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An Act to amend the act, entitled, an act incorporating a company to establish a turnpike road through Snickers' gap in the Blue Ridge 1819 61 (1819)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0314 and id is 1 raw text is: Ili the forty-fourth year of the Commron'wealth.               61
4. Be it further enacted, That all persons in the military ser- Soldiers, pUbli
vice of' the United States, or of' this state, all public messengers, imessCnge'ts' tad
and all public property shall pass toll f'ree.              toll-pro..
5. 'his act shallbe in force from the passing thereof.    Comkncneement.
CH.APTER IXVI--An act incorporating a corn pany to establiqh a turn-
pike road fr'om the Falls lridge turnpike to Wiley's tavern, and another
from the Falls Bridge turnpike to the Little liver turnpike.
(Plassed February 5d, 1820.]
1. lie it enacted by the Oeneral dlssenibly, That it shall be law- nnoks to be open.
fill to open books at Wiley's tavern in the county of Fairfax, ell at Wiley'sta-
onler the direction of John Mason, senior, Walter Sith, Joh t) i ,. whose di.
Cox, John Peter, Benjamin F. Mackall, John Mason, Junior, r tion.
William Moflett, John C. Hunter, George Minor, John Garrett,
Joh1n Jackson anidl Te inple Sinithi, or ally thrce of the in, for re-
ceiving subscriptions t ) tfie amount of fifteen thousand dollars, Amountofcapital.
for the purpose of' making a turnpike road from the Falls Bridge
tli  pike to NVI'leys tavern in the county of Fai'fax.
. When a sulicient iniber of shares shall have been sub- Company to he in.
scribed, the subscribers, their heiris and assigns, shall be, and they crri.
are Iereby incorporated into a companv, by the name of   TIe Ni ne, trI I1dl
Fallis lridge an( Wily's tavern Turnpike Company, agreeably Irilge & Wiih,'s
to the act, ctitled,  an act prescribig cetail1,,e cral reg O mplo - . 'ni e-r
tions  for the incorporation of turonpike coin panies..
S. .1ind be it further enacted, 'I hat it shall also be lawf'l to llook, to,w open-
open books at Alie, in the colil tv of Liuudoi i, uleor the  ilIree- I'll at Alim, in
ion or William Noland, Chales 1. Mercer, lown shend 1). Pev- U ..l.. .t
tori, James llickson, John Bailey, Uhiales Leis and Willia'in r-tio,
ElIzey, or any three of' them, for rec'ivng subscriltions to the Ainoititofeapital.
aimount of thirty-six thousand dollars, for the purpos. of making
a turnpike road fron the Falls lBridge turnpike to the Little River
4. When a sufficient number of shares shall have been sub- Compari tobe in-
scribed, the subscribers last mentioned, their heirs and assigns, cn'loirated.
shall be, antI they are herelby incorporated into a company by the
name of The Falls lBridge and Little fliver Turnpike Company, Nae, ll,,w Falls
agreeably to the act, entitled,  am act rescribing certain general llidg-tinI I ,i tth
regu ations for the incorporation of t    c   paes.         co,pni,,.
5. Tis act shall be in fice froin the passing thereof.  Conuur-icnlent.
CIIAP'rTR LXVII-An act to amend the act, entitled, an act incorpo-
rating a company to establish a turipike road through Snickers's gap in
the Blue Ridge, to Shenandoah river, towards Winchester.
YPassed January 27th, 1820.]
1. Be it enacted by the (euer'al .lssenblq, That the president Plrsiu,uht and fi-
and directors of the Snickers's Gap 'T urnlpike Company, shall be,  w 1 ns aultw1, wd
and they aici hereby autliorised to miake such altera to i in t-e ok  I, td
betl of the said tu i-npike road, fi'om the eastern side of the I hllhe Cronun niil,.' o,
Ridge to the Shenandoah river, as to tiera shall appear to he Ilk llidg to
proper, and to cter in to contr'acts for the urchnase of* the lard 'lin-nlnkt  i-in-.
'hol iuntik  omnleti
and materials over which the said road may pass, or to proceed It ('m. pio'ctnu, orl
condenii the samie in like manner as is provided by the act ilotor-. lan, &C.
poratim the said comrpany.
2. lie it further n'le u-led, That, if any person shall put any ',,,'alt, rol- put.
timber or oth er obstrictions Upon th e Sai Ihload, sli Ierso  hia-i I ilq ;Stiue 'ictiri
•            •           I  ile(. Io: td,

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