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An Act to amend and revive an act incorporating a company for the purpose of clearing and rendering navigable Nottoway river 1818 95 (1818)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0288 and id is 1 raw text is: !N  JI~  O~T,-1I           OFAU 01 TiEC0MMONYE1ALTfl             9
. T-!his actstaI!be'nfr from wand after the firstd' iiof Juneocomn macut.
• i  -    *                 If.l-L..  . .
CIIAP'TIIt.X-.l*i'1.--At act ,authorizilg. tie P'resident and. )ir'ctt.'s'f
Sthe ihord  1P:ibic Works, tq, subsribe fbr a p, rt ot the stock, 6Aftc
llichlndti.di, DAk Company-[fPassed l/ch thl 1819.]  1 .
1. Be it enacted byftie Giealssenibly, That it shall be lat .  mornfytho,,,s.d,
fat' for theirdsident and directors Pf i hoard f  ublic W.orks, dllar,.lube I.-er+i
f ,. ith-.r' sde  an+ +--,t s'  of  ti, - lio     I -  -  A,| ill -rlis-1lAT  1117  lm.
to subscibe;on behlf of the Cmnmonwealth,,to the stock of the Vwi,.,u.,o,%va
Ri   idnd  )ock: ~ni p ny,,c sum    of fifty. thou and dlia   Ks . l,,rt.d Dk
ippn,tlie ieteins recounnendd by' the Board of Public Works in
.ihir ha+t Inunal report.
.2. 'ii.g act shil bein force fiomthpte passin'g thereof.
clJ[ .A'ER XUA..-n act to smspent the second setiioll of the act,
er titled, ' a, act to amend thcact to improve the'nlav;gatinil of AMon-
oa'r'aia river.  And for other prposes. '-I'asled AYreh 10th,'1819.] :
1. lle it.enacited by /he Gene'al .sseiably, ,.'hat the Secoid .second ,retm or
section of the act of the Generall Assembily, entitled, ,4 n act to a'c suapi'dtil.
amend the act to improve th'e navigation of Minomglia river,
passed. the nineteenth of Februilay  18:1,S, is hereby suspended
in  its  operatioal.  
2. .uthd be itfnrlhe'ecnaeled, That'the B1oard or Ptuldic Works'    o
shall, with fill convenient di.ptitch, cause to be made a survey of Works to ,,ie the
the Monorgaha'liver and its braniches, as is by the act hicorpora- her to im ur.ytil. 
ting the coopany aforesaid dirccted to' bitL rlerleCd flavigable,
and an estimate of' the probable cost of aecohiplishing the same ;
either by the public Engineer, Or sonic other skilful person ap.
proved by them.
S. hel be it-farthlher enfwted, That whenever such a Sll'Vey and WIm.'; irt
estimate shill be made out, ani returinid to tie loard of Public Ilef,. to 116-1..- of
tt,. euo hiwsary, to
Works, the said Iloardi shall be aididi;tWed, if they deelii it exp e-  it',, .iol,-
dielnt, to subsciibe two fttis iof.thesuni unecesSilily, to be paid lit
four a/nual instalments, in conformity vilh the provisions of the
genera[ act constitutinga fund for internal improvenelnt.
4. This act shall be in force from the passing thereof.  Commnencaseint.
IIIAPTIER 1,.-AIl ac tholi:hllizig the Prl'cs itt and Directors (if Ilie
Board of PIublic Wovks to loal it slll1 of mn;aytv to the IDinial SwIzlnp
Canald Compainy.-[P'assed March 10th, 119.]
!- lie it enacted by the General Is:semnbly, That it shall be law-  . rnnaos1 mete to
fill for the president and directors of thv iamrd of Public 1Vorks, c lulal
at their discretion, to loan, on behalf  f the Commonwealth, to
the Dismal Swamp Canal Company, the sum of fifty thousand
dollars, or such part thereof as their funds will justify. taking -
into view the claims already on the Boart, and such other public
improvements as the Legsiature may hereafter direct the Board
of Public Works to subscribe to.
2. rhis act shall be in foree from thepassing thereof.   -Commncnecmntr.
C IIAI'IEt IA-An act to amortl and revive an act, ihicorporatlg it com-
lpany for the purpose ofcleariu'g and rentlering ni.rlKkgl)le Nottowaiy
river, passed Februhanry 8tl, 1812.-[ 'ased Febi uary 23d, 1819.]
Whereas the opening and. rendering navigable the river Notto- rrrmwe.
way, f'om the town of-'hlonroe, situated on the said river, in the
county of Southampton, to William Parhum's.mill, in the county
of Sussex, is an object of importance to many of the citizens of
this Commonwealth, and many persons are willing to subscribe

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