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An Act to amend the act, entitled, An act to reduce into one act the several acts concerning executions and for the relief of insolvent debtors 1819 17 (1819)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0310 and id is 1 raw text is: In he .forty-farth year of the Commonu'ealih.                  17
CHAPTER XIX.-An act to amend the act, entitled, I An act to reduce
into one act the several acts concerning execttiols, and for the relief of
insolvent dctbtors.--(iassed February 24th, 1820.]
1. Be it enacted by the General ./ssenbil!y, That executions is- Executons from
suing fron iuperior courts of law may, at the election of the wlperior tourts of
prty suing out the same, be arade returnable to the       lwrst deay of sti
the next term t)f the court from which such execution may issue,
or to any rule day previous to such term: Provided, there be at
least fifteen days between the date aod return-day.
2. .iud be it emteted, That all sales of slaves, mules and work- Sale of slaves,
ileg, Ivok-oven
oxen, and ho'ses, taken tinder execution or other legal process, saIl hrses, ken
shall hereafter he made at the court-house of the county or cor- i',' exeoutiontobec
poration where the same may be levied, on the first day of the made at court-
usual tern of the court of such county or corporation, next suc- house, on first day
ceeding that oil whiclh the saind may be advertised ; unless the i ebto, ulert
debtor, onl or before tite court (lay for advertisiug the same, shall othctrwis.
in writing require the ollicers levying such execution or process,
to make the sale at some other place within such county or cor-
poration, wheretpon the same proceedings shall he had, as if this
act hald never been passed : Provided however, that, if there shall Proviso.
not be tinte, on the said first (lay of' the court, to make or to com-
plete any such sahI,, it shall be lawful to adjourn the said sale from
day to day until the saItte shall be colup1etid.
3. .lnd he it farther enacted, That it shall not be lawful for the Executions on
clerk of any court of this Comnonwealth, to issue an executioi, ftrticoniig
' 'boiid.9 how to be
upon any boid given for the forthucoming of property, unless it  I
shall have been awarded by the court where suci bond shall be
lodged, upon inotion of the person to whem the same is payable,
his executors or admlinistrators : Provided, the obligors, t:eir cxe-
.. ..n agis                          !ikeeuin
cu trrs or ad mini sra to is, or su ch of tIn agaii t, hnxcto
is awarded, have tenl days prvoi notice of' such mnotion ; arid,
thereupon, it shall be lawful for such court, to award execution,
for the money or tobacco, ini such bond mentioned, with interest
thereon, from the date of the bond till payment, and costs; and,
upon such execution, the shet il or other officer, shall proceed in
the same marner, and the clerk shall make the saute endorse-
went, as is now directed by law, in relation to forfeited forth-
Coning honds.
4. dud be it farther enacted, That the operation of so much L.aw aulhorhsing
of the act, passed the twenty-fiftlh day of February eighteen hun- returii ,f cilpiu,
dred and nineteen, entitlel, ' an act for linitaiion of actions ; ' rPonll1111'
for preveting frivolous anl vexatious suits ; concerning jeofails, i eidc ti116n
amid certain proceedings in civil cases, as authorises a capits ad Malci tat, tS I.
icspoidendnti to be returned to some rule-day in the clerk's of-
fice, shall be and the same is hereby suspended until the first day
of March one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one : Provided, But not as to suits
hou'uer, that nothing herein contained, shall be construed to i ' rt
change or atect the mode of commencing and prosecutinig suits of law.
ill the superior courts of' law.
5. This act shall commence an(l be in force friom and after the Coinineneernent
first day of April next. But the whole thereof, except tle first and continatia.
section, shall expire on the first day of March eighteen hundred
and twenty-one, and thereafter the provisions of' the existing lawV,
repealed or suspended by so much of this act ws is tWipurary,
shall be in full force and operation.

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