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An Act concerning Thomas Fox. 1817 216 (1817)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0281 and id is 1 raw text is: IN TFTt FOUTY-SECOND TEA.t OF-THIE COMMONWEALTHI.

over make oath that the said slave was not brought into this Com-
monwealth for the purpose of sale 3 and, within sixty days there-
after, shall return such statement, togethe; w ith a certificate f' the
said oath, to the court ofthe same county. there to l4e recorded.
lauiianei,.incut.  2. This act shall be iii force fromh the passing thereof.
(D'issed 'ebruarr 20th, 1818.)
CIAPTIR CC'IV.--.An Act conecrahig Thomas Fox. -
Prmmlde.         WHEREAS it appears to the General Assembly, that fle
coulity Court of Shenlandoa o(id conldeul to death Ibv the crime
n1' burglry a negro man slave, by the nanlle of Hercules, the pro-
pni'ty of 'lhimnas Fox. valted at lob. hundi'ed dollars ; who, before
his execution, broke jail and made his escape, and has never since
been heard olf:
A    or,,,n,,ey r di  1. h it therefore eiacted, That the sum ol four hundred dollars,
31,1', irt a..,, the Vale of the said negro man sl;tve I Iercules, be paid to the said
all   , ,.,.id,,ll,,. I'1 honas Fox  anil the auditor of'lu blic accouIts is hereby aol ho-
rised and i   r'( ied to issle a wi alilt ii li the treasury for le salile,
to him. his reprseiitative or I'elreselotlti hes, to be laid 00t oif any
Pslf iO. a.on ie hlers i'n :  lniled, 'l'hat, f'rill m id after tile pa ilsg-e of this
act, Ile ighJt nf propert in the said slave shall be and i-s hereby
vested in tile C oliioIwnllth.
. 'Lliis act shiall be ill force from the paqsin therei'F'.
(I 'ass'd Feb ruary 4th, 1818.)
CH! \ I'TiElt CCV.-A n Act coelccr161  Richlard [larris.
.Adli'ninl ioin ,,-  1. BE it enicted bq lh' Gruera! sse'ilq, T hat tile sum of four
lhiX,,,r ork .....hoh'ed a i se%'elitv, t o dollars aInd Iiletv-Itwo centls, is hereby
o,, t| .      allowe to l ichar dllar is, a' ad1ditioal cvllipe nsa tioii f'r extra
110 rltl u Counlli t y. 1 a ll owe  toR c al s  .  d ito
work (one on ile arsen al ii en i Lw'mi oiili, ill tie ucouity If Rock.
briire ; which said a'sel'o Ivis built; in del COltract with tile go-
verior of Vi'giia, in tihe vealr ei-hiten hund red and sixteen, by
tile said Harris ; anld the auditor o f public accounts is authorised
and reqiihed to issue a wartiant olr warrants oil the treasury, to
hm or is i'presenlative for the saine, to be paid out of any mo-
he y therein inot otherwise appiopria;v .
%;,mlincri¢nemt.  2. This act shall be in force frmii the passing thereof.
(Passedl 1,'bi'aavq 1 (3h4,118,)
Ci IAP'II CCVI.--.An conecrniini Wil-a.n 1Iaxidl .f the town of' Peters.
Co,ut.,,ia;nn m,de  1. BE it etiac ed bl the GeuL'al dssenlibli, That (he auditor of
1i  1m~ilh .ll  loig
imi,,,  1 Vi,.il. public accoulits is hereby authtised and reuired to issu e a war-
lrtc ,ud ,0 ll. 161. rallt oil fhe ti'easu'y to William llaxall, fi)l. nile hund'ed and fifty
dollars. tie ainol lit iif the Va liilon of' his h se inmpressed in the
town of' Petersburg, ol 0o' about tle moti h lt February eighteen
huindre and thirt eeii, for the  se if captaiii 11i(ary Ilet 'is tompa-
ny of cavali'y, when oil their  ai' ,:h to Norfolk ; to be paid out of
any ilonies therein not oilie i'wISW i~l)'   p  riated.
Ohtw,r erni, silta  2. ,ndci- it fli'thee ticted, Th v ( (he audilor of public account&
bi   ,,t'Alle 611.' if is also hereby ;ut01ior0Sed aad reI' ii'ed to issue a warrant on the
0i., 1uPi;ijofthe tl'eaiisoy fin' the ill) oh I'tl)-selvelil dollars and eighty-seven cents,'
:~ :          to the said William Haxal lleintg tile aniount paid by hinm for the
State stunmps on the blunik notes not used by him, at the time of

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