki3 ;I~ilh. el,
• .               I .                     1lne of  hiols Al-
visions of the before-recited act, the said company siall be eni- I ow] Such co.
tied to demand and receive two-thirds of the tolls allowed by paiy.
law for the whole distance of the coitemplated road.
5. This act shall commence and be in force front the passre ComnmnenceneRt.
CHAPTER LXX.-An act concerning the lynclbirg and Salen Turn.
pike Company.-[l'assed February 22d. 1820.1
1. Be it enacted, That the turnpike road established by law wifi .f roal,
from  Lynchburg to Salem (or so much thereof as shall iot be   t style ofew-
laid off and cleared at the passage of this act) shall be fory-two pleiorn.
feet wide, instead of sixty feet, the width prescribed by the act
prescribing certain general regulations for the incorporation of
turnpike companies, passed the seventh (lay of February eigh-
teen hundred and seventeen ; eighteen feet of which shall be
paved or gravelled in the wanner directed by sail act, and twelve
feet on each side thereof cleared for a summer road as therein
2. This act shall commence and be in force from the passing Commenccment.
CIHAPTER LXXI.-An act to amend an act, entitled, an act establishing
a Toll Bridge across the Occoqoan river, in the county of Prince WVil-
liam.-[Passed February 14th, 1820.]
1. Be it enacted by the General .Alssenibly, That it shall not be Persons Oi h.lrse.
lawful for any person riding on horseback, or for any driver of a biek, taggline '
t  ,.           not tI o  pass
wagrgon or otler carriage, to pass the bridge across tire Occ rquan .. g. .
river, at the town ot Occoqian, in the county of Prince William, gait but a walk.
or the causeway adjoining thereto on tie south side, in any other
gait than a alk ; and every free person oitthnding hetr'in, shralIt, 1llty Oin  a free
for eve-, . uch ollnce, forfeit and pay tire sur of two dollaru's, re-
coverabie by warrant before any justice of the peace, for the        e
county of Prince Wihliam, one moiety to the use of tile irturmer,
and thle other to tile overseers of the poor for tire said coun ty
and, if tile oflendler be a slave, Ie or she shall be punishedI with 'tiuiuhinent of a
any riumber of stripes',in his or her bare back, at tire discretion of slave.
any justice of the peace for the said county, not exceeding if-

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