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An Act concerning certain lots in the town of Petersburg. 1817 176 (1817)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0271 and id is 1 raw text is: ,1Z             IN TRE FORTY-SECOND YNEAR OF T.IIE COMMONWEAZr,TI,
person or person-, entiled thereto, or the conscnt of the partiel
so cntitled shall be obtained, the street aforesaid shall ie opened.
?tAi.          3. Provided ahwys, Tliatt nothing herein contained shall be so
consltrued, as t6 atlhorise the court of the said town to levy any
 eneral tax or assessment, on tle poperty within the same, for
*the purpoIse al'u.residl.                              -             -
Commercemenl.  4.  hish act shall be in force from the passing thereof.
(Passed Jauuary 2 1h, to IB.)
CIhAIT'UL CXXV.-An Act concerning certa i lots in tile town or
.Ali.n .relrad  1. B' it eacld by the General .1h .issembl, That it shall be
Sl., .irW.l ill the lawfulm fr JLi It.. Archer, aid Frances C. hi wiife to lilh. tic
tm.ry RI. the  bill il (he Superoir Court of' Chiancery for (he Richmond Distict,
WKChmuAn, liurie. particularl die cribing certain hts in the town of reterabrg,
Iviclh the said lFrancei C. inherited from ler lather, John Tabb,
deceased, aund which ire now settled by marriae contract upon
the issoe ofI their marriage ; wll paitiic'darly dL'cribiu1  suhI.
other reali property a.id slave  as the said Ajrcler and  wiili may
be desiraus of haoiji purchased, with the lmiuds arisiaog from lh'e
sale of the lots arre~aid ; wid mak;ugr the inflait ch,-el, of the
said Archer antd wife, by their grandmother, Fances 'labb, or
Some other of thi. Iear reh tives, parties defelldallts ; a ll- the said
court shall have Jurisdiction over the sublject matter stated ill the
outimmervc-  bill afo'resaid.  it' it shall appear la said court that the s-aid in-
thertupwll td .-e  .
s4 ,* , ,i I,,it fallts, or isue of tile m'rriage between said Archer and wife, will
poilup.'l ih  not be injured I). Tn exehaotg of said lots. or either of them, for
iuel'o1 ir n. i i- the real .e.perty aitd slavei to be il.:;c1ihed as aforesaid, it shall
he lawful for the said court to decree that a s:ile of the said hlts or
Ommdi to  he Iri,.t. lot be olad e, iinll the olo,ey a,'isi:,,-g from lithe sale invested il
at i,% e  llna pe'c-
p.vta,,,,tst  such real property and slav!s as ninyv be described in the bill, to
psit'i' ik i....  e conveyed to trustees and settled and secured for the benefit of
Mr.. 't          sate persons, and in the smm'w pi'oportions, and to the samie
rig!Its and restrictions as the said its in the towu of Petersburg
are utow conveyed, sewtiled, ..cu.ed and subjected.
Co..,;nner,n Ir  2. .qud be it i'1iler emded, That the .'aid court may appoint
 llr. ito.,-. ct) commis.itnners to carry sulch tfecree into ll*ct anl to reiort their
proceedin-s to tlw co-irt. stiect to the final decree of the court.
CbSattemu. ,it.  3. This act shall be in force from lte pas.sing thereof.
*                             (Passed Jmnuar,'29th, 1818.)
CtHAPTFR CXX VL-An Act exteili.'g Washi,ton-strect.in the lorough
of Norolk.
RINoiI, court al.  1. IE it ene'ed by the Genrera; .'issenibl, That the Colrt of
whi,,     t o the Iorhu gh of Norhik shall be, and they are herelblatthorised
Ile Ifflud'mul I, and mliij!,,wered t) caimsc the street in the said iforough. called
Washiiu(on.street, (or the street between tle F'armers'. Bulk, di al
the r(sidence ni ,iles King,) to be opened and txtevided Its pre-
sent width from its termination om the western, side of Jioush-
street, 1n1ll it ilitersects with l)uke-street.
1c,,mi,,...m   9. Be it farther enact.d,. That Mhs Kiin,. Robert Brought
,ir ic t, ,,y,,    , v Ilerron, Fracis Taylor.  Vright Soithgate, Fortescue
,eiYo. hWhittle andl Harrison Altlold,'or any lIree of' them, 01all be
commissiouers for laying ti' the Haid stree.t attended by a sui'-

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